
August 2, 1994 - Part 7

August 2, 1994 - Part 7
Clip: 460319_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10071
Original Film: 102879
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(19:55:18) The CHAIRMAN. What happened, Senator Boxer, I have tried at every point to accommodate Senators who have made special requests or who have run over or at some particular point have need, ed to proceed for a moment. I've tried to do that with everyone her( and will continue to try to do that. Senator D'Amato just asked me if he could have a moment here to make this point. You never know how long somebody is going go when you do that. Senator BOXER. I'm going to as you the same thing The CHAIRMAN. We're not going to go much longer. I do not think he's asked to go much longer. Senator DAMATO. I'm just trying to make this point. Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, could I inquire for the proceed ings for the evening, is it your intention to go until we finish to night or is there a possibility we might tie the witness The CHAIRMAN. Yes. Senator KERRY. I'm just curious. The CHAIRMAN. My intention would be to proceed as we did yes, terday. We may very well take a break here if the witness wants one , as we did last night, and that we continue until every Senator who has remaining questions to ask has the chance to ask them. I have not discussed this with Mr. Altman. When I put that question yesterday in your presence to Ms. Hanson, it was her wish as we I I despite the fact that she was tired, that she stay and finish as opposed to, cutting it off and then coming back another day. So it will be my intention to continue tonight as long as we need to so Senators can have the time they need. In yielding for a moment to Senator D'Amato, let me just say to anybody here, to Senator Boxer or anybody else, if you want 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 more question periods, we'll take them. We're not going to leave here until every Senator is satisfied. 465 Senator BOXER. Mr. Chairman, that is the point. The point is we should go in order, and I appreciate that Senator D'Amato is very concerned about this. Well, so am I, and so is Senator Bryan who 's been waiting hours and the rest of us with the Senate, I would just like to insist that the Chair be fair here. I mean, he's a gentleman, he's a scholar, and be's a fine, fair Chairman, but I think we should go in order and then at the end of the evening those who want to be here until 1 a.m., 2 a.m. in the morning, let be here until 1 a.m., 2 a.m. in the morning. Senator MURRAY. Mr. Chairman, let me just add that when you first made your announcement I calculated that I would be asking questions about 8:10 p.m. It's now about 9:40 p.m. As the last person here, I would really appreciate it if you could keep it to the time. The CHAIRMAN. I think what we're bearing is a request that we stick to the time clock. I understand that and let's Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, the only thing I want to come back to is, I don't know if we heard from the witness, in fairness, whether or not he would like to break for a moment. He's been on-I I ' not trying to change the routine, but I think we ought to just ascertain it. Mr. ALTMAN. I would like a 5- or 10-minute break. I'm prepared To go a little further. It doesn't have to be this moment. Senator BRYAN, Let me suggest that Senator DAmato's question be responded to, and we take a break, and perhaps, if it doesn't get a anybody too upset, I'd like to ask a couple. The CHAIRMAN. You're next in the order, Senator Bryan. Senator DODD. You have a lot of nerve, Senator. [Laughter.] The CHAIRMAN. Then what I'm going to do is-we've navigated a lot of tense moments here. Everybody is tired. I understand that-and people want to have their chance and they will do so. Can you finish in 30 seconds? And if Mr. Altman has a response, give it, and then we'll take a break for 10 minutes and then well resume Senator DAMATO. It will take about 2 minutes, but I think it's important and if my colleagues would just bear me out, you'll understand why. We have established there was a meeting on the 3rd, that you called the White House, that you got Ickes. There happens to be a controversy over Maggie Williams saying that she got the call, but anyway, she recalls being at this meeting. Mr. Ickes recalls being at the meeting. Mr. Eggleston, of the White House staff, recalls being at the meeting. Ms. Hanson showed up, she got there late when it had been concluded, and essentially it was for you to advise him you bad decided to stay on, and not recuse yourself. Is that fair? Mr. ALTMAN. I said I would not be recusing myself for the time being Senator DAMATO. Fine. OK Good. Now, I refer you to February 24 and when we bad our hearing. At that hearing, I said as it related to-after you revealed that there was a meeting on February 9" I said did any of- oh, did anyone request this meeting? How did this meeting come about? This is the meeting you told us about. This is about the meeting on February 2. 466 Mr. Altman, you responded "I requested the meeting." I then asked you, "Was there any other meeting that may have been requested?" Mr. Altman, you said, "No----' Mr. Altman, you told us clearly no and that happens not to be the case.