
Operation Game Warden

Operation Game Warden
Clip: 459824_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 428, NPC 39536
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 03:03:30 - 03:22:31

Footage of Operation Game Warden started in May 1966. U.S. naval forces began coastal patrols and onshore surveillance to prevent Viet Cong infiltration into the Mekong Delta.

Operation Game Warden
Clip: 459824_1_2
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 428, NPC 39536
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 03:03:30 - 03:06:20

MCU U.S. Marines (Navy Sailors), soldiers firing machine guns (M-16 Rifles & M-60)from vehicle. CU discarded shells, bullets. CU firing heavy machine gun. MCU/LA U.S Navy Sailors fire M-16 rifles and M-60 machine guns on board river patrol craft. MCU soldier at bow of boat, (armored personnel boats)other U.S. boat in BG, more firing at shoreline. MS craft is along shoreline with a small fire that is being put out. MS soldiers trying to put out fire.

Operation Game Warden
Clip: 459824_1_3
Year Shot: 1967
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 428, NPC 39536
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 03:06:21 - 03:09:09

TLS patrol craft on the water and shots of the shoreline. CU soldier holding some paper. MS soldiers resting, industrial area in BG. MS boat docking. CU ropes. MS troops going ashore. MCU troops on boat. MS troops on boat, American flags flying. MCU soldier in gun turret (of armored personnel boat) dumping discarded shells into river.

Operation Game Warden
Clip: 459824_1_4
Year Shot: 1967
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 428, NPC 39536
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 03:09:10 - 03:13:05

CU camera (16mm) boat engine. MCU men working on engine. TLS U.S. boat approaching. CU paper read, "...Delta Operations, 7/28/67." MCU firing at shoreline. TLS military camps/large boat on shoreline, soldiers wading to shoreline. TLS men on shoreline, boat, smoke, spark of gunfire in distance. MS boat, armored, transport pulling away.

Operation Game Warden
Clip: 459824_1_5
Year Shot: 1967
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 428, NPC 39536
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 03:13:06 - 03:16:10

MS boat, armored, transport pulling away. MCU white Marine soldier in flak jacket brushing teeth. MCU white Marine soldier in shorts resting. TLS boat, transports in distance. MS/MCU open field with U.S. military personnel in green - some wounded (non-severely) men standing around, medic bandaging another man's leg, and a UH-60 Medivac helicopter ready to take off in BG. (Men have white cards pinned to their shirts possibly identifying them as medical personnel - - this may be part of a cease-fire for evacuation of wounded, and these men wear the white cards to signal that that's what they're doing). LS pan w/ helicopter taking off. TLS Sampans on the water, then more U.S. naval craft.

Operation Game Warden
Clip: 459824_1_6
Year Shot: 1967
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 428, NPC 39536
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 03:16:11 - 03:20:03

MS small ship, boat, armored patrol boats (APBs), transport. MS helicopter taking off. TLS water, Sampans, naval crafts. CU cue card, "U.S.S. Benawa, Going Up River, Roll 1" & "Monitok Boat Ops, My Tho River." Aerial shot of river traffic. More patrol craft and APBs. Wide shot shows boat traffic on the Mekong Delta. (Nice Shots)

Operation Game Warden
Clip: 459824_1_7
Year Shot: 1967
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 357
Original Film: RG 428, NPC 39536
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 03:20:04 - 03:22:31

CU card, "Up River, Vietnam." TLS armored patrol boats, APBs, transport moving. CU boat anchor chain winding. MS Marines on bow of boat, one smokes a pipe.