
Buddhist Anti-War Demonstrations

Buddhist Anti-War Demonstrations
Clip: 459812_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, LC 50065
Location: Saigon, South Vietnam
Timecode: 04:00:04 - 04:09:59

Buddhists and South Vietnamese civilians protest against the war. Demonstration in Saigon, Vietnam. Astounding visual parallel to the anti-war demonstrations occurring in the United States at the same time. Excellent quality. Originally shot on film.

Buddhist Anti-War Demonstrations
Clip: 459812_1_2
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, LC 50065
Location: Saigon, South Vietnam
Timecode: 04:00:04 - 04:02:09

TLSs relatively small and contained demonstration of South Vietnamese walking through street, carrying large banners. TLSs people walking along streets, riding bicycles or mopeds (street scenes). MS young Vietnamese woman joking with younger sibling about the presence of a film camera. MS two young Theravada Buddhist monks dressed in red-orange robes standing on street. TLSs demonstrators running along street after state police (Saigon MP riot squad) set off tear gas canisters; chaos, pandemonium.

Buddhist Anti-War Demonstrations
Clip: 459812_1_3
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, LC 50065
Location: Saigon, South Vietnam
Timecode: 04:02:18 - 04:05:36

Panning MS demonstrators running, some still carrying protest banners, from tear gas discharged by South Vietnamese soldiers (ARVN). MS male demonstrators, some wearing plastic bags over their heads (?!), trying to get away from tear gas. TLS crowd gathering strength at distance from MPs. TLSs demonstrators throwing rocks at police; a Mahayana Buddhist monk waves at the police to halt while he encourages the rock-throwers to stop & come back to the fold. TLS demonstrators (in BG) throwing rocks at South Vietnam soldiers (in FG)-- note that the soldiers are wearing American fatigues, helmets, flak jackets. Nice MS soldier firing tear gas canister at crowd, pan to demonstrators. Fantastic TLS Buddhist monk approaching the soldiers, talking reason with them. More shots of clashes between soldiers & anti-war protesters, the former flooding the streets w/ tear gas-- more chaos, pandemonium. MSs South Vietnam soldiers-- wearing US-made gas masks and holding wicker riot shields-- standing at police line. TLS demonstrators regrouping while soldiers watch in FG. TLSs students throwing rocks at police / soldiers. MS Buddhist monk in white robe standing on log and speaking to soldiers; pan left to protesters who have relented. MS protesters waving national banner of the former Republic of Vietnam (yellow ground with three red stripes through the center), pleading to soldiers. MS demonstrators running. MSs injured woman being carried from street and to safe area. MS young men flushing tear gas from the eyes of a demonstrator. MS injured young man in stretcher being carried away. MS demonstrators holding line, two Buddhist monks walking to the fore.

Buddhist Anti-War Demonstrations
Clip: 459812_1_4
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, LC 50065
Location: Saigon, South Vietnam
Timecode: 04:05:38 - 04:07:40

TLS demonstrators running from tear gas, cutting through schoolyard. TLS protesters holding banner that reads, "Americans Must End Immediately Assistance for Fascist Warmongers". MS protesters, pan right to South Vietnamese soldiers in riot gear and gas masks. MS two young Theravada Buddhist monks, one holding a small white flag (truce, surrender). MS male protester pleading to soldiers; he breaks into tears. MCU man wearing dark Wayfarer sunglasses speaking to crowd, waving hands. MS two Mahayana Buddhist monks speaking with ARVN military officer. TLSs clashes between protesters and state police on rain-slicked street, the former tossing rocks and the latter firing tear gas. MCU puddle, raindrops splashing. MS group of children standing in street, mess of barbed wire on screen right. TLSs barricades and rubble strewn across street. TLS banner stretched across barricade reads, "Blood and Bones of America-- Vietnamese People Are Not Instruments of Warmongers".

Buddhist Anti-War Demonstrations
Clip: 459812_1_5
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 354
Original Film: RG 111, LC 50065
Location: Saigon, South Vietnam
Timecode: 04:07:45 - 04:09:59

LSs traffic intersection, cars and bicyclists and mopeds passing in FG, South Vietnamese army roadblock in BG. MS two South Vietnamese police officers talking in street. MS ARVN solider holding wicker riot shield in street, other soldiers at truck in BG. MS road sign on lamp post: "Duong Tran Quoc Toan". TLSs banner stretched across barricade: "Blood & Bones of American-- Vietnamese People are not Instruments of Warmongers". High angle LSs demonstration in streets.