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Displaying clips 889-912 of 10000 in total
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"Madame X" Premiere: New Movie Launched At Five Theatres
Clip: 426198_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-020-02
Location: Miami, Florida
Timecode: 00:21:08 - 00:21:51

Lana Turner brings a bit of Hollywood glamor to Florida as she arrives in Miami for the multi-theatre world premiere of Ross Hunter's production of "Madame X", her new starring role. John Forsythe, who is among the distinguished co-stars, is also on hand of the opening. Miami, Florida Low Angle Shot - Lana Turner and her husband disembarking from a plane that just arrived in Miami, Florida. CUS - Someone wearing a T-Shirt "World Premiere Madame X." CUS - Lana Turner and her husband talking with some beauty queens. Exterior shot of the movie theatre with marquee reading..."Lana Turner, John Forsythe, CUS - A very young John Forsythe. CUS - Movie fans packed and standing behind barricades just to see their favorite movie stars. CUS - Lana Turner and her husband. MS - Movie theatre and marquee.

Cross-Country Fashions
Clip: 426199_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-020-03
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:21:51 - 00:24:20

Starting in New York, our fashion models tour Washington, the Grand Canyon and Universal City, California, to demonstrate how the new synthetics can take the travail out of travel. Easy to maintain dresses, suits and slacks are just the thing for this jet age. New York, NY New York City's Sky Line. MS - Two models walk into the picture, one is wearing a large picture hat and because its windy she has to hold down with her hand. They are wearing a suit and a dress that pack well and need little care. Models boarding an American Airlines passenger plane and it will take them to Washington DC. Washington DC Model comes out wearing a sleeveless dress with a belt, can be light blue or yellow, made of polyester. Washington Monument in the background. Rosemary comes out and she is wearing a A-line skirt and a long sleeve blouse, easy care gabardine fabric. The Grand Canyon, Arizona Wide High Angle Shot of the Grand Canyon. Carol is wearing tailored culottes ( shorts, divided skirt ) and tights with a stripe down the side of the leg. MS - Rosemary is wearing a baseball cap, scarf wrapped around her neck, a printed blouse and slim leg pants ( trousers ). Universal City, California Carol is wearing a printed hat and a blouse to match and a matching printed wide pleated skirt. The background for this pretty picture is a snow scene. MS - The two girls are on the set of Laredo and seeing first hand how the Western is made. CUS - The camera pans down wash & wear Even Pico separates, a printed blouse, a belted skirt and her leggings match her blouse and Cowboy hat. MS - The two models get on the Universal touring train to go on their sight seeing trip.

Ahh! Spring! Flower Show Offers A Preview
Clip: 426200_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-020-04
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:24:20 - 00:25:24

It's a simple matter to speed spring on its way in New York. All you need is a ticket to the Flower Show and on opening day 60,000 people had just that idea. A million blooms make you forget the ill-tempered winds of winter. New York, New York Exterior shot of Madison Square Garden and on the marquee it reads 49th International Flower Show. High Angle Shot People with smiles on their faces waiting to gain entrance to the show. CUS - Day Lilies. CUS - A little pond with flowers surrounding it and water shooting up in the pond. MS - Another garden with a pond, this looks like it belongs in Hawaii. MS - A bouquet of pussy willow branches. Throngs riding on the escalator. High & Wide Angle Shot - Flower Show, People, plants and exhibits. MS - Queen of the flower show touching and enjoying the rose bush. MS - People smelling flowers. LS - peacocks in a white gilded cage in the middle of a garden.

Prince Begins Tour: Philip To Raise Funds For Variety Clubs
Clip: 426201_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-021-01
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:25:57 - 00:27:14

As Queen Elizabeth returns to England after a tour of the Caribbean, Prince Philip begins a tour of the United States on behalf of the International Variety Clubs. His first stop is in Miami where he visits the Variety Children s Hospital where the young patients think that Prince Philip is a Prince, all right. Caribbean Throngs of people line the streets of a Caribbean Island to bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. London MS - The Royal Plane taxing on the landing strip, Queen Elizabeth II disembarking from the plane. MS - People lined up to greet the Queen on her arrival home. CUS - Queen Elizabeth and an escort walking. Miami, Florida MS - Prince Philip's plane taxing on a landing strip in Miami, Florida. CUS - A photographer recording history with his 16mm camera. MS - Prince Philip disembarking from his plane. MS - Prince Philip's motorcade is on its way. CUS - Two children sitting waiting for the Prince in a hospital. CUS - Sign or plaque "Variety Children's Hospital. Operated and Maintained by the Variety Club or Greater Miami." MS - Prince Philip shaking hands with one of the nurses caring for the children. CUS - A little girl laying flat on her back dressed in a party dress. CU - Prince Phillip standing and smiling at a little boy in a crib. CUS - News photographers.

Here's Where The Money Goes
Clip: 426202_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-021-02
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:27:15 - 00:28:26

Just as you always suspected - they have money to burn in Washington. There's more money than ever in circulation and it is wearing out faster! $25,000,000 worth a day is burned and new money printed to replace it. Washington DC Stacks and stacks of money. Wide Angle Shot - 50 million dollars to be destroyed. CUS - Fire in the furnace blazing away. CUS - A bin full of money, $47,309,500 to be exact, two men unloading the money from the bin into the furnace. CUS - New money being printed to replace the old bills. CUS - A woman examining the money it is printed on one big sheet. CUS - Man putting the sheets of money into a money cutter. CUS - Woman counting the money stacks.

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (2/2)
Clip: 486334_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10626
Original Film: 206004
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[01.19.59] The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from Maryland, Mr. Sarbanes, is recognized. Mr. SARBANES. . Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is imperative that every American appreciate that the abuses of power discussed here today, those that we have reviewed in the course of consideration of this article, placed in jeopardy our free society and our constitutional rights And that in the endangered our liberties and our course of this effort, there was also an effort to twist the proper functions of Government agencies so that rather than such agencies being your servants, serving you, there was a grave danger that those agencies -would become your oppressors. Stop and think for a moment, if you will, what it means if the agencies of Government are not administered in an even-handed manner; if people elected to public office, rather than considering it a public trust, believe that they are entitled to use the power of Government not to serve the people but to maintain themselves in person power. It is extraordinarily to assert, as has been asserted on occasion during the course of our discussion that because bad things in the, end did not happen, those who sought to make those bad things happen should not be held responsible. Stop and think for a moment. Those bad things failed ailed to happen, not because those at the top did not seek to make them happen, but because dedicated and committed people in various places in Government refused to be bent and twisted to improper purposes. The, Commissioner of Internal Revenue would not allow, in the end, that agency to be used in a discriminatory fashion against the American people. The FBI Director would not accede to the Huston plan, which for a brief period was approved by the President of the, United States, and which provided for covert mail covers, surreptitious entry, an illegal electronic surveillance, all of which J. Edgar Hoover discovered and it was Hoover in the end who went to the President and insisted that this plan not be implemented. What happened then? They went outside of the agencies of Government; unable to bend the agencies to their purpose, they decided to go outside of Government and develop their own establishment That is what the Plumbers -was. It was not a legitimately constituted law enforcement agency. It was an irregular ad hoc group established to carry out certain activities, and how, was it paid for? In part, it was paid for through money raised privately. We spoke earlier of how a private person was contacted to bring", money to the White House to be furnished to the Plumbers in order, for them to carry out the break-in of the doctor's office, and that the, money was returned to the private person who provided it in following manner: Mr. Colson called up the attorney for one of the milk producer cooperatives and asked him to have the cooperative make a contribution to a political committee called, of all things, People United For Good Government, and a $5,000 contribution was made, by the, milk cooperative to that political committee. That check was cashed, and. the man who provided the original money, in order to carry out the break-in , went to the treasurer of the political committee and recovered his $55000. Now, stop and think of that. You have an irregular group, not part of an established law enforcement agency, and its activities are being funded through money raised privately. Think of the implications of that for all Americans. Mr. Chairman, I submit we came perilously close to losing our basic freedoms. And it is for that reason that we must act affirmatively here tonight. This is a long step forward in restoring the health of our Constitutional system. We' do it, Mr. Chairman, pursuant to that Constitution. We do it with a strong sense of responsibility and a powerful belief in America and in the decency and the honesty of her People. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gentleman has expired. [01.25.55] $

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (2/2)
Clip: 486335_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10626
Original Film: 206004
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[01.31.22] Mr. LATTA..... And let me direct my attention in the few moments that we have to another- area that concerns me.. because -we have touched upon it so lightly. In fact, I heard somebody say, and I am sure he said it in jest, something about it is a bugaboo, and I have reference to national security. National security. What are -we talking about? We are talking about, protecting the lives and the security of 220 million Americans. That is what we are talking about. So, let, us not talk about it lightly. I happen to be one who since I have been in the Congress of the United States who has supported a strong national defense, a strong national defense. We cannot be second. We have got to be strong, and we are talking about national defense as a bugaboo issue? I think not. The President, of the United States was concerned about leaks right after he took office. Now, let us take a look at what he was talking about. Where were these leaks coming from? Were they coming from somebody's bridge club or out of some nonsensitive agency of the. Government? We, know better than that. They were coming from no other place than the National Security Council. Now, -who sits on the National Security Council? Staff members? The President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, along with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General by designation of the President. Now, they do not talk about rules for a handball game. They discuss and make the policy for the defense of this country, your defense, my defense, our children's defense. That is what they do. And these leaks that concerned the President of the United States were coming directly out, of that National Security Council. Now, what were they? Many of our colleagues here today have alluded to them, and I do not want to duplicate what they have, said. But, let me, point out that about, every time the National Security Council would make a decision, a couple of days later-, and I hate to mention- newspapers, but I must, the New York Times would publish it or the Evening Star. Would this not concern you? It concerned Me. It concerned the President. Let me give you just one. On April 6, the New York Times prints a front page article indicating U.S. consideration of unilateral withdrawal, June, 1969, shortly after a decision had been reached to begin initial withdrawal of troops, the New York Times and the Evening Star reported this decision indicating that it -would be made public following the meeting, following the meeting -with the South Vietnamese President Thieu. Leaks damaging Dr. Kissinger's diplomatic efforts to end the war. For the South Vietnamese Government to hear publicly, of our apparent willingness to consider unilateral withdrawal without first discussing the matter with President. What does this do to our credibility? Damaging leaks had been occurring with regard to the SALT negotiations, and they had been discussed, and the internal uses by our Government of the strategic force posture. A study was made to determine what programs should be adopted relative to our country's, get this, deterrent conventional and nuclear capability. The study included five possible strategic options from an emphasis on offensive capability to heavy reliance on anti-ballistic missile systems. Costs even were discussed. Notwithstanding the obvious need for secrecy of this study------ [01.36.21--TAPE OUT]

Chicago Stock Footage
Clip: 486336_1_1
Year Shot: 1998 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: MPG 002
Location: Chicago, IL
Timecode: 01:00:31 - 01:16:38

Vaious shots of buildings and landmarks in the downtown area of Chicago, Illinois.

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486337_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10627
Original Film: 206005
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.07.39] Mr. SARBANES. I think there is some truth to what the gentleman says. but I do think that we ought to consider the point that has been made that in this take care paragraph there. are other unlawful activities which occurred to which the responsibility of the President ought to run, and which ought to be provided as part of the proof with respect to this paragraph. So, it seems to me, there is a choice available between simply eliminating the clause and having nothing, and developing language that provides a more definite standard than the language that is contained at the end of this paragraph. And I would suggest to the gentleman that if we could develop such language, it would enable us to maintain the substance of what 'we are talking about here, which the gentleman from Illinois referred to somewhat earlier and yet meet the basic thrust of the objection of the gentleman from California. Mr. THORNTON. Would the gentleman yield? Mr. WALDIE. I yield to the gentleman from Arkansas, Mr. Thornton. Mr. THORNTON. I thank the gentleman for yielding. I would like to suggest that we give some attention to the result of this amendment, if adopted, in too narrowly defining the inquiry of this article, particularly in that it, would, in my view, exclude the coverup of the unlawful, entry into the Democratic National Committee or at least the second stage of that, coverup, when what Was then being considered was the failure of the President himself to advise the Department of Justice of the involvement which he knew of his own men in the coverup which had occurred. The language as it would read, if this amendment were adopted, would limit that failure to take care only to those acts surrounding the, unlawful entry into the, headquarters of the, Democratic National Committee. If you were to add "and the coverup thereof," it might improve this amendment. However, that is not included in the effect of the amendment as adopted which in my view limits the thrust of this paragraph (4) to the break-in itself and nothing further. Mr. WALDIE. Well Mr. RAILSBACK. Would the gentleman yield? Mr. WALDIE. I respond, and I am still on my time, Mr. Chairman, and I only want to respond to Mr. Thornton's point which I think is well taken. If the language is limited only to a consideration of the events leading up to the unlawful entry, and not, the attempt to frustrate the inquiry into the events subsequent to the unlawful entry, the coverup, I think then that the point is awfully well taken. It was not ever my understanding that the initial words were limited only to the, unlawful entry, and that we included the coverup in the words "and concerning other matters." If we had to include the coverup by putting in the phrase "and concerning other matters," it is incredibly poorly drafted. My only impression is, and I would have to refer to the author. that the original words involving the break-in of the Democratic -National Committee headquarters included both the entry as well as the coverup, and concerning other matters has nothing to do with the Democratic National Committee burglary entry or coverup. Mr. DRINAN. Mr. Chairman? Mr. RAILSBACK. Would the gentleman yield? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman's 5 minutes have been consumed. Mr. DRINAN. Mr. Chairman? ? Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman, I have a perfecting amendment at the desk. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is recognized. The clerk -will read the amendment. The CLERK. [reading] Amendment by Mr. McClory. In the Hungate substitute. strike from subparagraph (4) the word "matters" and insert in lieu thereof the following: "unlawful activities." Mr. McCLORY. 'Mr. Chairman? Mr. DENNIS. Mr. Chairman, parliamentary inquiry. How do we get--- The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman will state it. Mr. DENNIS. How do we get to such an amendment in order at this time? There is amendment of the gentleman from California pending, and I would submit respectfully that, either that amendment must be offered to the amendment, or an amendment must be offered in the nature of a substitute to the amendment. and I do not believe that a So-called perfecting amendment, which ignores the pending amendment which goes back to the original test is in order. [00.12.23]

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486338_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10627
Original Film: 206005
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.17.38] Mr. COHEN. Mr. Chairman The CHAIRMAN. [Continuing]. Of the gentleman from Illinois. All those--- Mr. BUTLER. Mr. Chairman, parliamentary inquiry. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman will state it, Mr. BUTLER. We are of the view that there, were further refinements which might be, made in the perfecting amendment of Mr. McClory by specifically spelling out some of the areas of inquiry, Would I be foreclosed after this vote from introducing such a perfecting amendment of the perfecting amendment of Mr. McClory? The CHAIRMAN. No. The gentleman would not be -foreclosed. Mr. BUTLER I thank the Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. The question occurs on the amendment, offered BY THE gentleman from Illinois, Mr. McClory, as a perfecting amendment All those in favor please say aye. [Chorus of "ayes."] The CHAIRMAN. All those opposed? [Chorus of "noes."] The CHAIRMAN. The ayes appear to have it. The ayes have, it. Mr. Butler. Mr. BUTLER. Mr. Butler is in the. throes of drafting a perfecting amendment with Mr.---- The CHAIRMAN. If there is no amendment before the desk- Mr. BUTLER. Mr. . Chairman? Mr. RAILSBACK. Mr. Chairman ? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman's amendment, Mr. Wiggins' amendment is---- Mr. RAILSBACK. Mr. Chairman--excuse me,. Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Just a--- Mr. RAILSBACK. Could I make a parliamentary inquiry? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman will state, it. Mr. RAILSBACK. If Mr. Butler is in the throes of drafting, and I hope he is drafting it quickly---- Mr. HOGAN. He is. Mr. RAILSBACK. [continuing]. Then, will he have, an opportunity at that point before we vote on the gentleman from California's main amendment to offer his amendment ? Mr. WIGGINS. You wouldn't be stalling? Mr. RAILSBACK. No, I am just wondering. The CHAIRMAN. The Chair wishes to state that the parliamentary Situation is that the gentleman's amendment from Illinois having been adopted as a perfecting amendment the only amendment that now IS before the committee is the amendment which was offered by the gentleman from California. Mr. RAILSBACK. Well, then, Mr. Chairman, I -wonder if we could 'have like a 5-minute recess. Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman, I have, a perfecting amendment at the desk. Mr. HOGAN. Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman. Mr. SEIBERLING. If the clerk- can--- Mr. HOGAN. Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Hogan Mr. HOGAN. My parliamentary inquiry Mr. Chairman, is this. If Mr. Butler's amendment is to be in order and be. considered, isn't it, true that the rules require that this amendment be in writing at the desk? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is correct. Mr. HOGAN. So then I would assume that Mr. Butler would have to write it and have it duplicated and presented at the desk- before it will be considered by the committee. 'Mr. SEIBERLING. MR. Chairman, I have a perfecting amendment at the desk. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. The clerk will read the amendment. The CLERK[reading] Amendment by Mr. Seiberling Add at the end of subparagraph 4 "by employees of the executive branch or the Committee to Re-elect the President". Mr. WIGGINS. Read that again, please? Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman, if I may be recognized to speak on my amendment Mr. DENNIS. Mr. Chairman, I would like a copy. Mr. McCLORY. May we have the amendment read again, please? The CHAIRMAN. The committee will be in order until the clerk reads the amendment. The CLERK [reading] Amendment by Mr. Seiberling. Add at the end of subparagraph (4), "by employees of the executive branch or the Committee to Re-elect the President." Mr. WIGGINS. Did the Chair hear my reservation of the Point of order? Mr. SEIBERLING. Is the gentleman reserving his point, of order? -Mr. WIGGINS. Yes, I am reserving Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman. may I be beard on my amendment? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is recognized Mr. SEIBERLING. It seems to me that the objections to the amendment raised by Mr. Wiggins are not entirely cured by the perfecting amendment of 'Mr. McClory because crimes and unlawful activities go all over the United States every day and at least we ought to tie it down to those that we. are really concerned about, and my perfecting amendment makes it Clear that we, are talking about other unlawful activities by employees of the executive branch or the Committee to Re-elect the President, which it, seems to me cover enough of the activities that are before us here to get in all of the evidence that we have been considering. And that is why I offer the amendment. [00.22.51]

Clip: 443401_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 743-12
Timecode: -

Tibet - black mask, dancers in costume On preview cassette 98259.

Clip: 443402_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 743-13
Timecode: -

Nepal, misc. washing clothes in river, street scenes, market

Clip: 443403_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 743-14
Timecode: -

Nepal - misc. street scenes, village, Kat valley, oldest Hindu

Clip: 443404_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-1
Timecode: -

Bangkok - imperial palace

Clip: 443405_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-2
Timecode: -

Thailand - people walking

Bangkok - Christian Hospital- Missionary
Clip: 443406_1_1
Year Shot: 1947 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 744-3
Timecode: -

Bangkok - Christian hospital - missionary. Title: The Bible Institue of Los Angeles Presents. Title: Produced by Dr. Louis T. Talbot. Map shows Siam, with a star for Bangkok; French Indo-China also featured prominently. Various scenes at a missionary or Christian hospital apparently in this part of Southeast Asia. Caucasian man wraps a patient's leg. Caucasian doctor gives eyedrops to patient, Asian nurse assisting. Nurse weighs a baby on a scale, smiles for the camera. Asian nurses look after babies and toddlers. A typical white nuclear family - mother, father, daughter and son - pose for the camera apparently on their way to church; the boy holds up his Bible. Asian people exit a building, pose with the missionary family. Some of the men look like they are in uniform. Note: The Bible Institute of Los Angeles was renamed Biola College (now Biola University) in 1949. Also, "Siam" was renamed as Thailand in 1949. Since the older names are in use here, this footage probably dates from the mid to late 1940s but might pass for early 1950s.

Clip: 443407_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-4
Timecode: -

Bangkok, misc.

Clip: 443408_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-5
Timecode: -

Thai dancers

Clip: 443409_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-6
Timecode: -

Thailand misc

Clip: 443410_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-7
Timecode: -

Thailand misc.

Clip: 443411_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-8
Timecode: -

Thailand - dances

Clip: 443412_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-9
Timecode: -

Indian broadcaster - Hong Kong ??

Clip: 443413_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 744-10
Timecode: -

Siam misc.

Siam - Missionary Church
Clip: 443414_1_1
Year Shot: 1947 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 744-11
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE # 210021 Siam - man talking, missionary church, people in church and on street, school, Thailand. (Title sequence looks like that of another item that was produced by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, later Biola University.) Map shows Southeast Asia in the center. Older white man in business suit speaks to the camera (no audio). Man preaches from a pulpit; the window behind him forms the shape of a cross. The choir (all Asian) sings; so do the people in the congregation. (Church service; mass.) Asian worshippers leaving church shake hands with enthusiastic Caucasian minister (preacher, pastor, missionary). Smiles all around. Children, wearing school uniforms, walk into a building in orderly lines.

Displaying clips 889-912 of 10000 in total
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