
Capitol Journal - Air Safety

Capitol Journal - Air Safety
Clip: 459947_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10195
Original Film: 31-3120
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Opens to two unidentified, different men in suits making statements about air safety and deregulation - shots of them appear in window under which is a Capital Journal banner, in window, from tv studio, Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show (01:00:41) Capitol Journal title credit and animation (01:00:48) Carter summarizes why air safety a current issue, shot of air traffic control tower, shots of planes moving on runways, shot of plane on a descent going by the Washington Monument, shot of plane taking off from runway with Capitol Building in background, meeting of the House Aviation Sub-Committee, Senate Aviation hearing (01:03:32) Shot of airport ticket line, on screen statistics of growth of airline industry and proposed government cuts to F.A.A., interview with DONALD ENGEN head of the F.A.A. who says air travel safety has never been better, interview with HOWARD JOHANNSSON President of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists who talks about proposed FAA cuts (01:06:11) Various shots of air traffic control room in Leesburg, VA - controllers busy at work in front of computers and radar screens, interviews with various controllers about the future of air traffic control, return to interviews with Engen and Johannsson (01:09:49) Back in studio Carter segues to earlier interview in Congressional office with Senators JOHN GLENN and WARREN RUDMAN about the current state of air safety and FAA funding and organization (01:19:10) Back in studio Carter introduces a panel of three journalists: TOM MCCARTHY of the Dallas Times, PENNY PAGANO of the Los Angeles Times, STEVEN ROBERTS of the New York Times talk about the current state of air safety and the future of the FAA (01:27:00) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits