
July 29, 1994 - Part 1

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460005_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:37:16) Today's bearing will carry out the provision of the Senate resolution that the Committee conduct hearings into whether improper conduct occurred regarding the Park Service Police investigation into the death of White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent Foster. In addressing this matter, it is important to note that the Independent Counsel on June 30 released a complete report on the death of Vincent Foster. And in his statement accompanying that report, Mr. Fiske stated, and I quote: This report concludes that on July 20, 1993, Mr. Foster committed suicide in Fort Marcy Park, Fairfax County, Virginia. The report lists a number of factors which may have contributed to his suicide and rinds no evidence that matters relating to Whitewater, Madison Guaranty, or CMS played any role in his death. I know the Committee is aware of the concerns expressed by the Foster family about the stress upon them from continuing inquiries into his death, and I am hopeful that the Committee, in carrying out the responsibility placed upon it by the Senate, will be sensitive to those concerns. Finally, Mr. Chairman, let me simply note that the Committee has been charged by the Senate with the important responsibility to make such findings of fact as are warranted and appropriate, to make such recommendations for legislative and administrative action, as the Committee may determine to be necessary or desirable; and to fulfill the constitutional oversight and informing function of the Congress. Mr. Chairman and colleagues, I look forward to the Committee's successfully carrying out that responsibility. 11 The CHAIRMAN. Senator D'Amato, Senator DAmATO. I'll take just a moment. I'd like to make an observation, that should have been made earlier. You touched on it Mr. Chairman, but I want to say that we have had the benefit of having a terrific staff that has worked in a very bipartisan manner. Mr. Codinha and Mr. Chertoff have exemplified the highest standards as they have undertaken their tasks examining witnesses together,. and working in a cooperative effort to earlier facts and information so that we may be in a position to ask proper questions and deduce the facts. I think that's very, very important. I might make one other observation and then leave it to the Chair and others to think about, but we have an MIA today The gather I'm going to introduce him in just a moment, Senator D'AMATO. Is lie here? I'm talking about another MIA, Captain Charles Hume of the Park Police who has decided not to show up after be has given us assurances be could be contacted. And I'm suggesting that staff find a way to either get him in, because be told us lie could be reached all the time, or to get his chief to come in to explain how it is that he's not here and to let him know if he ducks today we're going to bring him in in the future. I think that's important and I want to share it with you. I want to thank the staff for an outstanding job and for the professional way in which they have helped to undertake it. The CHAIRMAN. I want to go down through the opening statements so that every Senator has a chance to make their comments in order. I do, however, want to take a moment to welcome Senator Hatch to our Committee. Senator Hatch is not normally a Member of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee but has been assigned to this Committee to represent some of the jurisdictional concerns and ,Judiciary Committee where he serves as the interests of the Senate Ranking Member. So we welcome you. I should also say at this point that other Committees with jurisdictional interest, in these matters are otherwise represented by the present membership of the Senate Banking Committee, So we welcome Senator Hatch. Let me now, in order, go to Senator Gramm of Texas.