
Phillipines headhunters

Phillipines headhunters
Clip: 443501_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 753-5
Timecode: -

Shots of village in the Phillipines, map with big arrow pointing to the Phillipines, male natives with spears and loincloths, two groups of them face off and fight, although no one really spears anyone. The winners chop off the head of what looks like some sort of statue. They proudly hold up the head. More shots of the village, a church, good CU of an elderly woman with wrinkled face. Native men sitting around a fire with a straw hut behind them on which a mask is hanging, CU of mask, hand holding a human jaw bone which still has teeth in it. Natives play drums and dance. Some sort of ceremony, looks religious, one man in regular clothing carries what looks like a bible under his arm and talks to the other natives who are gathered in a semi-circle around him. He goes up to each one and places his hand on their bowed head as if he is blessing or healing them. (On preview cassette #98716.)