
Capitol Journal - Budget, Superfund, Immigration and Drugs

Capitol Journal - Budget, Superfund, Immigration and Drugs
Clip: 459978_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10219
Original Film: 31-3462
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Capitol Journal opening credits and animation (01:00:34) Capitol Journal host MARK SHIELDS and HODDING CARTER sit in a tv studio in front of a large monitor on which is picture of the House floor, two hosts discuss Congressional stand off on the budget and other end of the fiscal year issues, on screen text lists legislation currently going through the House and Senate (01:02:12) In studio Shields segues to Congressional footage regarding the budget, Senator MARK HATFIELD - Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee - asks for the passage of a stop-gap budget to keep the Congress running for another week, shots of various unidentified congressmen, Representative TRENT LOTT criticizes the continuing resolution budget passed by the House calling it "bloated", various shots of the Capital Building (01:04:03) Shields interviews Representatives LEON PANETTA and LYNNE MARTIN both of the House Budget Committee in their respective offices, they both give explanations as to why the national debt has continued to grow and what they believe should be done about stopping the annual deficit (01:07:11) Back in studio Shields and Carter discuss the National debt and deficit and what they mean to the Democrats, Republicans and the average American, they also discuss the new budget and how the money in it is being allotted (01:11:28) Carter segues to examination of the Superfund renewal, families of toxic waste victims hold a press conference on Capital Hill calling for the renewal of the Superfund - fund used to clean up toxic waste, Representative DENNIS ECKHART points out to the House the anniversary of the Superfund which as far as renewal has gone over looked, shots of a House / Senate Committee designed to reformulate the Superfund (01:13:35) Back in studio Carter and Shields talk about whether or not the White House administration will pass Congress' Superfund renewal (01:14:50) Shields segues to immigration reform, Representative PETER RODINO, Representative DANIEL LUNGREN, Representative ROMANE MAZZOLI, Representative TRENT LOTT, Representative Panetta, and Representative ROBERT MICHEL on the House floor all give their two cents about immigration reform (01:17:45) In an interview with Shields Senator ALAN SIMPSON voices frustration over what has become of his immigration bill (01:18:35) Back in studio Shields and Carter discuss the fallen immigration reform legislation, Carter segues to the drug bill, Senator JOSEPH BIDEN speaking before the Senate calls on senators to check their partisan "six-shooters" at the door, on screen text displays the proposed anti-drug bill measures, Senator BARRY GOLDWATER speaking on the Senate floor criticizes House suggestions to introduce the U.S. armed forces into the drug war, Senator MACH MATTINGLY (?), Senator ALFONSE D'AMATO and Senator ROULA HAWKINS all speak before the Senate in favor of the death penalty, onscreen text displays the costs in involved in the House and Senate anti-drug bills, Senator WILLIAM ARMSTRONG points out the hypocrisy behind supporting a budget inflating anti-drug bill (01:23:11) Back in studio Carter and Shields discuss the anti-drug legislation being debated in Congress and end of the term Congressional issues relative to the upcoming elections (01:27:10) Shields closes out the show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits