
Capitol Journal - Iceland Summit and Budget

Capitol Journal - Iceland Summit and Budget
Clip: 459981_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10220
Original Film: 31-3469
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Opens to Capital Journal opening credits and animation (01:00:33) In tv studio Capital Journal hosts HODDING CARTER and STEVE ROBERTS sit before a large monitor on which is displayed a picture of the House floor, Carter explains that it is the end of the term for the 99th Congress (01:01:10) On screen text displays issues that are being reconciled in the last bit of the Congressional term, shots of a joint meeting of the House and Senate, shots of both the House and Senate floors, Senator BOB DOLE makes a joke out of amendment supporting hearing aid compatible phones at an all night Senate session, Senator DENNIS DECONCINI makes a joke about the all night session, various shots of the House and Senate floors (01:04:17) Back in studio Roberts and Carter discuss the huge House and Senate formulated budget, Carter segues to an examination of the Gramm/Rudman/Hollings budget balancing act, at a press conference Senator PHIL GRAMM speaks about his budget balancing bill, on the House floor various Representatives condemn the Gramm/Rudman/Hollings act, on screen text displays the Gramm bill's objectives, shot of the Supreme Court Building, Senator PETE DOMENICI - Senate Budget Committee Chairman and Representative WILLIAM GRAY - House Budget Committee Chairman - speak before the Senate and House about the need to get a budget passed so as to avoid across the board cuts, shots of the Senate and House Budget Committees in session (01:09:43) Carter interviews Senator Gramm, Senator Domenici, and CHARLES SHULTZE of the Brookings Institute in their respective offices - they discuss the new budget and how successful was the implementation of the Gramm/Rudman/Hollings act (01:13:06) Back in studio Roberts and Carter discuss the budget relative to the Gramm/Rudman/Hollings act (01:17:08) Carter segues to U.S.- Soviet Summit at Iceland, good footage of President RONALD REAGAN and Premiere MIKHAIL GORBACHEV descending a staircase outside a summit building - both men in raincoats, Gorbachev wearing a hat - they approach a limosine and Gorbachev says something to Reagan - Reagan holds a grave expression - audio for this footage is from a Reagan televised national address, video for which follows this footage - in this clip from the national address Reagan stresses his belief in peace through strength, Senator Dole at a White House press conference comments of the success of the Iceland Summit, Senator SAM NUNN at same press conference questions Reagan's suggestion of getting rid of all of the U.S.' nuclear missiles, on the House floor Representative MARK SILJANDER condemns criticism of Reagan's stand at the summit, on the House floor Representative EDWARD MARKEY condemns Reagan's hypocrisy, Speaker of the House TIP O'NEILL at a press conference says in a phone call to Reagan he told him that he and the Democrats gave him their unpartisan support (01:20:25) On screen text displays House compromises on the President's summit negotiation objectives, Speaker O'Neill at press conference comments further on Reagan's summit mission, a smiling Secretary of State GEORGE SCHULTZ meets with members of Congress, Senator ALBERT GORE in a Congressional hall and outside in a park condemns the notion that the summit was a success (01:22:20) Back in the studio Carter and Roberts discuss the Reagan's performance at the Iceland summit relative to Congressional support and the upcoming Congressional elections (01:26:50) Carter closes out show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits