
African Natives Dancing - Missionary

African Natives Dancing - Missionary
Clip: 443634_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 762-3
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE # 210021 African natives dancing - missionaries Close shot of African men beating drums. CU black man (African?) speaking to someone off-screen. It looks like several takes of him delivering the same line. Another man, who wears a tie, speaks with some passion to the people around him. A group of men walk along a dock pulling a rope (not sure what they are doing). Then they dance; one seems to make music with a conch shell. Wider shot of the man in the tie speaking to a group of people around him. This is staged, I think. A hand picks up a basket of fruit, produce. Several takes of an African man and woman, dressed in nice Western clothing, talking to one another; looks like some sort of interpersonal conflict being discussed, some sorrow in their eyes. Then WS of the man and woman walking through outdoor market, man carrying the basket. More footage of people at this outdoor market, vendors, shoppers. 1950s?