
August 1, 1994 - Part 8

August 1, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460220_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10063
Original Film: 102870
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(22:00:50) Ms. HANSON. First of all, I disagree with that characterization Senator KERRY. Let me read the letter of March 2, 1994, to you, Dear Senator Riegle, I testified before your Committee, last Thursday, in connection with the semiannual oversight hearings on the RTC. There was a discussion, as you remember, of a meeting which I -had with representatives of the White House. As I indicated, no nonpublic information was provided to that meeting on any aspect of Madison Guaranty. That's not accurate. The next paragraph Ms. HANsON. Sir. 176 Senator KERRY. Senator Bond Ms. HANSON. Could I answer that? If you're going to tell there are inaccuracies in this letter, then, I think I should have the opportunity to give an explanation. The CHAIRMAN. You should. Here's the problem we're running into. You've been on the stand 5 hours now. It's 10 p.m. There are questions Senator KERRY. I don't want to raise a question. I think it's un- fair to her, the Administration, or anybody to raise a question -not answered. I really don't want to do that. I also don't want to take too long- Senator DAMATO. In fairness to the witness The CHAIRMAN. Senator Kerry, that letter's there, You've read part of it. Why don't you give your response and, then, I want to make a recommendation as to bow I think we might try to conclude this evening. Senator KERRY. Let me leave the final part of this. The last paragraph reads: But I have learned, today, of two conversations which dictate place between Treasury staff and White House personnel in this matter. Again, that is not correct. I think you knew at the time it wasn't correct., because your own testimony has indicated that you had the prior conversations and wrote the memo to Mr. Altman himself. Ms. HANSON. Sir, if I might, please--- Senator KERRY. Absolutely. That's exactly what we want. Ms. HANSON. I have testified, under oath, now numerous times on this matter. I'm a lawyer. I have a clear recollection of having spoken with Mr. Altman. I did not recall it at the time I did these questions. At the time the letter, the March 2, 1994, letter, was sent, and I read it, I didn't draft it, but I read it, Mr. Altman's recollection, that he bad just learned about them, was consistent with mine. I later learned-I later recalled that I had spoken with him about it. I didn't recall it at the time the letter was written. As I said that's part of the difficulty in trying to do things in a piecemeal fashion. I also could, sir, in response to your statement that there was a statement in the first paragraph of the letter that was wrong, that says no nonpublic information was furnished Senator KERRY, At that time, it was not public. Ms. HANSON. I understood that sentence, as I read it, to relate to the substantive underlying civil investigation of the Madison civil matter. That's what I understood it to say. That was correct, because there was no substantive information on the underlying Madison civil investigation. Senator KERRY. We're going back. I don't want to abuse this process. Mr. Chairman, let me just say, I thank you. I think it's very important to hammer away at this, to try to clarify it, because this is central to all of our concerns, and I want to make sure you have adequate opportunity to address it. The CHAIRMAN. It's a very important predicate to tomorrow's witnesses. I mean, I think that's been made clear on both sides. Let me just say to my colleagues, I'd like to see if we can't arrive at an understanding as to how we can finish ton' lit. The witness has been there a long time, and I think it's tough to be there when 177 you're facing off against a large number of people. That's the nature of things. You've made your points and you've held up very well, which is to your credit. I'd like to see if we can't finish up no longer than a half hour from now. I don't know that it should take that long. I don't want to be arbitrary. Senator DAmato has asked to next. I've talked to Senator Bennett.