
Captured North Vietnamese Army film

Captured North Vietnamese Army film
Clip: 459817_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, DD 41-68
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 04:38:56 - 04:50:21

Captured North Vietnamese film depicting the opposite side of the war. Excellent footage of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers and Vietcong (Viet Cong) guerillas working and fighting in the jungles of western Vietnam.

Captured North Vietnamese Army film
Clip: 459817_1_2
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, DD 41-68
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 04:38:56 - 04:41:18

CU map of Vietnam and Cambodia, zoom in to border village of Kotum. TLS North Vietnamese-- perhaps some Viet Cong-- troops gathered in jungle for briefing; note that most soldiers wear boonie jungle hats; MS young NVA officer briefing troops; MS soldiers listening; MSs communist soldiers wearing propaganda slogans on chests and hats; CU sign (Quyet bat giac my phai den no mau cho dong bao Hanoi); CU face of NVA soldier, tilt down uniform (closed pleated pockets of uniform) to propaganda sticker on stock of M-16 (!) assault rifle; MS officer handing out awards to three soldiers. MSs NVA soldiers camouflaging themselves, machine guns and crude artillery in jungle. Panning TLS soldiers walking through field in jungle. MSs soldiers running through jungle. TLSs mortar fire in jungle (explosions); MS NVA soldier blowing bugle in bush; MSs camouflaged NVA firing weapons, advancing through jungle (combat); TLS soldier atop destroyed ARVN (US made) tank; MS tank parts strewn on ground; CU shell hole in tank hull; CU battered ID on tank (U.S. ARMY 12R386).

Captured North Vietnamese Army film
Clip: 459817_1_3
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, DD 41-68
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 04:41:18 - 04:42:15

Panning MSs Communist rally in jungle: group of young Vietnamese men and women clapping and waving small North Vietnam flags (also construed as Viet Cong flag)-- one woman waves flag of People's Republic of China; very Maoist gestures here; panning MS banner stretched between trees (Khiet Liet Chao Mung Cac Bong Chi Trung-Quoc Ben Tham Mien Nam-Viet). MS Viet Cong Communists wearing black pajama uniforms-- one woman wears checkered scarf-- at small indoor rally, unfurling posters of Mao Tse-Tung and Ho Chi Minh. MS/CUs primitive VC press division carving wood printing blocks, printing propaganda flyers on roller (roller is drawn across paper, pressing it onto block; a boy re-inks the block after a pass); MSs manually powered printing press, a VC guerilla using a foot pedal to turn a wheel, while another man feeds sheets of paper into machine.

Captured North Vietnamese Army film
Clip: 459817_1_4
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, DD 41-68
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 04:42:15 - 04:46:31

Card: Tay Ninh vao Bong Xuan. MSs camouflaged North Vietnamese (NVA) soldiers patrolling through jungle. Card: Diet Bich O Cah Do. Low angle LSs U.S. surveillance, fighter jets and helicopters flying overhead. MSs Viet Cong (Vietcong) guerillas rushing through jungle, setting up guns; MS NVA & VC engaged in firefight in jungle; MSs soldier walking away with cache of seized M-60 & M-16 guns. Card: Pha tan Bot Cau Vinh. TLS flare overhead, night; TLS burning hill; MS burning building. MS ARVN prisoners cleaning weapons, running in place, etc. MS NVA soldier rapidly digging hole in ground, a RPD LMG machine gun in FG. MCU NVA soldier using field radio. MSs soldiers running through jungle, carrying AK-47 and RPD LMG guns and ammo, then engaged in jungle firefight (combat). MS/MCUs NVA soldiers cleaning guns, ammunition, grenades (for launchers) at camp. MSs soldiers, bushes strapped to backs for camouflage, running in place and then through jungle. TLS explosions (mortar fire). MSs soldier blowing bugle, soldier advancing. MCU cache of weapons and ammo. MSs Viet Cong men & women performing fan dance at NVA jungle camp.

Captured North Vietnamese Army film
Clip: 459817_1_5
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, DD 41-68
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 04:46:31 - 04:50:21

North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong sabotage railway system: TLSs derailed US-made train and destroyed railroad tracks; MCUs NVA soldiers removing screws from tracks; MSs Viet Cong lifting rails and tracks up, using bamboo for leverage; TLSs destroyed tracks; TLS explosion on track; CUs damaged rails; MSs NVA soldiers preparing plastic explosives, climbing bridge & planting bombs; TLS bridge blowing up, collapsing; TLSs bridge wreckage. MSs VC carrying injured guerillas in crude stretchers to field hospital in jungle. MSs NVA officer conducting lecture in jungle. MSs NVA & VC officers parading past cam, entering a bunker. MSs NVA officer visiting wounded in field hospital. MSs NVA / VC dismantling dud shells, removing explosives, banging out powder for their own ammo; guerrilla munitions work. MS VC man fashioning rifle stock from wood, inserting metal muzzle. MS shirtless Vietcong wading across river with large rucksacks over their heads. MSs NVA soldiers and Viet Cong guerillas-- including some women-- pushing bicycles loaded with affects along flooded jungle path and through field (supply train).