
August 2, 1994 - Part 6

August 2, 1994 - Part 6
Clip: 460302_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10070
Original Film: 102877
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(00:09:08)(tape #10070 begins) Commentary of hearings hosts DON BODE and NINA TOTENBERG from tv studio, they also talk with STEVE ROBERTS of U.S. News and World Report (09:17:13) Hearing resumes: The CHAIRMAN. The Committee will come to order. Let me invite everyone to find a seat. We have a few Members coming back from the vote who have not yet arrived and in deference to every Member and to Mr. Altman as well, I'm going to let Senator D'Amato go ahead with his first round of questioning. Then if we're pretty much all reassembled, I'm going to take the time to show the videotape, and that way everyone will have the chance to see it. If that's acceptable, I'm going to call on Senator D'Amato now for his first round of questioning. Senator D'AMATO. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Altman, let's go back to the night of February 23, about 5:30 p.m. Do you recall having called me at my office? Mr. ALTMAN. I recall that we had a conversation that evening, Senator. 419 Senator D'AMATO. You called me ostensibly for the purpose of advising me that you were considering, the White House was consid- ering, a nominee to take over ashead of the RTC; is that correct? Mr ALTMAN That may have been why I called. I don't recall pre cisely, but that sounds right. Senator D'AMATO. Let me refresh your recollection. You called me specifically for that and you mentioned Mr. Larry Simon. Do you recall now? Mr. ALTMAN. I recall having a conversation with you about that, Senator DAMATO. Then you went on further to say, would I meet with Mr. Simon? You said, you did not want to put forth his nomination unless I felt comfortable with it, and I said have Larry call me. Do you recall that? Mr. ALTMAN. Yes, sir. Senator D'AMATO. I went on to say to you, and I find it rather ironic because the very next day you used this language, I think You referred to "heads up." I said I want to give you a "heads up." Pre going to ask you tomorrow about the issue of recusal because I believe you're in an untenable position. Do you remember that? Mr ALTMAN. I remember you said you were going to ask me Senator DAMATO. Do you remember me telling you we're going to ask you if you had any contacts, you or the Treasury, with the White House as it relates to Madison/Whitewater? Do you recall that? Mr. ALTMAN. No, I don't recall that specifically. Senator D'AMATO. That is specifically the conversation. Thereafter, I believe you had occasion to speak to Mr. Ickes, is that true, about 5:30 p.m., a little after 5:30 p.m., didn't you have a telephone conversation with Mr. Ickes? Mr. ALTMAN. I spoke to Mr. Ickes that afternoon, I don't know if it was before or after your call. Senator D'AMATO. Did you speak to Mr. Ickes about the question of Whitewater and recusal? Mr. ALTMAN. I recall saying to Mr. Ickes that I intended to announce in my testimony on February 24, 1 would be stepping down as RTC Chairman on the scheduled expiration date of March 30. Senator D'AMATO. So you had a contact with Mr. Ickes as it related to the recusal and as it related Mr. ALTMAN. No, Senator. I don't recall any conversation between myself and Mr. Ickes on recusal. Senator DAMATO. Fine, Do you recall the 24th you came in and you testified before us? Mr. ALTMAN. Yes, sir. Senator DAMATO. All right. Let me refer you to the same question that I advised you was going to be asked, you see, because we had prepared those questions and Senator Gramm wanted to raise that issue, and he did: