
July 29, 1994 - Part 3

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460064_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(14:05:19) Mr. Monroe, I think that you were charged with an impossible mission when you were asked to read the mind of Vincent Foster, and so 'frankly, I don't place a lot of faith in your conclusions as to what was bothering him, You have tried to tell us-and I think you've been very careful with your words-that you can't find any evidence that he talked about Whitewater to anybody. But I don t think any of the three of you-and I'm even going to say that for the pathologist and be can tell me if I'm wrong-- I don't think any of you are qualified to say what somebody who is in a seriously depressed mood is apt to talk about or not talk about with regard to what's bothering him. I can conclude from what I know that they're just as apt not to talk about what's bothering them. So I merely want to make my own personal observation for the record that on that score, we have taken an awful lot of your time and others, and I don't think it serves any useful purpose. Having said that, I think we have a tendency from time to time to bring up names and people and entities, and we don't tell anybody.' what we're talking about, so could I just ask, do you know what's significant about David Hale, sometimes referred to as a judge, and to Capital Management Service? Why are people asking about that? Is that because it's a corporation that's closely tied to Whitewater? Why did we ask you those questions about the warrant?, MONROE. Because it has-in panoply of Whitewater, that is into the category as being part of the Whitewater issue. re, to determine whether or not, in fact, that was-he Mr. Foster was aware. That's the reason for it. Senator DOMENICI. So for those who are following us, very close the date of his death, a warrant was issued with reference to P&id Hale. He was the executive of Capital Management Service, '*)Iich has a relationship to Whitewater, the Clintons' friends and 'Clinton family. So one might have thought that perhaps Vin- 70 cent Foster knew about that. Is that why the questions were asked, as you see it? Mr. MONROE. That's the way I interpret the questions, sir. Senator DODD. It wasn't just "around" that date. It was afterthe statement you made earlier that that warrant was issued after the death of Vincent Foster. Mr. MONROE. The warrant was issued July 21st. The exact-it was issued the day after his death, Senator DODD. It's not around. It's after. Mr. MONROE. I'm sorry, issued on the 20th, Senator, and exe- cuted on the 21st. I apologize. Senator DOMENICI. It was issued on the date of his death, wasn't it? Mr. MONROE. Issued and then executed the next day. Senator DOMENICI. So the question might have been "was somebody talking to Vincent Foster from the DA's office in Arkansas." That's why the questions, I assume. Let me ask you a question. I know the Park Service is coming over here to testify, but we look at you as the real experts in how to conduct 9 Investigations and I think you were probably chosen because you're the best. Actually, have you sought out everything that the Park Service did in terms of their investigative role with reference to finding a dead body on Park Service land? I assume you did. Mr. MONROE. Yes, we did, Senator. Senator DOMENICI. Is it difficult for you to tell us whether the Park Service, for any reason-I don't know the reason, but for any reason--conducted this investigation or failed to conduct it-be- cause the y were coerced or otherwise-in a way that you consid- ered to be the best possible investigative procedures? Mr. MONROE. Obviously, we used the results of their investigation Senator DOMENICI. Now 7 wait a minute. I'm asking you a question. Is it impossible for you to share with us your expertise about whether they did or didn't? Mr. MONROE. I think they did an adequate job, Senator. I just feel inappropriate to evaluate another agency's 7 work because there was some benefits that we had, of cot- that they did not have. Senator DOMENICI. Part of the concern that we have is putting this enormous set of facts together over a very long period of time. We must start somewhere and we start with this today and we're going to do a lot of other things and find out a lot more facts. In my question and in your response, did you put into your mind that there may have been some White House interference in the way the Park Police conducted their investigation, or did you leave that on the side as you answered my question? Mr. MONROE. Sir, that particular issue is one which is currently under investigation by Mr. Fiske. Senator DOMENICI. Fine. We're going to get into that later, you say, and that was not part of any of the answers you made here to ay? Mr. MONROE. That's correct. Senator DOMENICI. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.