
August 1, 1994 - Part 7

August 1, 1994 - Part 7
Clip: 460204_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10062
Original Film: 102875
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(20:50:26) Ms. HANSON. He didn't state a preference, sir. He brought it to my attention and suggested that it be brought to Mr. Altman's attention. Senator HATCH. But, again, at that time, Mr. Nussbaum expressed his concern to you that Ms. Kulka was tough. Ms. HANSON. That was in the meeting on February 2, 1994. Senator HATCH. It's true, isn't it, that you pass on to Mr. Altman Mr. Nussbaum's suggestion that the Special Counsel should be, or could be, given jurisdiction over the RTC civil claims? Ms. HANsON. There was a question as to whether the Independent Counsel's charter covered the RTC Senator HATCH. Right, but you passed that on to Mr. Altman? Ms. HANSON. Yes, I did. Senator HATCH. As of February 4, 1994, Mr. Nussbaum and Mr. Altman understood that the statute of limitations on RTC civil actions would expire on February 28, 1994. Right? Ms. HANSON. That's right. Senator HATCH. You called Ms. Kulka the next morning? Ms. HANSON. I did. Senator HATCH. That was Saturday, February 5, 1994? Ms. HANSON. That's In ' right. Senator HATCH. You telephoned Ms. Kulka at home. Right? Ms. HANSON. That's correct. Senator HATCH. You told her that Mr. Nussbaum had proposed that Mr. Fiske might take over the RTC civil action, didn't you? MS. HANSON. What I recall, of that conversation, was that there was a question as to what the Independent Counsel's charter 158 meant and what the terms-because it said-as I recall it, and I don't have it in front of me-criminal or civil cases, and there war, a question as to what the "or civil" referred to Senator HATCH. But Nussbaum bad said that Fiske could take over the civil action. Ms. HANSON. No, that's not my recollection. He just brought it to- my recollection is that he just brought it to my attention, Senator HATCH. Isn't it true that Ms. Kulka reminded you that you and she had already spoken to Mr. Fiske on a prior occasion? Ms. HANSON. I had never spoken with Mr. Fiske, sir. She had spoken with Mr. Fiske. Senator HATCH. I see. You and Ms. Kulka, or at least Ms. Kulka discussed with him the scope of the investigation. Is that correct? Ms. HANSON. I don't know, exactly, what Ms. Kulka discussed with Mr. Fiske. Senator HATCH. In your February 5, 1994, phone call-let me just read from page 421, Counselor, in your answer, you said, "Ms. Kulka had, an I had, spoken with Mr. Fiske on a prior occasion, Mr. Fiske, the Independent Counsel. And she said it was her impression from speaking with Mr. Fiske, that be was not interested in taking jurisdiction over the RTC civil investigation." Ms. HANSON. Is that from my Senator HATCH. That's, from your Ms. HANSON. I haven haven bad an opportunity to review it, but I think, if you read that through again, it's clear that the "and/or I" is not right, because that's a conversation that she had, that she's telling me about. Senator HATCH. Fine. In your February 5, 1994, phone call, I believe Ms. Kulka told you, it was her impression, that Mr. Fiske would not be interested in pursuing the civil claims. Ms. HANSON. Yes. Senator HATCH. You telephoned Mr. Nussbaum on February 8, 1994. Is that right? Ms. HANSON. On an unrelated matter, and thanked him for having brought the charter to my attention. Senator HATCH. At the time you called him, you, were of the view that the RTC civil case would not be handed over to Mr. Fiske. Isn't that correct? Ms. HANSON. I don't recall that I discussed it with him in that telephone call. It was my understanding, from speaking with Ms. Kulka, that Mr. Fiske had indicated to her that he-a disinclination to take the RTC civil investigation, even if his jurisdiction was sufficiently broad to cover it. Senator HATCH. But you conveyed your viewpoint to Mr. Nussbaum? Ms. HANSON. I don't recall that I did. Senator HATCH. Am I out of The CHAIRMAN. We're going to try to stick to the lights here. I don't want to foreclose. Do you have a follow-up question just to this? Senator HATCH. I have a number of them that would be followup. Senator DAmATo. I'll yield to you later. The CHAiRmAN. Senator Murray. 159 Senator MURRAY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Ms. Hanson, earlier today, Stephen Katsanos, who's the Communications Director of the RTC, suggested that you had sent the September 30 1993, Early Bird, and a cover memo, to the White House. I have that memo here, and it's directed to Mr. Altman. Did you also send it to the White House? Ms. HANSON. No, I did not. I did send an Early Bird to the White House at some point. I don't recall which one it was, but I, certainly, didn't send the memo to the White House. Senator MURRAY. You did not send this memo to the White House? Ms. HANSON. No, I did not. Senator MURRAY. Do you know why Mr. Katsanos said that you did?