
August 1, 1994 - Part 7

August 1, 1994 - Part 7
Clip: 460206_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10062
Original Film: 102875
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(21:00:37) Senator HATCH. Michael Levy or Levy-I don't know how you pronounce it-who also works at Treasury, was part of this discussion you and Mr. Steiner had with Treasury. Is that correct? Ms. HANSON. That's correct. I had several conversations with Mr. Steiner, but there was one where Mr. Levy was present. Senator HATCH. Mr. Levy pointed out that lawyers hire lawyers based on their expertise as lawyers. Isn't that, basically, what he said? Ms. HANSON. That's my recollection. Senator HATCH. You agreed with him. Right? Ms. HANSON. That's right. Senator HATCH. Around this time, either Mr. Altman or Mr. Steiner telephoned you to ask how Jay Stephens had been hired. Is that correct? Ms. HANSON. I was asked. I don't recall if it was in a telephone conversation. Senator HATCH. Do you remember whether it was Mr. Altman or Mr. Steiner who called you at that time? Ms, HANSON. I don't recall. I believe that my conversations were with Mr. Steiner, but I don't recall. Senator HATCH. You told Mr. Altman or Mr. Steiner that Mr. Stephens was hired through the normal RTC contracting procedures. Isn't that what you said? Ms. HANSON. That's correct. Senator HATCH. In fact, you said that you were certain this was the case. Ms. HANSON. That's correct. Senator HATCH. But Mr. Altman or Mr. Steiner, nonetheless, insisted that you check to see if there was anything irregular in the process in which Jay Stephens was hired. Ms. HANSON. I was asked to check Senator HATCH. Double-check it. Ms. HANSON. To double-check how he was hired. Senator HATCH. You understood, at the time, Mr. Steiner was extremely unhappy with the fact that Jay Stephens bad been hired. Isn't that right? Ms. HANSON. I wouldn't say-I wouldn't characterize it as extremely unhappy, but yes. Senator HATCH. He was unhappy. Ms. HANSON. Yes, be was unhappy. Senator HATCH. In another conversation with Mr. Steiner, be asked you whether the RTC civil action could be given to the Whitewater Independent Counsel, Robert Fiske, rather than Ellen Kulka or Jay Stephens. Isn't that correct? 162 Ms. HANSON. I understood the question was whether the Independent Counsel could assume jurisdiction of the RTC Investiga-tion. Senator HATCH. That was in another conversation with Steiner, he asked you whether the RTC civil action could be given to the Whitewater Independent Counsel instead of the other two, Kulka or Stephens. Ms. HANSON I understood it to be Stephens. Senator HATCH. Right. You also knew, didn't you, that Mr. Steiner was receiving calls from the White House about Jay, Stephens? Ms. HANSON. I understood that. Senator HATCH. Let me go back to that other question. In an- other conversation with Steiner, as I understand it, according to your deposition, he asked you whether the RTC civil action could be given to Whitewater Independent Counsel Fiske rather than to Kulka or Stephens. Do you remember stating that in your deposi- tion? Ms. HANSON. Rather than Stephens? Senator HATCH. Rather than Fiske excuse me, than Kulka or Stephens. Ms. HANSON. Rather than Stephens, not Kulka- Senator HATCH. Kulka and Stephens. Ms. HANSON. She's the General Counsel of the RTC. Senator HATCH. I mean Kulka and Stephens, yes. I think your deposition says , "I also recall a conversation with Mr. Steiner in which he asks whether the Independent Counsel could take over the civil investigation in lieu of Mr. Stephens," and it goes on from there. Do you remember saying that? Ms. HANSON. Do I remember saying what? Senator HATCH. In your deposition that I just read to you. Ms. HANSON. Yes, I do. Senator HATCH. And that's accurate? Ms. HANSON. To my recollection, yes. Senator HATCH. You also knew, didn't you, that Mr. Steiner was receiving calls from the White House about Jay Stephens? Ms. HANSON. Yes, sir. Senator HATCH. In fact, Mr. Steiner told you the people at the White House wanted to see if they could get rid of Jay Stephens. Isn't that correct? Ms. HANSON. That is correct. He did say that. He said-what I recall him saying is, "Do you believe that they want to see if they can get rid of Jay Stephens and everyone agreed and understood that was ridiculous." Senator HATCH. Do you recall what dates those conversations took place? Ms. HANSON. It's my recollection that they took place after the testimony-the end of the day-later in the day, on February 2 , 1994, possibly running over to the morning of February 25, 1994. Senator HATCH. And others may have been several days earlier? Ms. HANSON. Others? Senator HATCH. With Steiner? Ms. HANSON. No, they were all within a very close time frame. 163 Senator HATCH. But some of them may have taken place on February 25, 1994. MS. HANSON. I just don't recall, sir. It all happened within a very brief time frame. (20:05:12)(Tape #10062 ends)