
George Bush at Press Conference

George Bush at Press Conference
Clip: 444734_1_1
Year Shot: 1970 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1089
Original Film: COOPER REEL U.3
Location: Texas, Dallas
Timecode: 01:30:21 - 01:31:41

George Bush at Press Conference. Bush is apparently responding to questions about Watergate tape erasures and how he'd rather take the high road and talk about 'fundamentals' of world peace than media-fueled party in-fighting. WS Bush seated alone at table. MS and CU of reporter taking notes. Audio in at 30:47 and a little muddled: "...Uh, the day after there was a breakthrough on the middle east. And I walked into the press conference and that was two days after the tape erasure thing. And they said would you mind commenting on the news, and I said well I think it's great, I really am very pleased, and they said well, what do you mean, and I said don't you think it's marvellous that we're going to have a separation of forces, that for the first time in years that this world may be closer to peace? And they said no not that news (very animated here) tell us about the tape erasure. And I said no I'd rather tell you about this one and I think I'm dealing with much more in the way of fundamentals. You know those guys are dealing more with the headlines of the moment - you know - little things to pit me against the president or the party or some republican, you know everybody is probing around to find somebody who's gonna take a slug at the president, particularly if he's a republican, we'll they're not gonna get me to do that."