
Ronald Reagan Paid Political Announcement

Ronald Reagan Paid Political Announcement
Clip: 459800_1_1
Year Shot: 1980 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10001
Original Film: 31-0008
Location: Office of the Governor of California
Timecode: -

(00:59:00) Text screen: "The following program has been paid for & furnished by the Reagan Bush Committee" (00:59:14) Medium shot of RONALD REAGAN leisurely straddling the corner of a wooden desk in a fancy office (office of the governor of California?), voice over introduces Reagan as the Governor of California, Cameras closes in to capture Reagan's head and shoulders, Reagan opens up quoting novelist THOMAS WOLFE about the greatness of America, Reagan goes on to contrast the Wolfe quote with the current economic despair, Reagan blames JIMMY CARTER for this despair (00:01:30) Reagan quotes a Carter response to what should be done about rising unemployment and inflation, Reagan then talks about labor's relationship to him and Carter (00:04:07) Reagan lists Carter's failed promises and continues an attack on his economic policies listing unemployment and economic statistics, Reagan talks about rising home prices, job flight overseas, industrial production, etc (00:08:54) Reagan rips into the Carter administration's failed economic plans and its tendency to blame everyone else for the nation's economic woes, Reagan goes on to talk about Carter's tax and government spending increases which he blames for rising inflation rates, Reagan mentions large annual deficits under Carter (00:13:15) Reagan outlines his economic plan (00:15:05) Reagan talks about unnecessary government spending which he intends to cut, he gives an example of a corrupt government agency wasting millions of dollars each year (00:17:25) Reagan talks about his plan to cut taxes, Reagan talks about deregulating industry, Reagan talks about increasing domestic energy production (00:21:40) Reagan talks about his plan to make housing more affordable (00:22:50) Reagan explains the necessity of his plan to combat inflation, Reagan tells the story of a little girl from Indiana who continued to save her money to buy a pair of roller skates but could not keep up with the inflation rate to buy them - Reagan digs into Carter for being the cause of this scenario and the millions others like it across the country (00:25:15) Reagan closes out his speech contrasting the downward economic spiral brought about by the Carter administration to his plans for economic growth, he asks for the support of Americans and that Americans believe that the U.S. has the potential to be great once again