
July 29, 1994 - Part 4

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460082_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(16:20:58) Senator FAIRCLOTH. What was wrong with the X-ray machine? Dr. BEYER, We had a new machine; we had new grids; and we had a new processor. We were having a number of problems. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Why didn't you call Fairfax Hospital and arrange for a portable X-ray machine to be brought in for your use in such an important occasion? Dr. BEYER. Because this was a perforating gunshot wound. If it had been a penetrating one, I would have gotten an X-ray of the head. Senator FAIRCLOTH, Do what, now? Dr. BEYER. If it had been a penetrating gunshot wound, then an X-ray would have been a requirement. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Well, was it not "penetrating"? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. It was perforating. Senator FAIRCLOTH. What did it do? Dr. BEYER. It was in and out. The CHAIRMAN. Do I understand you to say that the terminology you use when it is done in that way is it is a perforating wound, as opposed to a penetrating wound? Is that what you are saying? Dr. BEYER. "Perforating" indicates a wound of entrance and exit, The CHAIRmAN. Right, Dr. BEYER. "Penetrating" is a wound of entrance with retention of the missile. The CHAIRMAN. I see. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Is it your standard procedure to make out an autopsy report before you do the autopsy? Dr. BEYER. I don't complete the autopsy report. I complete papers that I am going to use. Senator FAIRCLOTH. The papers are the autopsy report, aren't they? 95 Dr. BEYER. To me the autopsy report is the first and second page, which includes my findings. Senator FAIRCLOTH. But you make this out before you do the autopsy? Dr. BEYER. This particular form I did, yes. The CHAIRmAN. Now excuse me. Would you yield-well, I will wait until you finish. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Did you or the Medical Examiner's office have your servicing company come in and fix the X-ray machine? Dr. BEYER. We were trying to remedy our problems. At that particular time we were not getting readable X-rays, Senator FAIRCLOTH. When was it repaired? Dr. BEYER. I have no X-rays in my files between July 6 to the 26. After July 26, 1993, we were getting X-rays. ' Senator FAIRCLOTH. You mean for 20 days you ran a coroners office and did autopsies without an X-ray machine? Dr. BEYER. We don't take X-rays on very many cases. Primarily only gunshot cases. senator FAiRcLoTH. The Park Police officers who were present at the autopsy said you told them not only was an X-ray taken, you also told them the results of the X-ray. How do you account for the contradiction? Dr. BEYER. I have no explanation because I did not take an X- Senator FAIRCLOTH. How did you tell the Park Police the results of an X-ray that you didn't take? Dr. BEYER. I don't recall telling them that statement. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Well, they do. Dr. BEYER. I have no explanation. senator FAIRCLOTH. Has Robert Fiske ever talked with you? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. senator FAIRCLOTH. Robert Fiske has never talked to you? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. So needless to say, Robert Fiske didn't ask you about the contradiction between you reporting what the X-ray showed that was not taken. I ",'Dr. BEYER. The people on his staff that came to visit me, that explanation was given to them. "Se enatorr FAiRcLoTH. What was the explanation? Dr. BEYER. The equipment was not working, and I saw no need to take an X-ray. Senator FAIRCLOTH. You saw no need to take an X-ray? No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. How did Robert Fiske decide to believe you instead of the police report or autopsy report? Did he send investigators to the hospital, or to the company that services the X-ray machine? Dr. BEYER. Not that I'm aware of. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Beyer, your report indicates that the Blood samples that you provided the toxicologists had no traces of drugs ,in it. Yet, when the FBI lab tested Mr. Foster's blood, they that there were traces of antidepressant drugs in his system. Robert Fiske ask you about this contradiction? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. 96 Senator FAIRCLOTH. He did not ask you about it? Dr, BEYER. No, sir. Senator FAiRcLoTH. Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Dodd, you are next here, but would you permit me to just try to clarify one thing in my mind Senator DODD. Yes. I presume it is the same question I have in my mind The CHAIRMAN. Why don't you Senator DODD. No, you go ahead Is this a standard form? Normally is it a checklist that you go down of what you are going to do?