
Capitol Journal - Farm Legislation

Capitol Journal - Farm Legislation
Clip: 459927_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10172
Original Film: 31-2603
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:14) (DO NOT USE THIS SEGMENT) Opens to shot of Farm Aid stage where BOB DYLAN sings "I ain't going to work on Maggie's farm no more" and WILLIE NELSON smiles and plays guitar in the background

Capitol Journal - Farm Legislation
Clip: 459927_1_2
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10172
Original Film: 31-2603
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

close up on woman who says farmers have been forgotten by politicians, man in suit says farmers should be made more independent of government, brief shot of meeting of farmers, Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show from farm field, Capitol Journal title screen and animation (01:00:54) Shot of farm with big realty/for sale sign in front of it, shot of main street where stores are vacant, shot of cattle fields where a tractor delivers a large bundle of hay to the eagerly awaiting cows, President RONALD REAGAN at a press conference says America is a farming country and goes on to stress the importance of farming issues to the U.S., shot of Speaker of the House TIP O'NEILL and the House coming together for a session, shot of the House's farm bill and on screen text displays the 500 page bill's extensive table of contents (01:02:40) Carter back on the farm field says that times are tough for farmers, various shots of Farm Aid in Champaign, IL, a crowded stadium looks and sings on with a large country singer who sings about the "American farmer" - his image is broadcast on a large tv screen above the crowd, shots of farmers outside farm aid holding a small rally with signs - women participants complain of lack of government intervention in the current "farm crisis" (01:03:50) Shots of man getting into and driving a large harvesting tractor through fields of wheat or some such tall grain, Carter interviews three Illinois farmers outside in the fields - they talk about their economic woes - low market values on their crops and high interest rates on their loans, another shot of different sort of harvesting tractor - this one pushes a long spiked wheel in front of it, shot of farm house with for sale sign in front of it, a tractor dealer in Champaign talks to Carter about the economics of farming while they walk by a lot of big new tractors, man drives around new tractor, tractor dealer talks about recent need for repossession of unpaid for tractors (01:07:26) Carter speaks with a University of Illinois professor about the farm economy Dr. ROBERT SPITZE, another shot of big harvesting/bailing tractor, back to Carter's interview with 3 Illinois farmers - more about hard financial times and what whether or not Washington is concerned with farmers (01:10:28) Carter interviews Representative TERRY BRUCE, various shots of tractors in the field harvesting crops (01:11:47) Back in tv studio Carter segues to history of government farm policy, b/w footage of farmers and tractors in the field in the 20s through the Depression, President FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT speaks from a balcony to a gathering of cheering men in Washington, various photographs of farmers are shown - lots of nice close ups of dramatic looking men and women - while Roosevelt's address on improving the lot of farmers is played, shots of tractors harvesting the fields (01:14:25) Shots of federal government meeting on farming - farmers sit and watch, WARD SINCLAIR of the Washington post comments on the failed 1981 farm bill, Senator TOM HARKIN comments on 1981 farm bill and the accumulation of government farm debt, comments of Representative KIKA DE LA GARZA, Senator MARK ANDREWS, Secretary of Agriculture JOHN BLOCK on farm legislation, audio-less shot of an animated Ronald Reagan speaking at press conference surrounded by an entourage of associates, various shots of farms as evening falls (01:18:30) Back in studio Carter introduces his discussion panel: from a remote location Representative LEON PANETTA and Senator THAD COCHRAN, and in the studio Ward Sinclair of the Washington Press and Secretary of Agriculture John Block, they discuss the new farm bills being formulated and voted upon in the House and Senate (01:25:56) Carter thanks guests and closes out show,

Capitol Journal - Farm Legislation
Clip: 459927_1_3
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10172
Original Film: 31-2603
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(DO NOT USE THIS SEGMENT) Credits roll over nice stage shots of a group performing at Farm Aid including Willie Nelson (01:27:30) PBS funding credits