
August 1, 1994 - Part 5

August 1, 1994 - Part 5
Clip: 460165_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10060
Original Film: 102868
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(17:15:36) The CHAIRMAN. Because of that statement Ms. HANSON. Looking back at the transcript, I understand why I thought I had lost that opportunity, because he had stated that's all there was to the conversation. I believed, until I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with him in an orderly way, review the transcript with him, and answer not only that, but a number of other questions on the transcript, there was not a way to-certainly it was not appropriate to supplement the record in a piecemeal fashion. That was my view. The CHAIRMAN. We may come back to that. Ms. HANSON. No, on that day we were working on his actual recusal. If you recall. Senator D'AMATO. Wouldn't that be a time to say to him, by the way-- I mean, you work together, you're colleagues together? You did not mention the fact of this you, knew about it, and you said be was so declarative that you didn't want to get up and say, "By the way, you left out the recusal." Ms. HANSON. Let me state again, the responses in the testimony, there were a number of items in the testimony that I knew had to be reviewed and Senator D'AMATO. We'll come back to those. Let me yield to Senator Mack. Senator Mack. Senator D'Amato, my time is up. Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Chairman, I'm going to yield to Senator Mack, but I'd like to say that was February 24, 1994. Did you speak to him about the recusal issue, that he did not put it forth before this Committee the day after the testimony on February 25 1994? Senator MACK. Thank you, Senator D'Amato. Welcome, Ms. Hanson. We appreciate your testimony and the time that you've given to it. I'd like to review this with you chronologically, and touch on some of the things that you mentioned both in your statement today and also in the deposition earlier. Did you ever become aware that in the spring of 1993, Mr. Altman had faxed copies of press articles regarding Madison and Whitewater to Bernie Nussbaum that actually bad appeared 1 year earlier, in March 1992? Ms. HANSON, Is your question whether I knew it in the spring Of 1993? Senator MACK. Did you ever become aware that in the spring of 1993, Mr. Altman had faxed copies? 107 Ms. HANSON. I was recently shown a copy of a fax and I also heard from Mr. Nussbaum's testimony before the House last week that, in initial discussion with him on September 29, 1993, 1 mention= I understood Mr. Altman had given him some information on Madison. I had not independently recollected I had said that to him, but Mr. Altman did give me, at that same time in September, a copy of the same article that, it appears, he had faxed to Mr. Nussbaum in the spring don't I didn't know about it when it was done in the spring, and I recall the conversation with Mr. Nussbaum in the fall. Senator MACK. What you're testifying is that the first time you had knowledge of this was during your September 29, 1993, meeting with Mr. Nussbaum? Ms. HANSON. I'm saying I don't recall at that time-I don't recall, as I sit here now, that at that time I realized that it was the article, The New York Times article, that bad been faxed. I have been shown a faxed copy of that, along with a fax cover sheet recently. Senator MACK. You would have no knowledge that Mr. Altman has a file in which he had kept that? You didn see him take it out of that file? Ms. HANSON. He did take it out-when Mr. Altman gave me a copy of The New York Times article, it was taken out of a file that he ad. Senator MACK. How old an article was that? Ms. HANSON. It was an article that had appeared during the campaign. Senator MACK. Would that be in March 1992? Ms. HANSON. I believe so. Senator MACK. It sounds as if Mr. Altman had a file containing fairly extensive information relative to Madison. Ms. HANSON. I don't know what else was in the file, sir, he gave me a copy of the article. Senator MACK. Drawing your attention back to the fall of 1993. On September 27, 1993, did you have a discussion with Bill Roelle about nine new criminal referrals regarding Madison Guaranty? Ms. HANSON. Yes. Senator MACK. Please tell me about that discussion,