
August 1, 1994 - Part 6

August 1, 1994 - Part 6
Clip: 460176_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10061
Original Film: 102869
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(18:20:18) Senator SASSER. I don't want to compromise the investigation. I think that's an important aspect of it. I think it's also an important aspect that the confidentiality be maintained to protect perhaps innocent citizens from defamation and damage to their character and integrity because of a referral that, really, might have no substance after the Justice Department examines it. Are there any penalties for the leaking of this-unauthorized disclosure of this information or for leaking it, to your knowledge? Ms. HANSON. It's a violation of RTC regulations, a violation of Office of Government Ethics regulations, and can be subject to personnel sanctions. 121 Senator SASSER. Mr. Roelle knew this was going on in the Washington office and he wanted to alert you to it. Did he make any statement as to what steps the RTC might be taking to try to stop this illegal and unauthorized disclosure of information? Ms. HANSON. No, sir. Senator SASSER. This whole series of events was triggered because of people in the employment of the Resolution Trust Corporation who were leaking this information in an unauthorized fashion. Were you simply being advised of this so you'd have a heads-up when it was coming, when it came in the press? Ms. HANSON. That's right, and all of the information that I was given by Mr. Roelle did appear in the press. Senator SASSER. As I understand it, from your previous testimony in the deposition, the information that appeared in the press was considerably more extensive than the information that had been given to you by Mr. Roelle, was it not? Ms. HANSON. That's correct. Senator SASSER. As a matter of fact, it even outlined the names of the various examiners-RTC examiners who were alluded to in the referrals. Didn't the press account give their names? Ms. HANSON. Of the investigators? Senator SASSER. Yes. Ms. HANSON. As I understand it, there has been significant information about the referrals that has appeared in the press for a very long time. Senator SASSER. Let me take you back, Ms. Hanson, to the meeting that you had on February 2, 1994. Did Mr. Altman, Roger Altman, the Deputy Secretary, at the February 2, 1994, meeting at the White House, inform the participants with regard to the Madison Savings & Loan that it was "unlikely the investigation could be completed, and then a recommendation made by the RTC Genera] Counsel, prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations"? In other words, do you have any recollection of Roger Altman making that statement in the meeting that it's unlikely Ms. HANSON. Quite-sorry. Senator SASSER. Go ahead. Ms. HANSON. Quite the contrary. In fact, the statement that he ,made and what was included in the talking points that he used for that discussion clearly stated that it was unclear when the investigation was going to be completed, but it certainly would be completed by February 28, 1994, which was consistent with my under,standing of what the RTC's position was. Senator SASSER. Can you give us any explanation of why Harold Ickes apparently recalls that Roger Altman made such a statement, that it could not be completed prior to February 28, 1994? MS. HANSON. I have no idea. Senator SASSER. Do you know of anybody else in the meeting who recalls Mr. Altman making that statement, other than Mr.Ickes? Ms. HANSON. I'm not familiar with anyone else's testimony sir, but it certainly wasn't made in my presence. Senator SASSER. Going back to the press leaks, did Mr. Roelle indicate that the Resolution Trust Corporation was going to try to 122 take any action to ferret out these leakers and deal with them an sort of administrative fashion? HANSON. No, sir. Senator SASSER. So he just seemed to be accepting the fact it here, we're going to send this confidential information to Washington ton and you better be on the look-out because it's going to be, the press shortly and you better know what it's about. Ms. HANSON. It seemed to be a fact of life at the RTC. Senator SASSER. I must say to you that I find that to be and I'm not-of course, you were a newcomer and didn't have much say about what goes on in the RTC operations, but I find it very dis-quieting that confidential information such as that would be routinely leaked, and that some in the RTC appear to have accepted that as a fact of life in the RTC Washington office.