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Golden Gloves Get a Walloping Start
Clip: 426533_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-011-03
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:16:40 - 00:18:00

The 1965 Golden Gloves eliminations get underway as the 147-pound sub-novice class mixes it up. The N.Y. Daily News Welfare Association states the tournament for charity. The fans get their money's worth in this whirlwind tryout. New York, New York At Radio City Music Hall a boxing ring is set up and it is surrounded by boxing fans. Henry Herbert vs. Ed Schwartz, Ed Schwartz gets knocked down. George Shaw goes down in the first round, knocked out by Art Boeing. Skew Kline vs. Curtis Ford, Kline keeps knocking Ford down, but he refuses to stay down. After the third knockdown he is considered the looser of the match.

Down-Hill Skiers Find It Rough Going
Clip: 426534_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-011-04
Location: Megeve, France
Timecode: 00:18:00 - 00:19:09

At Megeve, France, there's a curtain-raiser for the world downhill championships. The fast course takes it toll with skiers bouncing out of bounds like tenpins! Jean-Claude Kelly and Ludwig Leitner battle it out with Leitner copping the trophy by 1/2 second. The World Alpine race is on as one of the skiers makes his way tenaciously down hill but as it turns out when they hip a particular slope 3/4 of the way down, they loose it and tumble all over the hill side. Jean-Claude Kelly comes careening down the slope like a bolt of lightning . Ludwig Leitner also comes careening down the slope, the German seems to have a sixth sense knowing every twist and turn. When Leitner zips down to the finish he knows he nosed out Kelly by 1/2 second..

Queen In Africa: Elizabeth Receives Ethiopian Ovation
Clip: 426536_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-013-01
Location: Ethiopia
Timecode: 00:25:54 - 00:27:29

The ancient Ethiopian capital of Addia Ababa welcomes Queen Elizabeth as the British Monarch is greeted by the Lion of Judah, Emperor Haile Selassie - the first formal visit there by any British ruler. the capital city is all spruced up for the occasion and tribesmen put on a native show for the Queen. Over view of the ancient Ethiopian capital of Addia Ababa. Queen Elizabeth II is walking with Haile Selassie on a red carpet laid out on the tarmac at the airport. Young boys salute the Queen - they are on the order of Boy Scouts. POV - Head car is approaching a arch in the street, there are large pictures, one of Queen Elizabeth on one side and on the other Emperor Haile Selassie. POV - From the motorcade throngs standing on the street greeting the Queen. The Queen is riding in the Imperial Carriage pulled by six white horses. One of the lions that is on the loose on the Imperial grounds. Exterior shot - Africa Hall By His Imperial Majesty 'Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia. Queen Elizabeth, the Emperor and other political figures. Queen Elizabeth standing with the Emperor looking up at a stained glass window. Tribesman sitting on the horses with spears. Queen Elizabeth, Emperor Haile and Prince Philip sitting up on a raised stage watching the tribesman, and 60 thousand school children doing exercise.

Return From Vietnam
Clip: 426537_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-013-02
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:27:33 - 00:28:46

The first group of American wounded in guerrilla raids on the Vietnam front, arrive back in the United States. Even as they land in the U.S., new Vietcong bombing attacks take more American lives. Also returning are the first of 1,829 dependents who have been ordered home. The first group of Americans wounded in Vietnam arrive back into the United on a United States Air Force transport plane. Inside the transport plane cots have been set up to house the wounded soldiers in transport from Vietnam to San Francisco. Wounded and bandaged up soldiers laying on their cots inside the transport plane. Eighteen hundred American dependents are returned back to the United States. Americans getting united with other family members in the airport lounge. that's been set up for family members. A little boy talking with an aldult man, the little boy is wearing a jacket that say's Saigon on the back.

First Job Corps Center Opens
Clip: 426538_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-013-03
Location: Thurmont, Maryland
Timecode: 00:28:46 - 00:29:47

One phase of the anti-poverty program gets underway at Thurmont Maryland, as the first of 25,000 Job Corps trainees arrive in camp. During their year's stay they will learn new skills and spend some time on conservation programs. Great Society program, War on poverty Two young men walking towards the camera and the barracks for housing in the background. The first of 25,00 job trainees arrive at camp and they all disembarking from the bus. Bus pulls up and stops and job trainees disembark from the bus. Sitting in a class room listening to what the instructor has to say. Most of the people here age high school drop-outs. A young man sawing a piece of wood. Two young men welding. A Core man getting trained on a Caterpillar 4-D tractor.

XC-142A Experimental Aircraft
Clip: 426539_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-013-04
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 00:29:47 - 00:30:37

The airplane that man has dreamed about for many decades has become a reality. the XC-142-A can take-off vertically, then straighten motors and wings for 400 mph flight. It could land on a tennis court with 32 troops aboard. Its civilian uses are limitless. The tilt-wing XC-142A was an experimental aircraft designed to investigate the operational suitability of vertical/short takeoff and landing transports. Plane taking off from the runway the wings on the plane are on a 45 degree ange and can fly up to 400 MPH. Looking up - The SC-142A gains altitude and it tilts it wings and motors horezontal. Newsmen and cameras recording the flight of the XC-142A. The wings tilt straight up and it can land in a small space, like a tennis court.

August 2, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460333_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10072
Original Film: 104545
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(19:50:19) Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Exactly right. As alter ego to the Secretary of Treasury , when you took the job with the Treasury were you aware that the Oversight Board and, therefore, the Treasury Secretary was specifically excluded from involvement in case-specific matters? Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, I don't know if I was aware of that at the beginning but I became aware of it at some point. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. When you took the job at RTC, did you ask the General Counsel of either the RTC or Treasury for any analysis of the legal relationship between Treasury and the RTC, and if not, why not? Mr. ALTMAN. I don't believe I did, Senator. It just did not occur to me to do so. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. When you too the job with the RTC, did you seek any advice regarding the potential for conflict between the two positions that you held, and if not, why not? Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, as you know, there is a large le legal staff at the FDIC and there is a large legal staff at the RTC, and I think 485 it's a legitimate point for me to say that I naturally enough relied on them as far as legal matters were concerned. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Did you seek their specific advice with regard to the potential for conflict between the two agencies or the two positions that you held? Mr. ALTMAN. Well, I was-the answer I think is no in the sense of whether I on a particular date asked for an analysis. I don't believe I did that, but I did believe on a day-in and day-out basis that's what those legal resources were for, among other things. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Have you subsequently sought advice regarding the legal relationship between these two agencies? Mr. ALTMAN. Since this entire controversy blew up, I have, yes. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. And when did you get that advice? Mr. ALTMAN. Just in recent weeks. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Have you subsequently sought advice regarding the potential for legal or ethical conflict between the two positions that you held? Mr. ALTMAN. Well, again, Senator, I may be wrong, but that's what I think the legal staffs are there to help me do, so I would expect that they would advise me if I was getting into a gray area or some area I shouldn't be in. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But you never got an opinion from anyone regarding the possible conflict between the two positions that you held even subsequent, even recently? Mr. ALTMAN. I never sought a formal opinion, no. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Did you take any steps to guard against potential ethical conflicts or the appearance of such conflicts? Mr. ALTMAN. I tried to conduct myself every single day, Senator, that way, and you know the results of the Office of Government Ethics Report which concluded, if I can say so, that there were no ethical violations. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. In your capacity as RTC CEO on February 1, 1994, Ellen Kulka, the RTC General Counsel, briefed you on Madison matters and I think it's fair to say that she briefed you on the status of civil investigation and the difficulties that the RTC would have in completing that investigation prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Is that a fair Mr. ALTMAN. No, no, it's not. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN What was the substance of the briefin ? Mr. ALTMAN. The substance of the briefing was the procedural alternatives which the RTC faced as the statute of limitations approached, as to what they were and what these terms meant. I bad never heard of a tolling agreement before that day and she took me--she didn't say a thing to me about the outlook for the case or the inner workings of the case. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But you did understand from Mr. Kulka at the time that there was a time pressure on the completion of the investigation with regard to Madison; is that correct? ALTMAN. I knew what the then-statute of limitations dead line was. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN The very next day, Mr. Altman you went to the White House with Jean Hanson to meet with Mr. 486 Nussbaum, Mr. Eggleston, Ms. Williams, and Mr. Ickes. Why didn' you have Ms. Kulka join you rather than Ms. Hanson? Mr. ALTMAN. Perhaps I should have, but Ms. Hanson was helping me out on a variety of matters, including some RTC matters, and I asked her to come with me. I thought I should have a lawyer present. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But there was no reason that you specifically-that you excluded Ms. Kulka from the meeting? Mr. ALTMAN. No, Senator. Senator MOSELLY-BRAUN. You've repeatedly testified that you di with, Madison case should be dealt rected Madison should be dealt with in an identical fashion relative to any other case. This is in your conversations with Ms. Kulka and others. How did you ensure that Madison would be handled like any other RTC case? Mr, ALTMAN. I instructed that it be. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Excuse me. Mr. ALTMAN. I instructed that it be so. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But at the same time as interim RTC CEO, it is not our custom, is it, to join with the General Counsel of Treasury to brief potential parties to civil litigation on the work of the statute of limitations, is it? Mr. ALTMAN. As I said in my statement, Senator, I was at that time receiving numerous inquiries from the Congress and from the media. We had at least 7 requests of the RTC staff from congressional staff. I had several letters directly from Members of Congress. And we were responding to those and in order to respond to them, of course, I had to understand what these procedural alternatives were.

America's Cup: US Triumphs In Yacht Classic
Clip: 426400_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-075-03
Location: Newport, Rhode Island
Timecode: 00:15:32 - 00:17:09

United States Triumphs In Yacht Classic. The British challenger, "Sovereign" and the U.S. defender, "Constellation" meet off Newport, R.I. for the America's cup. The U.S. defender has little trouble taking the first two races as she sets her sails for a clean sweep. Britain has never won since the America's victory in 1851. Newport, Rhode Island boat marina where the Sovereign is docked. The Sovereign's under the command of Capitan Peter Scott. Deck hands preparing to set sail for the big race. The US entry the Constellation and her crew on her deck. A photographer taking pictures of the big event. The yachts with their sails up. The Constellation and the Sovereign sails up and in the midst of the race. The skipper of the Constellation, he took the yacht and the crew to win the America's Cup 1964.

Britain's Air Power: New Aircraft In Thrilling Display
Clip: 426401_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-075-04
Location: Farnborough, Hampshire
Timecode: 00:17:09 - 00:19:09

The British Aircraft industry is making a new push in the face of declining foreign sales and at Farnborough they put on a spanking display of new craft. From the VC Ten Transport to private planes, they offer something for everyone, they hope. As a grand finale there's an air show that unveils some super-doper flying. Aerial shot of the Farnborough's airport. Throngs walking around the new aircraft being showcased at the Farnborough's air and field show. The Vulcan, a long range bomber. The VC10 coming in for a landing. The military demonstrates an aerial assault on the enemy as helicopters fly in formation with artillery hanging from the helicopters bellies. A British Marine slides down a wire from a hovering helicopter. The crowd. The Red Pelicans taxing down the runway and then taking off in unison. Once in the air, this becomes an aerial shot looking down at the Pelicans flying wing tip to wing tip, this is really precession flying at its best with the heavens as their back-drop.

Royal Wedding: Greek King Weds Danish Princess
Clip: 426402_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-076-01
Location: Athens, Greece
Timecode: 00:19:48 - 00:22:38

In a story-book romance, King Constantine of Greece takes Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark as his bride and Queen. The romance began when she was 12 and he a grown-up eighteen. It flourished as they murmured sweet nothings in English. The bride knows little Greek, but she knows they have a word for it - happiness. A Royal Parade as King Constantine of Greece is riding in a carriage with Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark. Throngs line the streets and people are throwing shredded paper from their windows. The Greek Infantry follow in back proudly sitting on their steeds. The King and his Princess arrive at the Greek Cathedral. Inside the Cathedral the Bride walks proudly down the aisle on the arm of her father. King Constantine takes the arm of his Bride as the half hour ceremony begins. The Archbishop makes the sign of the cross on the foreheads of the couple before they exchange rings. They kiss the Bible after they exchange their wedding vows. The Bride and Groom exit the church and once again step into the horse drawn carriage. The newlyweds are almost buried in an avalanche of paper.

New High Speed Train In Japan
Clip: 426404_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-076-03
Location: Japan
Timecode: 00:23:35 - 00:24:13

Japan has an answer to some of her railway ills - a high-speed train on the Tokyo Osaka run that can do 120 MPH. However, it is going to loaf along at 75 m.p.h. on the run and make it in four hours. A front look at Japan's high speed train. People seated inside the bullet train. Interior of a dining car that has no dining available. Men sitting at a counter inside the train looking out the window at the beautiful country side. Speedometer and the speed of the train at the time, it reads almost 200 but actually its 120 MPH. POV - Camera recording what the houses and apartment buildings look like as the train whizzes by. Exterior shot - The High Speed Train careening down the track.

Sports - California wins 21 to Missouri 14.
Clip: 426405_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-076-04
Location: Berkeley, California
Timecode: 00:24:13 - 00:25:39

Old Man Upset takes the center of the stage as the curtain goes up on a new football season. Underdog California goes right to work on Missouri as Quarterback Craig Morton does some plain and fancy passing. The favored Tigers begin to growl in the third quarter, but too little too late! They go down 21 to 14. California and Missouri are on the football field at Berkeley. Craig Morton is the QB passes to sparks the Golden Bears. California makes 17 yards. California Half Back goes 13 yards for a touchdown. Craig Morton has the ball for another drive, lobs the ball and California fights their way to go 17 yards. Morton passes for another touchdown. Trailing by two touchdowns Missouri runs it in for a touchdown. Too little too late California wins 21 to Missouri 14.

Fire Ravage Coast: Thousands Fight Widespread Blazer
Clip: 426406_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-077-01
Location: California
Timecode: 00:26:00 - 00:27:03

The worst series of forest fires in California since the disastrous blazes of 1961 have destroyed thousands of acres of woodlands and hundreds of homes. From Calistoga, north of San Francisco, to Santa Barbara in the South, many of the fires rage out of control. Only a drenching rain will prevent the infernos from spreading. Looking from the grape farmland you see the bellows of smoke from the mountains. Trees are on fire, burning. A house that is partially caved in and burning. Very little standing that is left of a home, a fireplace, part of the foundation and a beam. A nice raised ranch home, the roof is on fire and you can see through the windows the fire is inside eating up everything. Same house, it is really burning inside now, its a solid wall of flames. The other side of the house is engulfed in flames as well. When this is over there will be nothing left. Nothing but the ruins of a home. Part of the fire place is left standing and a child's swing set.

August 2, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460334_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10072
Original Film: 104545
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(19:55:44) It seemed to me that since we were providing that information to the Congress and, I might say I believe, to the media, I know it had been in The Washing-ton Times, that it would be reasonable to explain the same procedural alternatives to the White House. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But again, on that meeting on the 2nd the briefing wasn't ust about the media, it was also about the workings of the-- -of the specifies regarding the-excuse me, may I please-it was with regard to the specifies of the civil litigation and, in fact, you now discuss Mr, ALTMAN. Senator, no, it wasn't. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. You did not discuss the statute of limitations? Mr. ALTMAN. It had nothing to do with the specific-I may understand your term incorrectly, it had nothing to do with the specifies of the civil litigation, if ou mean anything case-specific. There was nothing case- specific discussed. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. The statute of limitations was not discussed? Mr. ALTMAN. Everything we discussed on that was the same as pertains to any other case with an expiring statute of limitations, Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. All right, then, I will-why did you have those discussions, then, with regard to the statute of limitations and tolling agreements in this meeting at the White House? Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, I was getting increasingly fierce inquiries from the Congress including from Senator D'Amato. I had a letter from 41 Republican Senators and those letters were demanding 487 and it was perfectly OK to do that. Those letters were demanding that we take steps to extend the statute of limitations deadline. They're on the record, they're night there. I had to respond to them and I did respond to them, and frankly, I'm proud of how I did. I remember assuring Senator DAmato that it was an impartial process, an arm's length process, and if the basis existed for seeking a tolling agreement we would do it. So I was in that position in terms of all these congressional inquiries and all the staff-to-staff inquiries, congressional staff to RTC, so tbis-I just thought if we're giving all this, if we're in a position of explaining these procedures to the Congress and to some extent to the media, it would be reasonable to explain them also to the White House. Now that was what Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Assuming, Mr. Alt-man, that at you took ethical steps to guard against potential Ica] conflicts, were you concerned by the time of the February 2 meeting that your two hats might create an appearance of conflict of interest or violation of the illegal exclusion of Treasury Department involvement in case-spe- cific matters coming before the Oversight Board of the RTC? Mr. ALTMAN. I always try to be sensitive to ethical matters. I think I have a good record in that respect, and as you know, none of the Treasury personnel, including me, violated any ethical guidelines in this whole matter. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Well, that's a conclusion and I think that's part of what this hearing is all about, Mr. Altman. But in that regard, I'm trying to get to your state of mind with regard to the dual role that you held, and my question is whether your decisionmaking with regard to recusal, with regard to these meetings, with regard to anything having to do with Madison take into account the confluence, it you will, the two hats, the two roles that you played, you bad two jobs and they both had different kinds of overlapping-did it take into account the dual nature of your employment? Mr. ALTMAN. I did my best to do so. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Was your dual role considered or discussed in connection with the recusal decision? Mr. ALTMAN. I don't quite follow you, Senator. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. When you had the discussions with regard to your decision whether or not to recuse yourself in these matters, was the dual role that you played, the two jobs that you had, was that discussed or considered? Mr. ALTMAN. Well, again, I was aware of that every single day of the week, so I suppose the answer in effect is yes, but I wanted to be careful I didn't have a separate analysis or discussion or legal Opinion. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. So you did consider it, but you did not have a discussion about the duality of your employment and bow that would affect your recusal decision or Mr. ALTMAN. I don't remember any specific discussion on that Point Just before February 2, 1 do not. MOSELEY-BRAUN. Do you believe, Mr. Altman, that what you believe in that regard might have been different if you had if you knew then what you know now with regard to the overlapping? 488

Inauguration Highlights - Johnson Pledges End To Tyranny
Clip: 426521_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1732
Original Film: 038-007-01
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:40:03 - 00:45:48

Film is damaged. A new page of American history is inscribed in the Nation's Capital as President Lyndon Baines Johnson takes the oath of office for his first full term as 36th President of the United States. Here are the high points of Mr. Johnson's day of triumph. He leaves the White House with Mrs. Johnson and Senator and Mrs. Hubert Humphrey, the first vice-President since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In his Inaugural Address, Mr. Johnson makes one of the shortest in history as he bids the U.S. to dedicate itself to justice for all and to end tyranny and misery. It was a speech more philosophical than specific - aimed at projecting the targets and hopes of the new administration. Then it is back to the White House where the President's party reviews the Inaugural Parade with floats from all 50 states. Now begins another new era in the history of the Republic under Lyndon Baines Johnson, President of the United States. Exterior shot of the Capitol Building. LBJ leaving the White House accompanied by his wife Lady Bird. The Presidents motorcade driving slowly to the Capitol Building where he will be sworn in as President of The United States. Camera panning - The Dome of the Capitol Building. President walking down to the podium under the Dome of the Capitol Building. Throngs in attendance. Hubert Humphrey taking the oath of Vice President given to him by the Speaker of the House, John McCormick. Chief Justice Warren administers the oath to President Johnson and Mrs. Johnson is holding the Bible. President Johnson gives his Inaugural Address to the nation. Camera panning - The Capitol Building and the crowd. President Johnson, "We can never again stand aside prideful in isolation. Horrific dangers and troubles that we once called foreign now constantly live among us. If American lives must end and America's treasure be spilled in countries we barely know, then that is the price that change has demanded of conviction and of our enduring government. Our Nation's course is abundantly clear. we aspire to nothing that belongs to others. We seek no dominion over our fellow man, but man's dominion over tyranny and misery." Camera panning - Capitol Building with the American Flag. The Presidential motorcade leaving the Inaugural driving down Pennsylvania Avenue with throngs lining the streets. Marching band playing flutes and dressed in 1776 Army uniforms. The President and Mrs Johnson waving to the parade members as they pass.

Showdown in Vietnam
Clip: 426535_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-012-01
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:19:42 - 00:25:23

At Pleiku, 250 miles north of Saigon, a United States airbase was ripped by Vietnamese Communist guerrillas. Eight Americans died in the attack. This brought swift retaliation by US and South Vietnamese forces. From carriers and land bases 49 jets struck back at staging areas just across the border in North Vietnam. First official word of the retaliatory attacks came from Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in a briefing for newsmen. In the first raid land-based planes were forced back by the weather, but the carrier jets completed their strike with the loss of one plane.The confrontation between the Reds and the West was the most critical since the Gulf of Tonkin incident last summer when the U.S. replied just as swiftly to north Vietnam PT-boat attacks. The second raid came the next day when South Vietnamese pilots hit at other bases across the border. Asian reaction was that the two Red powers, Red China And Russia, had lost face in the East-West showdown. Meanwhile, McGeorge Bundy arrives home from Saigon where he had been during the attack and counter-attack. Mr. Bundy confers with the President and the National Security Council and says political and religious factions in South Vietnam and how more united in fighting the Vietcong. Vietnam Pleiku, the airbase was attacked by Vietnamese Communist guerrillas, pictures of the aftermath. The leftover of a jet plane, disintegrated by the heat of the fire. Army barracks after being shelled by motor fire. Some of the personal belongings that belonged to some of the soldiers. United States Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, pointing to a Pleiku in Vietnam. "Immediately following the attack US Representatives in Saigon met with the Representatives of South Vietnamese Government. They jointly agreed that joint retaliatory action was required. The President's approval of this action was given after the action was discussed with, and recommended by the National Security Counsel at a meeting held at between 7:45 PM and 9:00 PM last night." Cue stick pointing to different areas of the map of Vietnam. Vietnam Aerial shot - US Aircraft Carrier making its way through the sea. US Jet taking off the deck of the carrier. US Pilot climbing up to get into his cockpit of his jet. Both Pilot and Co-Pilot in the plane and ready to take off. US Air Force. Plane taking off down the tarmac and gaining altitude. A Hawk Round to Air Missile. A Hawk Round to Air Missile sitting on its launching pad. Different view of the Hawk Missile. Military building - Camp Holloway. McGeorge Bundy shaking hands with high ranking military personal. McGeorge Bundy meets and holds a conference with Lt. General Cann. US Military Officer pointing to the damage done to the air field and planes to McGeorge Bundy at Pleiku Air Field in Vietnam. Eight Field Hospital - Ward III. McGeorge Bundy walking out of the hospital with army officers. Wounded men laying in their hospital beds. Head wound - American Soldier. Washington DC Exterior shot - White House winter time. Newsreel men. McGeorge Bundy speaking at the podium on the White House grounds. McGeorge Bundy, "I finally had an opportunity to talk frankly and freely with them. They again emphasize the overriding importance in South Vietnam of the contest against the Communists. They emphasize what the political leaders have done. The importance and their own dedication to the importance to the task of forming a stable and effective political society under a stable and effective government in that country. A view which of course we share. And I think its fair to say, that the Americans in Vietnam have a very good heart and are prepared to continue even against this kind of danger and this kind of sneak attack. Let me say one more thing about that sneak attack, that in a war of this kind in which there are no fixed lines, in which there are large territories that are lightly inhabited and that are essentially jungle and mountainous in character, I know of no military man who believes that without overwhelming assignment that local defense forces that it is possible to guarantee against this kind of sneak attack. This is the sort of thing that all Americans in the area know it, of which we simply have to contend while we prosecute in company with government and people of South Vietnam a contest against Communisism which is of the highest importance to our National Interest."

August 2, 1994 - Part 9
Clip: 460336_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10073
Original Film: 104547
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(21:25:34)(tape #10073 begins) Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But you never got an opinion from anyone regarding the possible conflict between the two positions that you held even subsequent, even recently? Mr. ALTMAN. I never sought a formal opinion, no. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Did you take any steps to guard against potential ethical conflicts or the appearance of such conflicts? Mr. ALTMAN. I tried to conduct myself every single day, Senator, that way, and you know the results of the Office of Government Ethics Report which concluded, if I can say so, that there were no ethical violations. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. In your capacity as RTC CEO on February 1, 1994, Ellen Kulka, the RTC General Counsel, briefed you on Madison matters and I think it's fair to say that she briefed you on the status of civil investigation and the difficulties that the RTC would have in completing that investigation prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Is that a fair Mr. ALTMAN. No, no, it's not. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN What was the substance of the briefin ? Mr. ALTMAN. The substance of the briefing was the procedural alternatives which the RTC faced as the statute of limitations approached, as to what they were and what these terms meant. I bad never heard of a tolling agreement before that day and she took me--she didn't say a thing to me about the outlook for the case or the inner workings of the case. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But you did understand from Mr. Kulka at the time that there was a time pressure on the completion of the investigation with regard to Madison; is that correct? ALTMAN. I knew what the then-statute of limitations dead line was. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN The very next day, Mr. Altman you went to the White House with Jean Hanson to meet with Mr. 486 Nussbaum, Mr. Eggleston, Ms. Williams, and Mr. Ickes. Why didn' you have Ms. Kulka join you rather than Ms. Hanson? Mr. ALTMAN. Perhaps I should have, but Ms. Hanson was helping me out on a variety of matters, including some RTC matters, and I asked her to come with me. I thought I should have a lawyer present. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But there was no reason that you specifically-that you excluded Ms. Kulka from the meeting? Mr. ALTMAN. No, Senator. Senator MOSELLY-BRAUN. You've repeatedly testified that you di with, Madison case should be dealt rected Madison should be dealt with in an identical fashion relative to any other case. This is in your conversations with Ms. Kulka and others. How did you ensure that Madison would be handled like any other RTC case? Mr, ALTMAN. I instructed that it be. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Excuse me. Mr. ALTMAN. I instructed that it be so. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But at the same time as interim RTC CEO, it is not our custom, is it, to join with the General Counsel of Treasury to brief potential parties to civil litigation on the work of the statute of limitations, is it? Mr. ALTMAN. As I said in my statement, Senator, I was at that time receiving numerous inquiries from the Congress and from the media. We had at least 7 requests of the RTC staff from congressional staff. I had several letters directly from Members of Congress. And we were responding to those and in order to respond to them, of course, I had to understand what these procedural alternatives were. It seemed to me that since we were providing that information to the Congress and, I might say I believe, to the media, I know it had been in The Washing-ton Times, that it would be reasonable to explain the same procedural alternatives to the White House. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. But again, on that meeting on the 2nd the briefing wasn't ust about the media, it was also about the workings of the-- -of the specifies regarding the-excuse me, may I please-it was with regard to the specifies of the civil litigation and, in fact, you now discuss Mr, ALTMAN. Senator, no, it wasn't. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. You did not discuss the statute of limitations? Mr. ALTMAN. It had nothing to do with the specific-I may understand your term incorrectly, it had nothing to do with the specifies of the civil litigation, if ou mean anything case-specific. There was nothing case- specific discussed. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. The statute of limitations was not discussed? Mr. ALTMAN. Everything we discussed on that was the same as pertains to any other case with an expiring statute of limitations, Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. All right, then, I will-why did you have those discussions, then, with regard to the statute of limitations and tolling agreements in this meeting at the White House? Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, I was getting increasingly fierce inquiries from the Congress including from Senator D'Amato. I had a letter from 41 Republican Senators and those letters were demanding 487 and it was perfectly OK to do that. Those letters were demanding that we take steps to extend the statute of limitations deadline. They're on the record, they're night there. I had to respond to them and I did respond to them, and frankly, I'm proud of how I did. I remember assuring Senator DAmato that it was an impartial process, an arm's length process, and if the basis existed for seeking a tolling agreement we would do it.

Orchard Irrigation
Clip: 431089_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 19-3
Timecode: -

Pan of sprinklers pumping H2O on orchard trees. Wide shot of farmer digging irrigation ditch in shaded orchard.Med. shot of farmer digging in orchardShot of farmer digging in orchard - shot obscured by dangling vines.Long shot of farmer walking down the grove, digging.Tilt up the ditches in the grove.Long shot of farmer digging ditches in the orchard.Med. shot of farmer digging ditches in the orchardStatic shot of orchard, w/sprinklers spraying H2O in background.Tilt up grove as farmer digs ditches

Ghana Revolt: Army Puts End to One-Man Rule
Clip: 426366_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-018-02
Location: India
Timecode: 00:09:02 - 00:09:45

Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah is overthrown in a military coup after he leaves Ghana for a visit to Peiping "to achieve peace in Vietnam". Nkrumah took over in a one-man rule after Ghana won its independence, jailed his foes and began a despotic rule. Now, however, he's just another unemployed exile. Footage is of Kwame Nkrumah during a visit with Indira Gandhi two days before the coup. India India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi meets President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. CU - Prime Minister Indira Gandhi walking with President Kwame Nkrumah through a crowd of people. CU - Indira Gandhi and Kwame Nkrumah sitting on a sofa. MS - Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and President Nkrumah walking surrounded by their political entourage. MS - President Kwame Nkrumah and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi driven away in a car. President Nkrumah of Ghana waving to the media.

Royal Wedding In Japan
Clip: 426414_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-079-02
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Timecode: 00:39:30 - 00:40:32

The latest Royal romance in Japan. The marriage of Prince Yoshi, the younger son of Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagato, to Miss Hanako Tsugaru, a descendant of one of Japan's oldest, noble families. Outside her home in Tokyo greeting people with graceful formality and she bids good-by to her parents. A very pretty picture of her parents home by a lake with a brick bridge going across the water. Miss Hanako Tsugaru standing with Prince Yoshi on the steps of the Imperial Palace. Motorcade leaving the Imperial Palace. Prince Yoshi and Miss Hanako Tsygaru sitting in the back seat of a limousine. Throngs standing behind a roped off area holding Japanese flags and waiting to catch a glimpse of the Royal couple.

Davis Cup Finals
Clip: 426416_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-079-04
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Timecode: 00:41:37 - 00:43:27

The Davis Cup drama at Cleveland is climaxed when Australia's Roy Emerson and Chuck McKinley of the United States duel across the net. The Aussie wins before a tense crowd and takes the traveling Davis Cup home after it had rested only one year in America. Close up shot of the coveted Davis Cup. People sitting jam packed in the stands. Two male tennis players on court, Chuck McKinley of the US and Roy Emerson of Australia. People sitting in the stands, some ladies are wearing hats and the gentlemen are wearing suits. McKinley serves. The men keep that ball going back and fourth for some time. McKinley serves as American hopes drain. Score is showed. The tennis crowd. The ball goes to the American and it is missed and the score goes to Australia and the US loses. Roy Emerson and maybe previous winners holding the Davis Cup.

August 2, 1994 - Part 9
Clip: 460337_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10073
Original Film: 104547
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(21:30:36) So I was in that position in terms of all these congressional inquiries and all the staff-to-staff inquiries, congressional staff to RTC, so tbis-I just thought if we're giving all this, if we're in a position of explaining these procedures to the Congress and to some extent to the media, it would be reasonable to explain them also to the White House. Now that was what I was thinking. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Assuming, Mr. Alt-man, that at you took ethical steps to guard against potential Ica] conflicts, were you concerned by the time of the February 2 meeting that your two hats might create an appearance of conflict of interest or violation of the illegal exclusion of Treasury Department involvement in case-spe- cific matters coming before the Oversight Board of the RTC? Mr. ALTMAN. I always try to be sensitive to ethical matters. I think I have a good record in that respect, and as you know, none of the Treasury personnel, including me, violated any ethical guidelines in this whole matter. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Well, that's a conclusion and I think that's part of what this hearing is all about, Mr. Altman. But in that regard, I'm trying to get to your state of mind with regard to the dual role that you held, and my question is whether your decisionmaking with regard to recusal, with regard to these meetings, with regard to anything having to do with Madison take into account the confluence, it you will, the two hats, the two roles that you played, you bad two jobs and they both had different kinds of overlapping-did it take into account the dual nature of your employment? Mr. ALTMAN. I did my best to do so. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Was your dual role considered or discussed in connection with the recusal decision? Mr. ALTMAN. I don't quite follow you, Senator. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. When you had the discussions with regard to your decision whether or not to recuse yourself in these matters, was the dual role that you played, the two jobs that you had, was that discussed or considered? Mr. ALTMAN. Well, again, I was aware of that every single day of the week, so I suppose the answer in effect is yes, but I wanted to be careful I didn't have a separate analysis or discussion or legal Opinion. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. So you did consider it, but you did not have a discussion about the duality of your employment and bow that would affect your recusal decision or Mr. ALTMAN. I don't remember any specific discussion on that Point Just before February 2, 1 do not. MOSELEY-BRAUN. Do you believe, Mr. Altman, that what you believe in that regard might have been different if you had if you knew then what you know now with regard to the overlapping? 488 Mr. ALTMAN. I would have done it sooner. I didn't, you know I didn't think about it until the very end of January, or the 1st of February because of the Ricki Tigert matter, so it wasn't on my mind for a great deal of time. But when I began to think about it I then took 3 weeks to make that decision and I should have taken 1 day. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Well, I think that will I'll conclude my questions and reserve the remainder of my questions for the second round, if we ever get to it this year. Senator SARBANES. Thank you very much. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Senator Hatch. Senator HATCH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.,- Mr. Altman, I'm going to ask you about a telephone conversation you had with Harold Iles and George Stephanopoulos. It was on February 25. Do you remember having that telephone conversation? Mr. ALTMAN. Yes, Senator, I do. Senator HATCH. In that call, according to your testimony in the deposition Mr. Ickes and Mr. Stephanopoulos raised with you the manner of the RTC's hiring of Jay Stephens as Outside Counsel in the Madison Guaranty case; right; Mr. ALTMAN. Yes, Senator Senator HATCH. They were both very upset by the fact that the RTC had actually retained the Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro law firm with Jay Stephens at that time or, at least, Jay Stephens? Mr. ALTMAN. Well, that was my sense es Senator HATCH. And they asked you how they had been hired; isn't that right? Mr. ALTMAN. In essence, yes. Senator HATCH. You understood from this telephone call that Mr. Ickes and Mr. Ste phanopoulos would have preferred that Jay Stephens not be hired nor working on the Madison Guaranty matter. That was, in essence, what you understood as well? Mr. ALTMAN. I understood the were unhappy that he had Senator HATCH. Sure. After this is telephone conversation, then did you speak about it then with Mr. Joshua Steiner; is that right? Mr. ALTMAN. At some point that day I did, yes, Senator. Senator HATCH. That's what he says. And you told Mr. Steiner you thought Mr. Ickes and Mr. Stephanopoulos were unwise to have called you about Jay Stephens. Mr. ALTMAN. Yes, sir, Senator HATCH. That's your own deposition, Mr. ALTMAN. Yes, sir. Senator HATCH. And the reason you thought that the telephone call was unwise is because it could reasonably have been construed as pressure on the RTC to get rid of Jay Stephens; right?

The World Series
Clip: 426423_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1729
Original Film: 037-082-01
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:06:30 - 00:08:53

The Yankee-Cardinal World Series moves to New York with the games even. One and One. In the third game, Mickey Mantle writes finish to the game as he hits the first pitch into the stands. Two to One........Yankees!!! In the fourth game, the Yankees score 3 runs in the first inning and the Cards are scoreless until the sixth when Ken Boyer blasts a grand slam homer and the Cards win...4 to 3...and tie the Series at two all. In the fifth game, St. Louis is leading - 2 to 0 - in the ninth when Tom Tresh ties it up with a two-run homer. The Cards come back in the tenth with 3 runs on Tim McCarver's round-tripper. Now they return to St. Louis for the grand finale. The Cardinals leading, 3 games to 2. Yankee Stadium New York wide angle shot of all the baseball fans. Mickey Mantle walking over to home plate. He slams the ball into the third tier of the stadium. Ken Boyer at home plate, he swings and connects with the ball with the bases loaded and he puts the Cardinals into the lead. Ken Boyer running around the bases racking up a homerun and his teammates are there to congratulate him on hitting the ball. People packed into the stadium sitting in their assigned seats. Tom Tresh at bat, he swings, he hits and he scores two homeruns. Tim McCarver at bat, and he too hits and scores a homerun. Cardinals are in front 5 to 2. Roger Maris at bat, he swings, he hits and its a pop fly and caught by Ken Boyer. Cardinals win another one.

Flood Toll Heavy: Kansas Hard Hit As Colardo Digs Out
Clip: 426671_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1737
Original Film: 038-050-01
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:06:28 - 00:07:52

Floods set off by violent thunderstorms range through six states - from Colorado to Arkansas. The South Platte River cut a mile wide swathe through Denver, causing damage in the millions. Fourteen known dead in Colorado as the flood moves into Kansas, the next hardest hit state. Dodge City, is flooded as the waters rise 14 feet within an hour. Colorado Aerial shot of floods. Colorado - Heavy damage in the industrial area. Men piling up bricks from destroyed buildings. Heavy damage and trailers carried down stream many miles. Three men standing among the heavy damaged buildings assessing the aftermath. A truck that had been carrier away by the flooding and lifted up and resting on some wreckage of buildings. Semi trailers that were lifted up by the floods and carried away. Kansas Kansas River, Bridge with a high level of the water flowing and lot of debris on the banks of the river. Aerial of Dodge City, Kansas - Flooded, water reaching the bottom of the windows on the houses and the tops of trees.

Displaying clips 4537-4560 of 10000 in total
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