
July 29, 1994 - Part 4

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460081_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(16:15:23) The CHAIRMAN. I am not sure that you can separate one from the other, I think what the record shows is the Park Police were not allowed in at that particular time. But in terms of what then followed who did what? what were the records? where did they ? does the Special Prosecutor have a concern about it? and so forth, in my view he has ruled that off limits because he is actively inves- tigating that. senator SARBANES. Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. Senator Sarbanes. Senator SARBANES. The letter from Fiske to you and to Senator D'Amato says: As I advised you in our meeting today, our investigation into the handling of documents in Vincent Fosters office is continuing, There are questions that are unanswered at this point which we must do our very best to try to resolve before we complete the investigation. 93 We believe the Public he hearings on the subject of the handling of documents in Mr. Foster's office while this investigation is continuing could prejudice our investiga- tion. That is Fiske's letter to you and Senator D'Amato, and that is why the third item, which under the Resolution we otherwise would have had hearings on here today-not today, but during this series-was not scheduled for hearing. Now, the handling of the documents goes beyond their content. Obviously that is part of Fiske investigation. I think we need to be very careful about that if we don't want to interfere with or adversely affect his investigation. The CHAIRmAN. Let me make sure, Senator Faircloth, your time is restored so that you do not lose your time based on my comment and on Senator Sarbanes'. But, again, without taking your time, I want to say to you that in due course those questions will be asked and will be answered. So I do not want to leave any suggestion here that we are not going to get those answers at a proper time. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Let me ask another one very quickly and see if it qualifies. Did Robert Fiske ask you about asking David Watkins to seal Foster's offlice? Ms. BRAUN. I am not sure I understand the Senator's question. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Did Robert Fiske, has he asked you all about your telling David Watkins to seal Foster's office? Have you discussed that with Robert Fiske? Ms. BRAUN. I did not personally speak with Mr. Fiske. The CHAiRmAN. Excuse me, Ms. Braun, did you testify before the Grand Jury? Ms. BRAUN. I testified-I did a deposition before coming here, sir, and I also spoke with the FBI Agent, Bill Colombell, The CHAIRMAN, I think we might want to check on that point. Anything she said in our deposition I think is open for discussion here. But if that interview would be what is called 6(e) material that was done for the Grand Jury, I want to be sure that we are not crossing the line into the very area that Fiske has said please do not interfere with this because I have got an active investigation underway. Senator FAIRCLOTH. All right. I will go on. Ms. Braun, the Park Police says it lost control of the investigation on July 21, the day after Foster's death. These are quotes: "If it lost control because-did it lose control because of White House interference?" Here are some of the things that happened. Ms. BRAUN. Senator, may I interrupt you before you continue? I think I should let you know that I bad no involvement in this case past the morning of the 21st. I briefed Captain Hume that morning and then I was no longer involved with the case. I was going to be promoted within a week of that time. Senator FAIRCLOTH. How about you, Mr. Rolla? Mr ROLLA. I was involved. I wasn't aware that we lost control. I was aware of certain things going on, but I was never aware that we ever lost control. Senator FAIRCLOTH. All right, I will skip over to Dr. Beyer. Dr. Beyer did you actually perform the autopsy on Mr. Foster? BEYER. Yes sir. 94 Senator FAIRCLOTH. You did it yourself? Dr. BEYER. [Nods in the affirmative.] Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Beyer, Robert Fiske devoted over 70 pages in his report to the biographies of the pathologists, but none of them ever saw the body. Is that correct? Except you? Dr. BEYER. That's correct. Senator FAIRCLOTH. That's correct? Dr. BEYER. Yes, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. He devoted 70 pages to the biographies of people who never saw the body. Dr. BEYER, That's correct. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Beyer, your autopsy report indicates that you took X-rays of Mr. Foster. Dr. BEYER. I had anticipated taking them, and I had so stated on one of my reports. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Your autopsy report says you took X-rays of Mr. Foster, Did you? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH, Why did you say you did if you didn't? Dr. BEYER. As I indicated, I made out that report prior to actually performing the autopsy. We'd been having difficulty with our equipment, and we were not getting readable X-rays. Therefore, one was not taken.