
Capitol Journal - Iran/Contra Deal

Capitol Journal - Iran/Contra Deal
Clip: 459857_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10226
Original Film: 31-3793
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:12) Captiol Journal opening credits and animation 00:32 Shot opens to tv studio set where four men are seated in a group: show hosts HODDING CARTER and MARK SHIELDS, and guests Senator ALAN SIMPSON and Senator GEORGE MITCHELL (01:01:18) Carter reviews the Iran/Contra events thus far, shot of President RONALD REAGAN and NANCY REAGAN leaving the White House, a Reagan radio address is piped in over a shot of the White House, footage of Senators RICHARD LUGAR and BOB DOLE from appearances on NBC and ABC in which they criticize the White House administration for the Iran/Contra affair, Reagan meets with his cabinet to set up an investigative review of his administration, in a National address Reagan says he is appointing an independent counsel, Republican leaders hold a press conference, Senator ROBERT BYRD recommends further steps for the President, the Senate Intelligence Committee gathers for a private meeting, Vice President GEORGE BUSH defends Reagan's Iran/Contra operations as "leadership", Senator ERNEST HOLLINGS passionately discounts speculation that OLIVER NORTH acted on his own authority (01:05:46) Back in the tv studio panel discusses Reagan's involvement in the affair and what he should now do, how the Democrats feel about this slip up, what it means for Reagan's reputation as President, whether or not Reagan knew about the diversion of funds, the significance of North taking the fifth ammendment, the different committee line ups to investigate the affair (01:18:28) Footage of Bush passionately standing by Reagan, stating that Reagan will tell the truth and the American public will believe him, Senator Hollings criticizes Reagan for the affair (01:19:15) Back in the studio Shields introduces discussion panel - Dr. NORMAN J. ORNSTEIN of the American Enterprise Institute and CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER of the New Republic, about the length and extent of Congressional investigations, the affair's effect on the President's power, the American public's feelings about the affair and Reagan's involvement in it (01:26:58) Shields closes out the show, credits role (01:27:29) PBS funding credits