
July 29, 1994 - Part 1

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460008_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:53:08) This is a sign of how heightened our expectations of ethical Government have become. We're not examining whether Executive Branch officials altered the course of an investigation or even whether they tried to alter the course of an investigation. With the demand for these hearings, Mr. Chairman, we have raised the ethical bar considerably and all ought to be aware of that. We have every right to expect nothing but the highest standards of ethical behavior in our elected and appointed officials. I'm not suggesting in any way whatsoever that these are not important issues. However, I sincerely hope that we will do our best to keep our focus in perspective as we conduct these hearings, Mr. Chairman. We should be aware that the Independent Counsel's investigation continues and I don't think that we ought to do anything to short-circuit his efforts. 15 You should also be aware that these hearings are costing the American people $400,000, and they expect us to conclude their business thorou hly and promptly. I know my constituents want us to determine Nether there was any wrongdoing here and they don't want us to go on and on and on ad nauseam, There are many other concerns that worry our constituents, Health Care and Crime being two that come to mind immediately. Let us do this job, Mr. Chairman, do it right, and then move on and address the real and serious problems that our citizens and constituents have faced.