
August 1, 1994 - Part 9

August 1, 1994 - Part 9
Clip: 460227_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10064
Original Film: 102871
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(22:30:17)(Tape #10063 ends) it was not intended to be a full description of those contacts. Senator BOND. Ms. Hanson I it does say, "I would appreciate it if you would amend the record accordingly." When Mr. Altman called me that evening, on March 2, 1994, 1 was struck then, as I am struck in your answer now, that the thing that seems to drive YOU to correct the inaccuracies in the testimony to the Congress, was the fact that the truth was going to come out in the newspaper. I would hope there would be a somewhat greater responsibility that you would feel as an attorney, when you have information that makes you aware your client is clearly, actively, and demonstrably misleading Congress, to advise your client to correct the record, or at least indicate that there was a question which would have to be clarified later. I find that to be extremely troubling. Ms. HANSON. Sir, I think you have mischaracterized what I have said and what I did. I have said that that letter was not intended to be a full response to your questions. That letter was sent, as a courtesy, so that the Committee would be aware of those two additional contacts before the article appeared in the paper. What was left still to be done, sir, was to review the whole transcript, and to respond to the questions that we understood were coming. We understood that there were going to be many of them. I fully expected that every single contact, between the RTC, the Treasury, and the White House, on these matters, was going to be fully and completely laid out. However, as I've stated, I received a Grand Jury subpoena and I did not have an opportunity, even to read the transcript, until after the subpoena was served. What I expected to happen didn't happen, when the March 2, 1994, letter was done. During the course of that week I had no expectation that anything, other than what I thought was going to happen, which was a thorough, care ful, orderly review of the record, and correction and completion in answering of questions, was going to occur. I really-and I am I really resent your statement about my professionalism. Senator BoND. Ms. Hanson, if there's anyone who has something to resent-1 feel that you did not deal properly with us. Let me ask you, since you did ask specifically for, and looked at, the tape in which those questions were asked. There were two questions you said you focused on. You didn't need to wait for the transcript. You saw that on the tape. You were there in real life, you saw it on tape, and you still did not feel obliged to tell your client that he should correct his testimony. You didn't need the whole transcript, because the question was raised about the accuracy of the response to the question I addressed to Mr. Altman. You went back and looked at the tape, I believe we gathered from your earlier discussion, and you saw, then and there, did you not, that he misled us, that he did not Ms. HANSON. Sir, as I stated, we looked at the tape on March 1, 1994. Overnight, I created-I worked on those questions and answers and tried to get an understanding in my own mind. We put together a letter, which was not, in my mind, the letter that would have been put together if we had bad more time, and we sent that letter in. By no-I did not expect that to be a full and complete re 185 sponse to your question, sir. That's not what I understood that letter to be.