
Capitol Journal - Budget, Taxes, Immigration

Capitol Journal - Budget, Taxes, Immigration
Clip: 459966_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10218
Original Film: 31-3252
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Capital Journal opening credits and animation (01:00:40) In tv studio Capital Journal hosts HODDING CARTER and MARK SHEILDS sit before a large monitor on which is a picture of the House floor, Carter and Sheilds discuss the show's topic - the budget and tax reform, Senator PETE DOMENICI - Senate Budget Committee Chair - before the Senate lists money saving measures in the new budget, Senator LAWTON CHILES explains to the Senate why they should vote for this budget (01:03:25) Representative WILLIAM GRAY - House Budget Committee Chair - condemns the White House Administration for proposing only domestic spending cuts, long shot of Capital Building, Representative JOHN PORTER voices his frustrations that when all the budget resolutions have been passed a large deficit will still emerge (01:05:34) Back in the studio Carter and Shields discuss the Congressionally passed budget resolutions, Carter segues to subject of tax reform (01:08:00) Various shots of Senate floor, Senator BOB PACKWOOD - Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee - gives an extensive list of all the people he wants to thank for working out the new tax code, Representative DAN ROSTENKOWSKI - Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee - hoots and cheers in thanks Chairman of the Finance Committee who sits by Rostenkowski's side, Senator JOHN DANFORTH voices dissent about what's in new tax code, President RONALD REAGAN walks down the aisle of the House floor and speaks about tax reform before Congress at his 1984 State of the Union Address, shots of a the taping of a tv program where congressmen discuss tax reform, Representative BILL ARCHER in interview with Carter speaks about the negative changes contained within tax reform legislation (01:12:00) Reagan tells members of Congress to vote with their heart about tax reform, Representative RICHARD GEPHARDT says if tax reform fails it's the fault of the Republicans, Representative Archer explains why he opposes Reagan on the tax bill and what he plans to do about it, Representative CARROLL HUBBARD urges members of the House to vote against the tax bill as it will be detrimental to the economy, Speaker of the House TIP O'NEILL before the House explains the outcome of voting yea or nay, an unidentified woman reads the results of the House vote passing the tax bill (01:14:15) Back in tv studio Carter and Sheilds discuss the tax code changes introduced by the tax reform bill, Sheilds segues to discussion of immigration issue (01:16:48) Representative DANIEL LUNGREN speaks on the House floor about the too long over-looked problem of immigration, shots of an INS raid on a restaurant - restaurant host is IDed, workers are escorted out in hand-cuffs by INS officials to a van in the restaurant parking lot, Senator ALAN SIMPSON talks about his fight to get an immigration bill passed, Senator PAUL SIMON conducts a vote with fellow Senators all of whom vote "no", shot of woman in restaurant making tortillas - on screen text superimposed on this shot lists policies to be introduced by Simpson's Immigration Bill, Representative CHARLES SCHUMER explains why the House is dragging its feet about coming up with an immigration bill, Representative Lungren expresses opposition to proposed House immigration plans (01:21:14) Back in studio Shields and Carter discuss immigration legislation's fight through the Congress, Shield segues to segment on "flowery (Congressional) rhetoric" (01:23:38) Audio of Representative ROBERT GARCIA rising in support of making the rose the national flower of the U.S. - shot of fully blossomed red rose in Washington garden, back in studio Carter and Sheilds discuss what now faces Congress - tax reform, budget resolutions, and immigration (01:26:45) Carter closes out show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits