
August 1, 1994 - Part 4

August 1, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460150_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10059
Original Film: 102867
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:21:24) Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Chairman, I have not said anything now Senator KERRY. I'm just- Senator DAMATO. it is well, well past the time and well past scope. But I believe we have to try to be accommodating. I've not said anything. I think we've gone well beyond accommodation. People want to conjecture. These witnesses have tried to answer the questions as they relate to them and, now, the Senator is going into a colloquy. The Senator has gone well beyond his time and well beyond the scope. Senator KERRY. It's not well beyond the scope. Senator DAmato. I think it is. KERRY. It's not, because there's a second phase of this and what I want to guarantee is that we look thoroughly at what happened in Whitewater. The Senator from New York has spent hours on the floor of the Senate asking us to look at Whitewater. I want to look at Whitewater. Senator DAMATO. Good. Senator KERRY. I want to make sure we look at every aspect. 86 Senator D'AMATO. I agree with my colleague. I have no problem, but you've Senator KERRY. I want to look to make sure my colleagues agree agree that we ask why the Republican U.S. Attorney in Little Rock Senator D'amato: I want to know why the Democratic U.S. AV attorney in Little Rock refused to recuse herself when she should have. If we're going to start making political statements, and what my friend is engaged in, then well start and III respond Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman Senator D'AmATO. Why didn't that take place'? Why shouldn't Paula Casey be here? I thought we set up ground rules in we decided Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman. Senator D'AMATO -there are certain areas, as it relates to Justice Department et cetera, we wouldn't go into. Now, my friend finds it convenient to go into it. If you want to ask about the Attorney, the Republican U.S. Attorney, I want to know about the Democratic U.S. Attorney and why a friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton took that case and didn't recuse themselves immediately.", Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman The CHAIRMAN. Gentlemen, let me ask you both to suspend for minute. If I may say, with respect to the time clock, because we've been trying to honor that Senator KERRY. I can wait until the next go around. The CHAIRMAN. That was going. to I be my next point. I think; there are two questions here. One, is that it's fair to say that we're well over the time period, and so I think there's a concern there,., but second, on the issue of scope, and you're certainly entitled to express an opinion, everybody around the table has an so Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman The CHAIRMAN. -I want to protect your right to do that. I think' what we need to do now, because this time period has run almost' twice what the normal one is Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, all I'm trying to do, very simply, is get it all out, all of it. I'm simply asking-III ask the tough ques- tions of Mr. Altman. I'll ask the tough questions of Jean Hanson. I think you'd know that I would press that this investigation be as thorough as possible. I'm simply suggesting that there are other unanswered questions that, in light of the first time public testimony today, another White House knew of this and that this appeared to be a special case from day one. You want to know why, and that's all I'm suggesting in fairness. Both sides ought to get to the bottom of this. The CHAIRMAN. Let me just say to you, I have the same interest in these facts as you do, and I'm sure other Senators do as well. One of the problems we face here, as the Senator from Massachusetts knows, is that we're operating under a Senate resolution that defines very specifically what we are here to look at and so Senator KERRY. There is another phase. The CHAIRMAN. I understand and I- Senator KERRY. I want to guarantee that phase 2 is thorough.