
Clip: 443499_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 753-3
Timecode: -

Phillipines, headhunters - shots of native men, one man has a very large knife he is using to sharpen something, shot of a church on a hill, men with spears and loincloths, fields, village, naked children wandering around, two women stand against a fence and nurse their babies, shot from front of car driving down narrow dirt road with crop growing up around it, woman doing her laundry by hand in a bucket, men cooking over a fire, oxen pull carts through a river and down dirt road, various toddlers playing and on playground with slide and swingset, inside some sort of school or daycare center or maybe orphanage, woman holding rooster, natives dancing. (On preview cassette #98716.)