
August 1, 1994 - Part 4

August 1, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460155_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10059
Original Film: 102867
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:45:33) For the record, several days thereafter, we had a conversation and in that conversation they said they thought the statute of limitations would expire on February 28, 1994, or in early March. I was determined to see to it and I'm proud of the fact that we offered, and were able to get, legislation passed which extended the statute of limitations. It took us beyond the question of whether or not tolling agreements would be obtained, whether or not people's rights would be protected, and whether or not the matter was going to be handled in the traditional manner. I'm very proud of that, and I think we have to be very clear as to exactly what we got. We got nothing other than what we were determined to get and what was right and pro per information as it related to when this matter would go beyond the ability of the RTC to bring a suit, if one was necessary. I think that more than adequately states it, I'd like to put into the record all of the supporting documents from Peter Knight to Ben Nye, from Jean Hanson as it relates to conversations with Peter Knight, which very accurately state the facts as I have artfully-and also my communication to Roger Altman on January 10, 1994, in which we express our concern. I'll just summarize our concern that the running of the statute of limitations may prevent the final resolution of all allegations relating to Madison Guaranty. That letter was signed by eight Senators and Congressmen, and I'd like to put that in the record as well. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection, we'll put all of these documents into the record at this point. Senator Sarbanes. Senator SARBANES. Could I make the observation, Ms. Kulka, that if your reputation of being a very tough lawyer wasn't generally known before this bearing today, it's certainly well-known now as a consequence of this bearing. Ms. KuLKA. Thank you, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Shelby. Senator SHELBY. I want to say, to all four of them, I believe today has shown they're very professional. If they would have had the leeway to run the RTC by themselves, we wouldn't be here today. The CHAiRmAN. I think we've concluded with this panel. I want to thank you all for your appearance today, and for the testimony you've given to us. The Committee will recess now and resume at 4:30 p.m. with Ms. Hanson. The Committee stands in recess. (15:48:20) [Recess.] (15:48:22) Commentary of NINA TOTENBERG and DON BODE from tv studio (15:50:53) WETA logo, PBS funding credits