
Capitol Journal - Saudi Arabia Arms Sales

Capitol Journal - Saudi Arabia Arms Sales
Clip: 459994_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10204
Original Film: 31-3126
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Two unidentified congressmen give differing opinions about arms sales to Saudi Arabia - this footage is contained in window in the center of the screen, under this window runs a banner which reads Capitol Journal (01:00:27) From tv studio Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show, Capitol Journal title screen and animation (01:00:47) In studio Carter gives background on show's topic - Congressional opposition to arms sales to Saudi Arabia, Representative MEL LEVINE of the House Foreign Affairs Committee speaking before the House says Saudi Arabia has not cooperated with the U.S., Representative GERALD SOLOMON speaking before the House says we should support "moderate" Arab states in the heated Middle East, long shot of the House recessing, on-screen text displays vote count on issue of Saudi arms sales from the House and Senate, President RONALD REAGAN at an economic summit in Tokyo says "Let them just wait until the old man gets home and see what happens to them" - this gets audience to laugh (unfortunately this clip has caption reading "Tokyo" and one reading "May 1986" both of which cross the bottom and tops of the screen), Senator RICHARD LUGAR - Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - outside the White House surrounded by press gives Reagan's response to Congressional opposition to Saudi arms sales, Lugar reports that Reagan believes Saudi Arabia needs arms to combat Iran, Senator ALAN SIMPSON outside White House surrounded by press comments on sustaining Reagan's veto (01:03:07) On-screen text displayed over map of Middle East outlines U.S. objectives in the area, Middle East map then high-lighted to point out strategic importance of various countries (01:03:47) Carter standing outside the Capital Building segues to footage of Congressional debate on U.S. - Saudi Arabia policy, Representative Levine speaking before the House criticizes Saudi Arabia's foreign policy, Representative STUDDS criticizes foreign policy motivations of rejecting arms sales proposal (01:05:11) Clip displayed in window of NBC footage of Palestinian leader ABU ABAS (?) saying his organization plans to attack the U.S. from within, at meeting in Washington Isreali Secretary of Defense YITZHAK RABIN says that Saudi Arabia funds terrorists such as Abu Abas, Defense department footage of the various missiles to be sold to Saudi Arabia in action - a missile is fired from a jet fighter, a "harpoon" missile causes a tremendous explosion on a ship at sea, a series of shots of a man setting up, taking aim and firing a "stinger" surface to air rocket launcher - camera follows the stinger's rocket to its target - a jet plane which it blows up in midair (unfortunately until the stinger missile segment this military footage has the caption "Defense Department Footage" running on the top of the screen (01:06:46) Representative Levine on the House floor describes the Stinger missile as "a terrorist's delight" and warns against the sale of such things to Saudi Arabia, in interview with Carter RICHARD MURPHY Assistant Secretary of State defends the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia, WILLIAM QUANDT of the Brookings Institution in interview with Carter comments on weapon sales to Saudi Arabia, Ambassador CLOVIS MAKSOUD of the League of Arab States clarifies the catch 22 Arab states fall under in their definition by the federal government (01:09:43) Carter back outside the Capital introduces other U.S. weapon sales to Saudi Arabia, Defense Department footage of AWACS radar plane, at meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator ALAN CRANSTON establishes with witness that Syria is considered a terrorist threat, Senator Cranston in an office describes criteria which he outlined that Saudi Arabia must fulfill to be sold AWACS radar planes (01:11:32) Back in studio Carter segues to interviews conducted earlier with Representatives Levine and HENRY HYDE in a Congressional office - they discuss Saudi Arabia's status with U.S. - moderate or extreme, Saudi Arabia's role in the Middle East peace process, the threat of Iran, and the Presidential veto (01:19:04) Back in studio Carter introduces discussion panel: STEVE ROBERTS of the New York Times, EDWARD WALSH of the Washington Post, WILLIAM MAYNES - they talk about U.S. anti-Arab feeling, Jewish-American lobby, the White House administration's foreign policy intentions in selling arms to Saudi Arabia, and Israel in relation to U.S.-Saudi Arabia weapon sales (01:26:54) Carter thanks guests and closes out show (01:27:30) PBS funding credits