
August 1, 1994 - Part 3

August 1, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460145_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10058
Original Film: 102866
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:00:20) Mr. RYAN. My definition of a recusal would be a decision on someone's part to take no part in any deliberations regarding that matter to completely not participate in any decision, not receive any information, and to not deal with it at all. Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Ryan and Ms. Kulka, in this context, why would one recuse himself? Why would Mr. Altman be considering recusing and why would you be talking to him about it? Ms. KULKA. I think I stated, sir, that I believed that the political ramifications were enormous for him, personally, and for the RTC. My beliefs were based on his discussion that he would rely on the advice and recommendations given to him by Mr. Ryan and myself He was taking an unnecessary potential bit. Senator DomENici. There's an understandable reason for pressure to be on that person who recuses himself Ms. KULKA. I wasn't commenting on that, sir, and I haven't analyzed that. Senator DOMENICI. Let me ask, were you part of the briefing team for Roger Altman before he came to testify before us? Ms. KuLKA. Yes, sir. Senator DOMENICI. Could you tell us what date that was? Ms. KuLKA. There were a couple of dates. I think there may have been a short meeting at the end of the preceding week, and I know there were at least two meetings. I believe they were late Monday night and late Tuesday night of the week in which the bearing was actually held. Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Ryan, you were part of those, too? Mr. RYAN. Yes, sir. Senator DOMENICI. Do either of you know now or were you told when Mr. Altman came to testify before us---even though he had a note, which we have seen, that indicated what was talked about at the February 2, 1994, meeting, and one point on it was his recusing himself-do any of you have any information as to why he didn't tell us when he came before us on February 24, 1994? Has anything been said to you about that, any of you? Mr. RYAN. Not to me. Ms. KuLKA. No, sir. Senator DOMENICI. Did you understand at any point, Ms. Kulka, based on his conversations with you, that he was going to recuse himself'.? Ms. KULKA. No, sir, I did not know what be was going to do. Senator DOMENICI. He never indicated to you that be was? Ms. KULKA. No, sir. Senator DOMENICI. To you, Mr. Ryan? Mr. RYAN. No. As a matter of fact, be indicated he was not. Senator DOMENICI. Did be tell you where he got pressure from Pot to do that? He did not. Senator DOMENICI. Do you know who he talked to before be told that? Mr Ryan. No. No I don't. 80 Senator DomENici. When Mr. Altman came before us, before the Senate Committee, he indicated that the principal subject matter of the February 2, 1994, briefing did not include a discussion recusal. (15:03:30) (End of tape #10058)