
USS Vincennes shoots down Iranian airliner

USS Vincennes shoots down Iranian airliner
Clip: 459849_1_1
Year Shot: 1988 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1359
Original Film:
Location: Persian Gulf
Timecode: -

This sequence shows the Aegis cruiser USS Vincennes firing two missiles into the air, then an enlisted man on the ship's bridge announcing that the target had been hit "dead on." We hear shouts of jubilation from the crew, followed by an order to "knock it off." Another officer confirms the ship has scored a "direct hit." [NOTE: The aircraft shot down in this video sequence turned out to be an Iranian airliner full of civilians, Iran Air Flight 655. Mitigating circumstances for the Vincennes' action include the plane's refusal to identify itself and the fact that the cruiser was also under attack by several Iranian gunboats at the time.]