
August 1, 1994 - Part 5

August 1, 1994 - Part 5
Clip: 460166_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10060
Original Film: 102868
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(17:20:22) Ms. HANSON. As I stated in my testimony, Mr. Roelle called me. I recall that he started out his conversation with a reference to Mr. Altman. He told me that nine criminal referrals relating to a company called Madison were on their way from the RTC in Kansas City to Washington, and from there they would go to the Justice Department. He summarized the referrals for me and told me the President and Mrs. Clinton were included in the referrals, solely, as. possible witnesses. He told me there bad been a referral the prior year in which the language relating to President and Mrs. Clinton could be read in such a way that it could be inferred, if additional investigatory work were done, they might be something more than potential witnesses, but that, in these referrals, these nine referrals, the President and First Lady 's names were included, solely, as possible witnesses. I understood from him, in that conversation that as soon as those referrals reached Washington, they ,Would be leaked, and the information in them would be leaked. 108 Senator MACK. Did you later relay the conversation about the referrals and the details of the referrals to Mr. Altman? MS. HANSON. I did, Senator MACK. When was that? Ms. HANSON. To my recollection, it was shortly after my conversation with Mr. Roelle. Senator MACK. By "shortly," are we talking about the same". Ms. HANSON. Yes. Senator MACK. Was it your testimony that Mr. Altman tasked with informing the White House about the referrals? you with Ms. HANSON. Yes. Senator MACK. Can you reconstruct that conversation for us?' Ms. HANsON. I recall that I spoke with Mr. Altman and to what I had learned from Mr. Roelle. I don't recall the specifies the conversation, but I recall being given the responsibility' ing Mr. Nussbaum that this information was going to leak press, because he was going to have to deal with it when the in inquiries began. Senator MACK. So, at this time, Mr. Roelle called you at the sug- gestion of Mr. Altman? Ms. HANsON. I-as I stated. I recall that Mr. Roelle started hi conversation with a reference to Mr. Altman, but I had no recollec- tion that he bad spoken with him before he spoke to me. Senator MACK. So, Mr. Roelle said that Mr. Altman had given instructions. Then, after your conversation with Mr. Roelle, you went to Mr. Altman and told him of this conversation. Ms. HANsON. That's correct. Senator MACK. During that conversation with Mr. Roelle, did he stress to you the importance of the confidentiality of this information? Ms. HANSON. I don't recall that, and I don't believe-I don't recall that at all, sir. Senator MACK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAiRmAN. Thank you. Senator Dodd. Senator DODD. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Ms. Hanson, for being with us today. Let me start out with one question, if I may. You were hired as the Counsel to the Treasury. Is that correct? Ms. HANSON. That's correct. Senator DODD. Did anyone raise the question with you whether regarding--September 29, 1993, the time of the conversation with Mr. Roelle, whether or not you were the proper person to be talking to anyone at the RTC? We understand how Mr. Altman was wearing two hats at this point, but you were not working for the RTC. We discussed that, and the kind of problems it generates, this morning. Did you raise the question, or did anyone raise the question, that maybe you shouldn't be the person involved in this at all? Ms. HANSON. First, Mr. Altman had statutory authority to- Senator DODD. I understand that. Ms. HANSON. -for me to be involved in these matters, and Ithis call was unsolicited. This call came to me. I took the information and I provided it to Mr. Altman. 109 Senator DODD. Mr. Altman had statutory authority to be in his position. I was unclear bow you acquired that statutory authority. Ms. HANSON. The RTC CEO has the statutory authority to utilize employees, FDIC and other Executive Branch personnel, for RTC functions. As Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, be had the authority to grant that assistance, so, effectively, when he asked me to do something that was RTC-related, be had the statutory authority to make the request and to grant it.