
July 29, 1994 - Part 1

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460010_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:59:13) Which brings me to a key thread throughout this story: half truths, partial truths, nondenials, word games, and omissions of facts. The Kansas City Star put it best in their editorial on Wednesday. They said Cutler's statements were riddled with inconsistencies, unsupported assertions, and several claims that were immediately exposed as half truths or worse. They also stated evidence of a potential interference with a Federal investigation and subsequent high-level cover-up is mounting. I agree. When we ask questions in this Committee, we trust the Administration will tell the truth, be honest, and that we will get an answer. Unfortunately, it's a standard that Mr. Altman seems unable to comprehend. Mr. Altman forgot that his job is to serve the Nation, not just his old friend. Therefore, I believe his time is' up and it's time for him to go. The CHAIRMAN. Before calling on Senator Sasser, let me indicate that as we move through this proceeding, all of the documents that we have received, including the depositions that we have taken, except for a very minor part that have been redacted for privacy reasons, and agreeable to both sides, will all be made part of the final record and they will all be made part of the bearing record and they will be public and out into the light of day. 17 So as we proceed down through the hearings, it's important that we be able to retain our confidential use of these things in the decision of Senators to use certain parts of it as we bring witnesses in for cross- examination and particularly next week. But in due course, all this information will be made available and that should be understood by all. Senator Sasser.