
Vietnamese student antiwar demonstrations

Vietnamese student antiwar demonstrations
Clip: 459831_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 111, LC 48134
Location: South Vietnam, Saigon
Timecode: 03:48:50 - 03:59:05

Footage of a student led protest in South Vietnam in 1964.

Vietnamese student antiwar demonstrations
Clip: 459831_1_2
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 111, LC 48134
Location: South Vietnam, Saigon
Timecode: 03:48:50 - 03:52:11

MS South Vietnamese walking around. MCU papers litter the ground, dirt, focus on windows w/burn marks. MS Firemen hose down the smoldering building as a crowd watches. MS crowd, Vietnamese students, gathered in front of South Vietnamese flag protesting the war preparing to march. (students) MS man giving a speech. MS young white boys w/paper on heads. MS crowd, cheering. TLS/HA police looking on, large crowd marching down street with banners.

Vietnamese student antiwar demonstrations
Clip: 459831_1_3
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 111, LC 48134
Location: South Vietnam, Saigon
Timecode: 03:52:12 - 03:55:40

MCU graffiti on wall. CU cue card. MS/MCU press conference (Vietnamese Students) being held inside a building, people writing. (More exterior shots, showing some political graffiti) MS men looking at bicycles. MS street scene, men & children. MCU graffiti on a piece of paper attached to a doorway. MS Firemen working on fire. MS group of Vietnamese students standing around. MCU burned window. TLS crowd outside of building. MS military figure speaking, crowd, carrying flag, men carrying gate as guard stand by. MS men outside building. MCU broken window glass on ground.

Vietnamese student antiwar demonstrations
Clip: 459831_1_4
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 111, LC 48134
Location: South Vietnam, Saigon
Timecode: 03:55:41 - 03:59:05

MS building, "Bo Thong Tin," w/South Vietnamese flag flying. MS banner, "Ruling Committee of the Students' Association is asked to be dissolved." MS interior view of a press conference, journalists taking notes. MS young Vietnamese man/student speaking through a bullhorn to crowd. MS/MCU marchers approaching camera w/banner. MS marchers, man in front w/bullhorn very dramatic, man carrying flag, marchers. MS sign, "Tong-hoi Sinh-Vien Saigon, student union."