
July 29, 1994 - Part 3

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460051_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:05:37) Mr. MONROE. No, it was not, sir, Senator BOND. Could you find out for us who did conduct that interview? Mr, MONROE. Yes, sir. Senator BOND. Mr. Chairman, we have a Federal Bureau of Investigation report on the inquiries made of Fletcher Jackson, Assistant U.S. Attorney. In there, be stated that be did not remember exactly what day the search warrant for Mr. Hale's Little Rock office was signed. He knew several people who were aware of it, including the judge, the Judge's secretary, an acting U.S. Attorney, and maybe some other FBI personnel would know about it. Now, to your knowledge, Mr, Monroe, were other individuals interviewed at the U.S. Attorney's Office? If so, who? Mr. MONROE. What I know about that aspect of the case, Senator, was that everyone who bad knowledge of the particular issuance of that search warrant were interviewed to determine whether or not that information got out and our investigation shows that that information was not given out specifically to Mr. Foster. I do not have, Senator, at my disposal right now, the identity of all of those individuals that were interviewed but we'd be obviously glad to supply that for you, sir. Senator BOND. Mr. Chairman the only FBI interview report that we have received is one related to Mr. Fletcher Jackson. I would like to make that a part of the record. At this point, I would ask were there other reports on other interviews made of personnel in the U.S, Attorney's Off- ice? Mr. MONROE. I'm not aware of that, sir, Senator BOND. If you have those, we would appreciate receiving those 53 Mr. MONROE. Yes, sir. Senator BOND. I would note also Mr. COLOMBELL. I have traveled to Little Rock in connection with the death investigation of Mr. Foster. I think perhaps it would clarify things if it was noted that the investigative staff here in Washington, bad as our primary concern with regard to this bearing today our investigation in Washington, DC. But in traveling to Little Rock I did have an interest in whether or not there was any leak of that search warrant, if that would have been a factor in Mr. Foster's death. A supervisor down there, the agent supervisor, and I bad occasion to spend some time together and be discussed that he investigated and the agents that are working with him had the responsibility for that-to look into that, and he assured me that they could find no reason to believe that there was information leaked with regard to the search warrant. Senator BOND. Can you say specifically whether be interviewed other members of the U.S. Attorney's Office? Mr. COLOMBELL. No, I cannot. Senator BOND. Mr. Chairman, I believe we need to have that information because, as the Chairman and Ranking Member will recall, in the information supplied to us, the Independent Counsel's only evidence appears to be this one interview of Fletcher Jackson in which the date was uncertain and in which be further stated that it was possible that someone could have made a telephone call. We requested and the Chairman and the Ranking Member approved a request to conduct telephone depositions with employees of the Little Rock U.S. Attorney's Office. The Department of Justice concurred. Arrangements were made, and the Department of Justice sent a representative to Little Rock.