
August 1, 1994 - Part 7

August 1, 1994 - Part 7
Clip: 460194_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10062
Original Film: 102875
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(20:00:43) Senator SARBANES. I understand that, but the point is not insignificant. Because your initial version, if I take what you said here, is that you talked to Mr. Nussbaum as it were, on your own volition, that you were an independent actor bringing to Mr. Nussbaum's attention the information which you had learned from the RTC. Would that be a correct reading if I accept these questions and answers? Ms. HANSON. That was my initial recollection, and it was not right, sir. Senator Sarbanes. How could you go astray on such an important point as to whether, in talking to Mr. Nussbaum, you were an independent actor proceeding on your own volition, as these questions and answers would suggest, or, as your questions and answers now suggest, that you were acting at Mr. Altman's behest and direction? Ms. HANSON. Sir, I have a clear recollection of having had a conversation about this matter with Mr. Altman. I would not have gone to see Mr. Nussbaum without the authorization and direction of Mr. Altman. I did not have that kind of relationship with Mr. Nussbaum. My contacts with him were extremely limited. Senator SARBANES. I understand that. Then why Ms. HANSON. In addition, the memorandum of September 30, 1993, that was subsequently located, confirms that Mr. Altman was aware of my conversations with Mr. Nussbaum and specifically states that I bad spoken with Mr. Nussbaum and Mr. Sloan. Senator SARBANES. Mr. Chairman, I'm trespassing on people's time. If I could just ask The CHAIRMAN. Yes. Just one more, but I am going to try to keep this more in bounds. Why don't you go ahead and do that. Senator Sarbanes. As I understand it, at some point you said 0 that going To talk to Mr. Nussbaum is not something I would do of my own volition. Is that correct, you testified to that effect? Ms. HANSON. I have just stated that I Senator SARBANES. You've said it now and youve said it where, too, I think in your deposition. Ms. HANSON. I don't recall that, sir. Senator SARBANES. But your view, now, is that this is not some-thing you would have done of your own accord? Ms. HANSON. That's my view. Senator SARBANES. Then, how did you set out a set of questions and answers which would suggest that you did do it of your own accord? Ms, HANSON. As I stated Senator SARBANES. Leaving aside this recollection problem, obviously, this set of answers, in effect, makes the point that you went on your own. You're now telling us you certainly would never go on your own, because that's not something you. would do. How, then, did you set out a set of questions and answers whose essential premise is that you acted on your own? Ms. HANSON. As I stated, that was my initial attempt to start refreshing my recollection. I have also stated that I accept full responsibility for making the decision-for talking with Mr. Nussbaum. I wouldn't hide behind an authorization from Mr. Altman as a shield for doing that. But I do, sir, have a clear recollection of having spoken with him. That came to me within the days after I prepared those questions and answers as I was searching for an understanding and a recollection of what the events in the fall, actually, had been. Senator SARBANES. My time's up. Thank you. Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Chairman, just a point of inquiry, how long do you intend to go tonight? The CHAIRMAN. I'd like to finish with this witness, if we can. It will depend, partly, on how many more Senators want to have a question period. I don't have a clear indication of that yet, but I'd like to try to finish with this witness tonight so we can start with a fresh panel tomorrow morning. We have Treasury witnesses scheduled, so I think we should try to do this if we possibly can. If the Members want to give me an indication, one by one, as to how much time they need---I think we've covered a good bit of ground and I don't want to foreclose any Senator, nor will I. I'll stay as long as it takes, and if the witness needs additional periods to nave a break, we'll do that as well. We've got to get this work done because we've got other witnesses we've got to bear from, Senator SASSER. Mr. Chairman, may I inquire, have all Senators had one round of questioning now? The CHAiRmAN. We've had the equivalent of that, although on the Republican side