
August 1, 1994 - Part 6

August 1, 1994 - Part 6
Clip: 460175_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10061
Original Film: 102869
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(18:15:35) Ms. HANSON. Did I ever get the information Senator D'AMATO. When Mr. Roelle called you and made reference to the nine criminal referrals, did he give you that information? Is that the information he gave you? Ms. HANSON. The information about the checks or the information about the Senator D'AMATo. About the nine referrals and did he give Ms. HANsoN. I don't recall hearing anything about checks from Mr. Roelle at all. Senator D'AMATO. But you do remember the nine criminal referrals? , Ms. HANsON. That's right. Senator MACK. The implication is that Mr. Lindsey learned about these checks from you. Ms. HANsON. I did not have that information. Sir, I understoodactually, I understood that the information about the checks came from Mr. Gerth, that it was the Senator MACK. I don't think he had that information, in fact the RTC believes that the funds'for the cashier's checks came from a loan. I don't think Mr. Gerth had that information at that time. Ms. HANSON. Certainly, Mr. Gerth, according to this, bad the information about the checks because Mr. Gerth wanted Mr. DeVore to find out who bad endorsed them. As I say, I have no recollection of ever having heard anything about checks from Mr. Roelle. Senator MACK. I don't have any further questions. senator DAMATO. Senator Bennett. Senator BENNETT. Thank you. I intend to yield to Senator Roth, who wants to pursue the chronology, but I can't resist making a comment, somewhat in the spir- 120 it of the Chairman's comment, about lessons to be learned you, out this for the future. This is all done in the name of dealing with press inqueries. not a lawyer, so I don't understand all that's going on around here but I have earned my living advising people about press inqueries. I first came to Washington as Press Secretary to a Congress The press response the White House gave was the right on ' one, comment." It did not require a briefing in the White House or briefing in Mr. McLarty's office or anyplace else to prepare them for that stunning riposte to a press inquiry. "No comment." The best response, I realize, is terribly difficult to discipline yourself to give, but the best response would have been, since we have re- ? no communication of any kind from the RTC about this mat-: ter and since it would be inappropriate if we had, we are not in a position to comment. That gives the White House the high moral ground and they should hang on to it. I think they made a serious mistake in having you come over and give them their briefing. With that comment, Mr. Chairman, IT yield whatever time I have left to Senator Roth. The CHAIRMAN. Time has expired on this side at this point. Senator Sasser. Senator SASSER. I thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Ms. Hanson., I want to return to the reason that Mr. Roelle called you in the first place. When he called to alert you to the fact that there would be nine criminal referrals coming from the Kansas City office of the Resolution Trust Corporation to Washington, as I understand it, he called to alert you to that fact because he felt that as soon as these criminal referrals got to Washington, they would be leaked to the press. Is that an accurate statement? Ms. HANSON. Yes. Yes, sir. Senator SASSER. I find that really fascinating. Did he tell you why he thought they would be leaked or who would gain an advantage by leaking that information to the press and why they would do it? Did he mention that? Ms. HANSON. No, but it was common knowledge, at that point, that the RTC-information regularly leaked from the RTC. Senator SASSER. This was information that was supposed to be privileged and confidential in order to protect what might very well be innocent citizens who were alluded to in a criminal referral. Isn't that an accurate statement? Ms. HANSON. Yes, yes, and in order not to compromise the inves- tigation.