
July 29, 1994 - Part 3

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460059_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:40:35) Mr. MONROE. That's correct. Senator KERRY. The warrant was not, in fact served until the day after Vincent Foster had taken his life; is that accurate? Mr. MONROE. That's accurate. It was served on July 21st. Senator FERRY. So this is speculation; is that correct? Mr. MONROE. That's correct. Senator KERRY. Now let me clarify for my colleagues on thc other side why this issue has come up about what is appropriate or not appropriate today. Now, I can understand why some of them may be expressing some embarrassment about the questions surrounding the death, but I do not think it is fair to suggest that there isn't cause for concern on this side about why we're here. Vincent Foster tragically took his life a year ago, 1 year ago, but as of March of this year, the Minority Leader was suggesting or calling the death an alleged suicide." As of this year. the House Republican Whip was publicly saying there's a lot out there that's weird. As of this year, Senators on this Committee were saying they didn't know where he might have died or where this took place, leaving of the notion out there it might have been somewhere else. As is year, another Senator in this Committee talked about the very mysterious circumstances under which he died. As of this year, a report published by former assistants to Jim Baker and Congressman Kemp reported that the office of Senator Moynihan was putting out the word that Foster committed suicide at a private park in Virginia. Not one Senator went to the floor to contradict this. There was a minor stock market crash. Moynihan put out the word it was a total fabrication, but there isn't any evidence whatsoever of this kind of totally fabricated element turning up in a Republican financial newsletter, which it didn't. In recent days, Jerry Falwell has been describing Mr.. Foster's death as mysterious, asking publicly whether it was a suicide and speculating breathlessly that it was a murder. The Wall Street Journal editorialized 2 days after his death that in the view of the,, newspaper he was "an unlikely suicide." And later The Wall Street' Journal described a report that be was murdered by a drug-deal ing-cabal of drug-dealing officers. That appeared on August 6, 1993. A well-known Republican media consultant who brought us the Willy Horton ads has been raising money money off of Mr. Foster's death by suggesting it wasn't suicide and calling for a new inves- tigation of this "mysterious death." So this is why- Senator DODD. As late as July 13th, the Congressman from Indi- ana has been literally filling the Congressional Record with:.." most obscene accusations regarding this as well. It's not just months ago. Senator KERRY. So when my colleagues say to us, I don't know why my friends on the other side of the aisle are concerned this, this is out there and now is the time to put it to rest. 63 I ask you, based on your 30 years of experience, based on your 25 years of experience, have you learned anything at all as sworn FBI officers that suggest that any of the things I read off there could be true? Mr. Monroe. Mr. MONROE. No, sir. Mr. COLOMBELL. No, sir. Dr. HIRSCH. Senator, I'm not a sworn FBI officer, but I do have an opinion about something you raised, and that concerns the place of Mr. Foster's death. It is my unequivocal, categorical opinion that it was impossible for him to have been killed elsewhere. Senator KERRY. You've done something like 20,000 autopsies, have you not? Dr. HIRSCH. I've lost track, Many thousands. Senator KERRY. I appreciate those opinions and I just think it really goes to underscore the damage the words have-thoughtlessness of this process, and we're not creating this, my friends. These things were said by other people. They're out there as a matter of record, and now is the time to clear it up.