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Clip: 435936_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 248-3
Timecode: -

Street sweepers

Clip: 435937_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 248-4
Timecode: -


Clip: 435938_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 248-5
Timecode: -

Ext. views of different types of plants, factories, yards, misc. industry

Tufted Puffin landing on cliff
Clip: 435939_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2110
Original Film: 468 1711
Location: North America
Timecode: 00:19:42 - 00:19:59

Master 2110, Tape 1 LS of Tufted puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) landing on cliff side. Zoom into MS of puffin standing on rock ledge. The puffin stretches its wings and looks around.

Clip: 435940_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 249-1
Timecode: -

Workman eating atop sky scraper

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 26, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486132_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10615
Original Film: 204003
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.09.28] Mr. WIGGINS. Now, we can be suspicious but those suspicions have not provoked any grand Jury -who has investigated this, has not provoked Judge Sirica has not Provoked anybody else to return criminal indictments because they don't know. Let's recognize that that gap is a suspicious circumstance to me but this is not evidence We have the situation of the President being less than candid according to Mr. Sarbanes in saying that was no White House involvement on June 20, 1972. But let me tell you what John Dean said, He said he talked to Liddy on that day and you know what Liddy told him?, Liddy first--the statement was made by Dean as follows: First, Gordon, he said, "I -want to know whether anybody in the White House was involved in this," and Liddy, the architect of all replied, "No ; they were not." And that, continued to be the state of the President's knowledge thereafter. If that is the kind of quality of evidence, this evidence upon which this plot hatched this policy, let me say that it is ambiguous. It is confusing. might be susceptible of different interpretations but we know what. the law is. You can't do it on that basis. If there is a benign interpretation pointing toward innocence 'we must take it. We must take it. Well, let me say that first essential charge that the President made in his policy is not supported by the evidence. The, CHAIRMAN. The time. of the gentleman from Mississippi has expired. Mr. FROEHLICH. AM r. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. EILBERG. Mr. Chairman, I yield to 'the, gentleman from Massachusetts , Father Drinan. Mr. DRINAN. Thank you, very much for yielding. It seems to me those who have challenged the wording here! Have to turn up with another policy. The wording here in the Sarbanes substitute is very clear. We are not saying that Mr. Nixon invented this policy. He made it his policy to carry out the obstruction of justice It, seems to me that that is the only possible conclusion that one, could come. to you look at the vast amount of evidence following the incident at the Democratic National Committee. If this is another explanation it has not turned up in all of our investigations. It seems to me the situation is unique for or many reasons and the principle one is this, that the President has withheld the evidence. In 69 cases of possible impeachment in all our history only on(-, individual has ever sought to withhold evidence from an impeachment inquiry and that Person invoked the fifth amendment. What are, the alternatives to that careful wording, "The President made it his policy?" Can you say that all these things are mere chance'? There is absolutely no coherent explanation. You can take that but lawyers resist that. There has to be some explanation of all of the tragic events that took place out and inside the Oval Office. Can we say that the President knew nothing about what Haldeman and Ehrlichman were doing, that they themselves conspired alone? That, is contrary to all of the, evidence. I Say therefore that we have to name some policy that the President had and this substitute we say he made it his policy to obstruct justice. I would love to find another policy. I have searched for 6 months with the other lawyers here for another policy but I have come to the inescapable conclusion that the President made it his policy to impede the investigation of the burglary in the Democratic National Committee. I yield back to the gentleman from Pennsylvania. Mr. EILBERG. Mr. Chairman, I yield the balance of my time to the gentleman from California, Mr. Waldie. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from California is recognized. Mr. WALDIE. Mr. Chairman, I too want to address myself to the question of the President's policy. Understand, we are dealing with policy that will not bear the scrutiny of light. It is an action and a plan and a policy of the White House and people in the highest level of Government in the United States and it simply will not bear scrutiny. They cannot stand to have anybody examine this policy. So therefore to demand that we, provide a parchment scroll of a Presidential declaration that on such and such an hour of such and such a day a policy ,Was established by the White House to engage in a coverup of illicit ..'activities is really- quite unrealistic and is not really advanced I think with the objective and the desire to really get at the truth. But a policy "Of this nature a, policy of this nature, is a surreptitious covert Policy that evolves. Its parameters and it's limits are not known at its inception. The policy is we have got to cover up. We simply cannot let the ..People of America know that we have financed political intelligence .activities that have resulted in the burglary of the, Democratic' National Committee Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel because once they find that out, they will find out that whole litany of covert activities authorized and financed by the White House, by Hint and Liddy, "the principals of the Watergate burglary, the "plumbers," that whole "litany of illegal covert activities described by John Mitchell as the "horrors of the White House." It is the policy, is clear. You can't permit the American people to discover that because you are in a national election year. The policy is to protect the election of the President. It is Implicit. Nobody denies it. The policy is to protect the election of the President by immediately taking actions to cover up the entry and the participation and authorization and part of that entry illegal and surreptitious into the Watergate Hotel by the White House and by the Committee To Re-Elect the President. And it didn't start late in the period after the entry. It started immediately. Howard Hunt, one of the burglars, and Gordon Liddy, another of the burglars, who were not picked up the night of the 17th--five were picked up, they were not they were across the street in *the electronics gear room-- immediately went back to the White House and picked tip $10,000 in cash that had been paid by Gordon Liddy from campaign funds of the Committee too To Re-Elect the President for emergencies such as this, and he gave that $10,000 cash early the morning of the burglary to an attorney to defend those, burglars. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gentleman from Pennsylvania has expired.

New in Brief: Vietnam Warfare
Clip: 429739_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-070-03
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:38:46 - 00:39:36

New in Brief: Vietnam Warfare "A rice paddy south of the DaNang airbase is swept clean of Vietcong with repeated napalm bombing runs by Marine Skyhawk jets. Ground troops search for weapons and capture one prisoner." LS Marine Skyhawk jets dropping napalm bombs. CU soldier firing machine gun. MS Marine discovering tunnel hidden under grass. MS back view U.S. Marine marching discovered Viet Cong soldier across field. CU captured Viet Cong.

Hitchcock In East: 50th Film Opens In Boston
Clip: 426146_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1750
Original Film: 039-058-02
Location: New York City & Boston, Massachusetts
Timecode: 00:08:27 - 00:10:10

Motion Picture director Alfred Hitchcock swings through both New York and Boston while promoting his 50th film, "Torn Curtain," starring Julie Andrews and Paul Newman. New York's Mayor Lindsay and Massachusetts' Governor Volpe both present a special gift to the famous film maker. The picture's world premiere is held in Boston. New York City, New York (NYC) New York's Mayor John Lindsay presents Alfred Hitchcock with a memento from New York. MS - Universal cameramen and their cameras. Boston, Massachusetts MS - Fans welcoming Alfred Hitchcock with a banner to Boston. Low Angle Shot - Hitchcock disembarking from a passenger plane in Boston. Northeast Air Lines. CUS - Alfred Hitchcock. MS - Governor John Volpe (John A. Volpe) shaking hands with Hitchcock. The mayor presents him with a silver bowl. MS - Marquee in Boston, World Premiere / Alfred Hitchcock s / Torn Curtain / Julie Andrews / Paul Newman. MS - Crowd of people standing outside the movie theatre (movie theater). CUS - Alfred Hitchcock cutting into a huge cake listing all the films he made. At the bottom of the cake it says: Congratulations Alfred Hitchcock. High Angle Shot - Swarms of people in the theatre s lobby swarming around the cake.

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 26, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486134_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10615
Original Film: 204003
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.22.08] Mr. WALDIE. Mr. Chairman, let me continue elaborating on the events that transpired immediately, immediately after the arrest of five employees of the Committee To Re-Elect the President, one employee of the White House, two employees of the White House that were fugitives immediately thereafter on June 17, to determine whether the President began implementing, immediately a policy of coverup, and I say he did and the, evidence justifies that. it 'Was evolving policy but the essential component of that policy was coverup. protect the 1972 election, but the information that occurs from Saturday June 17, immediately after the burglary, through June 22 enormously important information. These people are involved in the scenario as it is referred to at that particular moment in time. In Washington are Mr. Ehrlichman, Mr. Liddy and Mr. Kleindienst and Mr. Dean. In Key Biscayne are the President, and Mr. Haldeman and Mr. Ziegler and *in Los Angles are Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Magruder, Mr. LaRue, Mr. Mardian. The. phone conversations between those three varied points in this country practically burns up the wires immediately on Saturday as they discussed enormously dangerous event. Dangerous to whom? Dangerous to the President. The, first notice that the President got of it, according to Colson, was when he called the President--the President called Colson, as President had apparently heard from Haldeman who had already heard that Hunt, employee of the White House, was involved Hunt, he of the Plumbers and the White House horrors. When President was informed by Colson of what had happened it is alleged the President, threw in ashtray across the room. Vial, is not, the reaction of a man who is not aware. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman will suspend until the committee is in order and the committee is not in order. The gentleman from California. MR. WALDIE. I thank the chairman and I thank the committee. That is not ,in action of -in individual who is learning for the first time in his life that there has been a burglary in Washington. D.C. I There are. burglaries that occur in Washington. D.C. with sufficient frequency that when the Presidents are informed, they don't throw ashtrays across the room. The next thing, we understand on that same day Mr. Liddy, one the burglars, goes to the Attorney General, and at the direction we are told of Mr. Mitchell, the former Attorney General, goes to Kleindienst, the very brain of the, burglary. and says to Kleindienst you have got to get our boys out of jail. And Kleindienst said, "Get out Of here." Interestingly enough, that's all Kleindienst said or did. He didn't say what are our boys doing in jail, or who are they, let's get to the bottom of this. And what are you doing out of jail. The Attorney General didn't say that. So, he understood what was going on. Mr. Ehrlichman called the President. Actually he didn't, he called Mr. Haldeman on Sunday, the day following the burglary from Washington to Key Biscayne, and he told Mr. Haldeman of the involvement of old Mr. McCord, a security officer for the Committee to Re-Elect President, and the involvement of Mr. Hunt, who was an employee of the White House, and whom the President knew had been involved In plumbers activities He told Mr. Haldeman that Mr. Haldeman was told by Ehrlichman that Mr. Mitchell had authorized, with Haldeman, a plan to procure political intelligence by bugging. He told him it was financed by CRP funds. and that Hunt and Liddy were in this team that had been involved in previous activities. NOW, do you really believe that Haldeman, the closest confidant advisor of the President, on Sunday, June 18, when told these startling and damaging facts did not convey them to the President in Key Biscayne? Was he that disloyal that he would not convey to the president something as enormously important to the President's election? That does not add up to common sense. Of course, he had convey it to the President, The next thing we know in terms of Presidential involvement is that the President called Mr. Colson, a good friend of Mr. Hunt, on Monday, from Key Biscayne. The President calls Mr. Colson and they talked for an hour. Mr. Colson had probably had more phone calls from more people in high levels of Government over those 1) days since the break-in than anybody in America, because Mr. Colson had brought Mr. Hunt into -White House employ, and they were worried about Mr. Hunt because Mr. Hunt at that point was a fugitive. They only knew he was employed by the White House, but they wanted to know, is he, off the payroll of the White House. So, everybody was calling 'Mr. Colson, including the President, and everybody that called testified 'they called Mr. Colson to find out about Hunt. Mr. Colson said that why the President called him. They discussed Watergate. It was common knowledge in Washington, there had been a burglary and President wanted to carry on a little conversation from Key Biscayne, calling Colson in Washington on a subject just to talk about a burglary. You know he asked Colson what he knew about Hunt. Then, June 20, all the President's men gather in Washington and the meetings that take place are these: Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Mitchell meet. Dean and Kleindienst join with them on the morning of the 20th, and they discuss strategy for Watergate. That's all they really discuss, and there is really no question about that in anybody's--- The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gentleman has expired. [00.28.31]

News in Brief - Greek Royalty Visit New York
Clip: 429740_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-070-04
Location: New York City, New York, United States of America
Timecode: 00:39:37 - 00:40:22

News in Brief - Greek Royalty Visit New York New York City, New York, United States of America "27 year old King Constantine of Greece and Queen Anne-Marie tour the U.N. with Secretary-General U Thant. Pickets, led by actress Melina Mercouri, urge the King to speak out against the current Greek military junta." MS King Constantine II of Greece alighting from car at UN headquarters. MS photographers. Secretary General U Thant shaking hands with King Constantine. CU Queen Anne-Marie of Greece. MS royal couple touring UN assembly room. MS King Constantine II and Queen Anne-Marie with New York Mayor John Lindsay. MS people protesting against Greece's military junta. MS actress Melina Mercouri walking amidst reporters; she wants to deliver a letter to the King. MS signs protesting the military junta in Greece. CU sign "Royal Junta Your Days Are Numbered." CU Melina Mercouri talking to reporters.

News in Brief: George Lincoln Rockwell Assassinated
Clip: 429741_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-070-05
Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States of America
Timecode: 00:40:23 - 00:40:59

News in Brief: George Lincoln Rockwell Assassinated Arlington, Virginia, United States of America "American Nazi Party leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, is killed by a sniper in a Virginia shopping center. His accused killer is a former member of the hate group, founded in 1959." MS George Lincoln Rockwell and supporters walking in protest march. Rockwell is surrounded by reporters. His followers hold signs with swastikas that say "White Power." CU George Lincoln Rockwell. LS Arlington, Virginia strip mall where Rockwell was shot. MS sign for Coin Operated Laundry (the sniper was on the roof of the laundry.) CU male teenage witness talking to reporter. MS other witnesses interviewed by journalists. MS strip mall with many people gathered in front.

News in Brief: Esso Mercia Launched
Clip: 429742_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-070-06
Location: Bremen, Germany
Timecode: 00:41:00 - 00:41:51

News in Brief: Esso Mercia Launched Bremen, Germany "The biggest tanker ever launched from a European slipway goes into the water in Bremen, Germany. She's the 171-thousand ton "Esso Mercia" and she'll have three begger sister-ships in a few years." VS of Esso Mercia oil tanker on slipway prior to her launching. LS crowd. TLS ship is christened with champagne. CU tanker sliding into the water. CU two women in the crowd. CU ship sliding into water. MS of Esso Mercia.

News in Brief: Paris Couture Fashion
Clip: 429743_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-070-07
Location: Paris, France
Timecode: 00:41:51 - 00:42:57

News in Brief: Paris Couture Fashion Paris, France. "Dior: The winter collection surprises with hemlines just above the knee and wide-belted suits with a 1940 look. Chanel: Hemlines two inches below the knee, bright colored fabrics in velvets and silks." MS women entering Dior atelier. MS guests arriving for fashion show, and drinking martinis. MS fashion photographers. MS men and women leaving after fashion show. (No shots of Dior fashions). MS exterior Chanel store. MS famous model Bettina modeling velvet chenille party dress with low turned back neckline from Chanel collection. MS Bettina wearing a silk trouser suit with horizontal bands of contrasting color. Bettina wearing a printed velvet suit with matching handbag.

News in Brief: Sea Elephant performs tricks
Clip: 429744_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-070-08
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Timecode: 00:42:57 - 00:44:03

News in Brief: Sea Elephant performs tricks Stuttgart, Germany " 'Tristan', a 14-year old totally blind sea elephant, is the hit of the Stuttgart Zoo. He sits up and begs, bends back for a fish, and generally cavorts with his keeper to the delight of vistors." CU 'Tristan' the sea elephant (elephant seal) flopping up out of pool. MS Tristan sitting up and begging. His keeper feeds him a fish. MS keeper standing on Tristan's back and feeding him a fish. CU three penguins. MS keeper lays on Tristan's back; Tristan does a back bend over him and the keeper rewards him with a fish. MS keeper riding on Tristan's back. Tristan sliding back into his pool (without the keeper on his back).

Chinese Mission. Street Brawl with London Police.
Clip: 429745_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-071-01
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:44:45 - 00:45:59

Chinese Mission. Street Brawl with London Police. London, England "Armed with clubs, iron bars, and axes, an angry group of Chinese diplomats attack London police outside Red China's mission in London. Several are injured, none seriously. The latest provocation adding to Chinese-British tensions." MS angry Chinese Communist men yelling at British police. MS Chinese attacking police; the police push protesters back with their truncheons. LS London Bobby fighting with Chinese. VS more fighting (mainly pushing and shoving). CU Chinese man with bloody nose. MS house. MS British reporter interviewing two Chinese women and a Chinese man on the steps of the house. The man stands in the back holding a large portrait of Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung). The Reporter asks how they are spending their bank holiday weekend. The women yell at him in Chinese. The reporter asks her to translate her remarks. One woman replies angrily "Down with British Imperialism!" Violence

News in Brief: Forest Fires in Northwest
Clip: 429746_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-071-02
Location: Northwest United States of America
Timecode: 00:45:59 - 00:46:49

News in Brief: Forest Fires in Northwest "The Northwest and British Columbia lose over 150,000 acres of valuable woodland to raging forest fires, the worst in years. Most of them begin from lighting ignitign tinder-dry trees." Various aerial shots of forest fire - there are large clouds of smoke. LS of forest fire. MS firefighters watching ranging forest fire in background. LS forest fire. Aerial shot of forest fire.

News in Brief: Shirley Temple Black Runs For Congress
Clip: 429747_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-071-03
Location: California, United States of America
Timecode: 00:46:50 - 00:47:38

News in Brief: Shirley Temple Black Runs For Congress

News in Brief: Double Screen TV
Clip: 429748_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1763
Original Film: 040-071-04
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Timecode: 00:47:38 - 00:48:19

News in Brief: Double Screen TV Tokyo, Japan "Japanese electronic manufacturers come up with a double screen TV set, with picture front and back. It can be used as a room divider or as a twin-monitor for factories and plants." MS two television sets at an electronics store. MS customers at store. CU double screen TV set; camera pans around to show pictures on the front and back. MS men looking at double screen TV. CU hand turning knob on exterior of display case to adjust picture. CU channels changing on television. MS men looking at new TV.

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 26, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486135_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10615
Original Film: 204003
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.33.48] Mr. MOORHEAD. This is not justice, and I cannot laugh at jokes that Mr. Hungate or anyone else might tell in a serious time like this. This is an important time for the people of America, and -we are fighting for far more than Watergate or any specific thing. I will fight for it, for clean Government, and I am against anything that is dirty in Government or that involves the morals, of our elected officials. But, surely let us have the rights that are given to us under Constitution, and give it to the President as -well as we would anyone else. Mr. HOGAN. Would the gentleman yield? Mr. MOORHEAD. Yes, I Will yield. Mr. HOGAN. Mr. Jenner, I am sure that you would not want to be misunderstood, but in response to Mr. Froehlich's question about who draws up the charges, you said the managers on behalf of the House. I am sure you did not mean to imply that the House -would not approve those charges before they went to the Senate, or did you ? Mr. JENNER. I think that is a very good question. May I give it a minutes or a few seconds' thought, because, Congressman Hogan, a bill of particulars in criminal proceedings does bind the indictment it would be my judgment that perhaps the bill of particulars would have, to be submitted to the House. Ms. HOLTZMAN. Would the, gentleman yield, if he has time? Mr. MOORHEAD. Yes. MS. HOLTMAN. I think it is very important to note that this is not a criminal proceeding, and. that the Constitution of the United States specifically provides that in the event that somebody is impeached, that shall not bar him from trial or indictment or conviction according to law. So, -we are not talking about a criminal procedure at all. And I am very surprised to hear the gentleman's statement that the rules, the, Federal rules of civil procedure which were enacted in the late 1930's have not yet reached California, because I am well aware of them, at least in New York. And they certainly bind Federal proceedings throughout the United States. And those rules of civil procedure allow for notice pleading. This is basically a civil case and a civil proceeding, and I do not think that we ought to be bound by criminal practice. And I think that these articles as they have been Proposed are eminently fair, and eminently within established Procedures. Mr. MOORHEAD. My I have an opportunity to answer? The time of the gentleman from California has expired. Mr. MOORHEAD. May I have 30 seconds to reply to the question as put to me? Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent that the gentleman be given a an additional minute. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for I additional minute. Mr. MOORHEAD. There is a basic difference in court hearings in which the defendant almost immediately upon being presented with the charges gets a bill of particulars. In this case there would be no way that the President could know of the charges until very shortly before he was to begin trial. I would also point out that while this may not be a criminal proceeding, impeachment is a penalty almost worse than death to any human being that would be President of the United States, to get that penalty, and certainly he deserves to have his constitutional rights protected. And in almost every single impeachment that we have had in recent years the President has had the right to know what be was charged with before he went to trial. Are we going to degenerate the benefits that we give to a President or any other accused in this modern day When supposedly we are expanding the rights of freedom instead of restricting them? Mr. BROOKS. Would the gentleman -yield ? The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gentleman has expired, Mr. MAYNE. Chairman? Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. Does the gentleman from South Carolina, Mr. Mann, seek recognition? Mr. Mann? Mr. MANN. Yes, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. MANN. Mr. Chairman, I do not think that I have to yield to anybody in my desire to see that these proceedings are fairly conducted. And if it goes to a trial in the Senate, the proceedings there will be fairly conducted. But, as I read this article, the gravamen of the offense is that Richard M. Nixon, using the powers of his high office, made it his policy and in furtherance of such policy did act directly and personally and through his close subordinates and agents to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of such illegal entry; to cover up. conceal and protect those responsible: and, to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities. Now, this article goes on to list nine means by which that impeachable offense was carried out. Now, I am astonished to infer that, there are those here who would assert that we should list in this article all of the evidence that applies to this charge. It. is very clear, of course' that if we were to attempt to do that we would have a document filling several of these books. [00.39.32]

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 26, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486136_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10615
Original Film: 204003
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.45.42] Mr. SANDMAN. Why didn't Dennis get his right to have the big man here, Hunt, the man who had demanded the money? The most important witness never testified before this committee because this committee doesnt want witnesses. This committee doesn't want to be specific. This committee just wants to rehash tales. That's what this committee 'wants, an and that I say is a miscarriage of justice. Now, three-quarters at least of all of the charges levelled -against this President will not be involved in any articles of impeachment presented to this committee tonight and everybody knows it. And the President is entitled to know which ones are left. And every lawyer knows that it is the only fair thing, to do. the only fair thing to do. You don't require an adversary to do all kinds of things. What is so wrong about simple sentence saying what happened, -what is so difficult about that? You have so much but you are so The CHAIRMAN. The 3 minutes have expired. Mr. MAYNE. Mr. Chairman I yield--- The CHAIRMAN. You have 2 minutes remaining. Mr. MAYNE. I yield those. 2 minutes to the gentleman from Indiana, Mr. Dennis, The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Dennis is recognized for 2 minutes. DENNIS. I thank my friend from Iowa. I merely want to suggest that there are at least two points that deserve some thought. First, if you are going with Mr. Sarbanes' theory, you have got, to figure out when and how did the so-called policy come into being and prove it, because until and unless you do that, you cannot attribute the act of anyone else to the President of the United States. Second, if you are, going to rely on implementing the policy by the allegations here, you are going to have to come up with when and what were the specific occasions on which that policy policy -was implemented by for instance, making false statements to investigating officers, or counseling with witnesses to give false testimony. Now, those things either her happened or they didn't. If they did it is very easy to specify them and the law says that you have to do it. And it does not; make any difference whether the respondent knows or doesn't know some of the things you may have in your mind. He is still entitled to a, good charge. That is due process of law. And you cannot satisfy it by saying that statements in a committee report can perform the function of a good charge or that you don't have to pay any attention to the rules 'of evidence with the Chief Justice in the Chair, because in impeachment thing is somehow different. You have got the votes, of course. You can vote anything, but somewhere do the line you are, going have to follow the law and the Constitution and prove your facts. Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. The time has expired. I recognize the gentleman from Ohio, Mr. Seiberling for 5 minutes. Mr. SIEBERLING. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I quite agree that due process is absolutely essential, that the Contittition requires it in an impeachment proceeding as in any other judicial proceeding under our Constitution. But, due process does not require any specific form of proceeding. It requires certain essential matters of substance, such as notice to the defendant or the person who is on trial as to the nature and the detail of the charges against him. Now as Mr. Jenner pointed out, under our modern practice -we do not do that any more in the indictment or the similar documents. We get into the details through other matters of discovery and that is just as much due process as to do it in the, old way. What was done years ago in the trial of Andrew Johnson is not necessarily the only Way to do it. But, even then I would like to read some authorities older than Andrew Johnson's trial. Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers with respect to impeachment "The nature of the proceeding can never be tied down by such strict rules in the delineation of the offense by the prosecutors as common cases served to limit the discretion of courts in favor of personal security." And Justice Story in his commentaries on the Constitution says: "It is obvious that the strictness of the forms of the proceedings in cases of offenses of common law are ill adopted to impeachment The adherence to technical principles. which perhaps distinguishes criminal law more than any other, are all ill adapted to the trial of political offenses in the broad courses of impeachment. There is little technical in the mode of proceeding. The charges are sufficiently clear, and yet in general form. There are few exceptions which arise in the a application of the evidence which grow out of mere technical rules and quibbles." Now, every time we talk the facts, why the gentleman from New Jersey wants to talk about procedure. And when we get to the procedure, the gentleman from Indiana wants to talk about the facts. And I suggest that the facts still need to be discussed as the gentleman from New Jersey originally started to ask us, and I yield the balance Of my time to the gentleman from California, who I thought was doing a pretty good job of it. [00.51.27]

Bulls On Rampage
Clip: 426147_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1750
Original Film: 039-058-03
Location: Pamplona, Spain
Timecode: 00:10:13 - 00:11:24

In the annual frenzy of the Feast of San Fermin, the bulls of Pamplona, Spain are run through the city streets while young men run ahead of them. It's a yearly tradition and it ends in the Pamplona bullring where youngsters sidestep cows like brave matadors. Large firecrackers are set off and the bulls are released into the street to mark the start of the running of the bulls. MS - Stampeding bulls. High Angle Shot - Throngs running in the streets of Pamplona, Spain and the bulls are right behind them. High Angle Shot - Bulls are knocking down people and butting them with their heads. One man in particular gets trampled repeatedly by a bull before regaining his balance and walking into the watching crowd. High Angle Shot - Hordes of people running into the bull ring with the bulls following them. The bull ring is packed with people.

Hollywood Gold Cup
Clip: 426148_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1750
Original Film: 039-058-04
Location: Hollywood, California
Timecode: 00:11:24 - 00:12:33

In the 27th annual running of the "Hollywood Gold Cup" at Hollywood Park, "Native Diver" becomes the first horse to win this race twice in a row. He jumps out to an early lead and wins easily, by almost five lengths. "O'Hara" is second and "Travel Orb" third. Horses ridden by their jockeys walking on the race track. High Angle Shot - Throngs in attendance. MS - The starting gate and the horses take off and are running. CUS - People in the stands. MS - Native Diver #7 (number seven) is in the lead, spinning around the bend. Native Diver is still in the lead and he wins the race.

Ryun's Record Mile
Clip: 426149_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1750
Original Film: 039-058-05
Location: Berkeley, California
Timecode: 00:12:33 - 00:14:35

Before 15,000 track fans at the All-America Track and Field Invitational meet in Berkeley, California, 19 year old Kansas freshman Jim Ryun sets a new world record for the mile of three minutes, fifty-one and three-tenths seconds - more than two full seconds off the old record. He's the first American to hold the record since Glenn Cunningham, 32 years ago! Establishing shot of the jam-packed (jammed, packed) stadium. MS - Jim Ryun on the track ready to take his place in line. High Angle Shot - The runners take off and they re all out to win. MS - Jim Ryun pulls up from behind and he takes the lead. Jim has pulled so far ahead that he ends up running the track all by himself, and he sets a new world record. CUS - Jim Ryun walking trying to cool down.

Gemini 10: Many Space "Firsts" In Record Flight
Clip: 426150_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1750
Original Film: 039-059-01
Location: Cape Kennedy, Florida
Timecode: 00:15:16 - 00:20:56

Astronauts Michael Collins and John Young return to earth safely in a pinpoint splashdown after three of the most daring, dramatic, and triumphant days in space for a previous American manned (American-manned) mission. Several "firsts" are recorded, including an altitude record, a double rendezvous, and activity with an orbiting object. Astronauts Michael Collins and John Young leaving their quarters walking and shaking hands with people who have come to see their lift off and wish them well. High Angle Shot - 'Ready Room' near launch pad 19. The Astronauts put on their space suits. MS - Commander Young and Major Collins arrive at pad nineteen and they immediately enter the space elevator that will take them up to their space capsule. MS - Each Astronaut climbs into their tiny capsule and the doors are locked behind them. MS - Lift off, the Agena leaving a red and orange glow behind her, climbs into space. MS - Another lift off, the two space vehicles lock noses. MS - From the space craft Gemini 10. Pictures of Agena 8 orbiting in space. MS - The space walk of Astronaut Michael Collins, Earth is beneath him. Astronaut Collins goes over to Agena 8 and retrieves a space dust detecting box. This is the very first time something like this has taken place in space. MS - The re-entry back to the earth is taking place. The splash down is a pin point (pinpoint) landing and Collins and Young wait to be picked up.

Displaying clips 385-408 of 10000 in total
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