
POW Exchange

POW Exchange
Clip: 459807_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 353
Original Film: RG111, LC 58262
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 05:00:01 - 05:24:51

Footage of a POW exchange between the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) during the Vietnam War in 1973. The NVA POW in red pajamas appear disgraced and many are injured, while the ARVN POWs as they are freed they appear in good health and are celebratory.

POW Exchange
Clip: 459807_1_2
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 353
Original Film: RG111, LC 58262
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 05:00:00 - 05:04:45

MS male Vietnamese press photographer (photojournalist) in white shirt sitting near white wall, stands faces wall. MS South Vietnamese Army (Army of the Republic of Vietnam, ARVN, ARVN military police, MP, M.P.) standing guard over a group of POWs, North Vietnamese Army, NVA, Viet Cong prisoners who wear red pajamas. (demarking communists) MS military jeeps, car entering camp. (POW Camp) MS Vietnamese soldiers looking at cars. MS young Vietnamese boys in red being moved, one on a crutch. (POWs) MCU boy on crutch. MS/CU POWS standing, sitting, getting in barrack. MS more being walked. MS/MCU ARVN soldiers standing around, white American soldier in sunglasses, North Vietnamese Army officer (NVA, wearing Russian made officer uniform, somewhat ill fitting) officer accompanied by NVA soldiers in pith helmets, get in black cars, drive off. TLS trucks, soldiers, POWS, (tourist looking, journalists) standing around. MCU ARVN soldier w/CV radio. MS British looking journalist. MS Vietnamese cameraman w/35mm followed by soundman, w/Crystal Synch. CU cameraman w/35mm Arriflex.

POW Exchange
Clip: 459807_1_3
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 353
Original Film: RG111, LC 58262
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 05:04:46 - 05:08:37

MS ARVN military police marching NVA POWs in red pajamas, (risk in showing faces, some hide) cameramen follow. MS people handing things into trucks, journalists & photojournalist all around taking photos. MS soldiers transporting prisoners (NVA POWs) w/arms locked so that they do not escape, many civilians & journalists standing around. MS NVA prisoners in red on truck, ARVN MPs watching them. MS row of trucks.

POW Exchange
Clip: 459807_1_4
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 353
Original Film: RG111, LC 58262
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 05:08:39 - 05:12:24

MS trucks moving out of gates. TLS trucks moving down road. MS Trucks parked, passing airplane, (C-130 Hercules in BG?, Air Force) civilians all around. (air base?) MS transport airplane w/U.S. Air Force symbol on side & South Vietnam flag on tail moving forward. MS/pan POWs in trucks, men giving interviewers, soldiers stand by, plane.

POW Exchange
Clip: 459807_1_5
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 353
Original Film: RG111, LC 58262
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 05:12:25 - 05:15:59

MS POWs getting on airplane, Captain in the U.S. Air Force stands by entrance. MCU (Australian, European, New Zealand) soldier taking photos. MCU member of the Canadian Air Force in white. MCU U.S. & South Vietnamese soldiers standing around as POWs in red pajamas pass. (POWs have hats & covers on their head, South Vietnamese (ARVN in U.S. camouflage) MP ARVN soldiers have machine guns in hand, 5.5 mm M16A1 or M-16 rifle) MS woman newscaster, being filmed by other camera. MS/MCU more POWs moving. MCU high ranking North Vietnamese Army (NVA) officer speaking to crowd of Journalists. MS NVA member in car interviewed by crowd, people climbing on hood to take photos. CU through car window of soldier. MS interviewed. MS young smiling NVA soldier w/rank.

POW Exchange
Clip: 459807_1_6
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 353
Original Film: RG111, LC 58262
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 05:16:00 - 05:19:49

MS POWs in red pajamas (North Vietnamese, Viet Cong, North Vietnamese Army, NVA, young Vietnamese boys) in POW camp moving injured, wounded POWs, prisoners into truck, red cross. Moved by Army of the Republic of Vietnam MPs, ARVN. TLS airplane overhead. MS trucks moving out. TLS trucks traveling down road, arriving at another base. MS unloading wounded, injured.

POW Exchange
Clip: 459807_1_7
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 353
Original Film: RG111, LC 58262
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 05:19:50 - 05:23:49

MS unloading of wounded, injured continued. (many POWs cover their face) Nice view of rear doors of vehicle being closed; when they close, you see a big red cross. (This event occurred shortly before the last U.S. combat forces were pulled out of Vietnam on 29 March 1973) TLS POWs, prisoners, (North Vietnamese, Viet Cong, young Vietnamese boys) being guarded by Army of the Republic of Vietnam. MS/LA POWs. MS more MP guards. TLS airplane moving in BG. CU POW w/(metal peg leg?) MS ARVN MPs & soldiers move toward plane that has just landed, their fellow (young boys) soldiers step off wearing military service scrubs, cheering, waving. (Released South Vietnamese POWs, ARVN) MS getting in truck, wave as pass. MS military band is on the scene. No U.S. POWs are involved. MS North Vietnamese Army prisoners, NVA, POWs being moved, carrying injured, wounded.

POW Exchange
Clip: 459807_1_8
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 353
Original Film: RG111, LC 58262
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 05:23:50 - 05:24:51

MS North Vietnamese (North Vietnamese Army, NVA, Viet Cong, young Vietnamese boys) POWs, prisoners placing wounded into transport airplane. MCU two Indonesia officers speaking. CU Royal Crest of Indonesia (eagle w/shield underneath "Indonesia.") arm patch, Canadian Air Force man in BG.