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Displaying clips 1777-1800 of 10000 in total
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Small Birds - Mourning Dove
Clip: 433174_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 1 Mouring Dove in tree

Small Birds - Mourning Dove
Clip: 433175_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 1 Mouring Dove in tree

Motorboat Daredevils Race In Germany
Clip: 425266_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-048-05
Location: Germany
Timecode: 00:46:20 - 00:47:21

The Moselle River is stirred to a frenzy by wild riding of competitors for a world championship on the water. Germany Coaching official holding a starter gun, fires it and the race is on. The little speed boats are really moving out. Speed boats shooting rooster tails behind their boats. The water is getting choppy due to the MPH these little race boats are turning out. As one of the drivers makes the corner he is dumped out of his boat, he is not hurt and climbs back in. The winner of the race is Deter Koneke of Germany, he drives his boat up to the shore and waves to the crowd. The crowd is waving and cheering him on, as he approaches the crowd they playfully grab him and throw him in the drink.

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486572_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10395
Original Film: 108004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.14.10] Senator BAKER. If you make a contribution to this country by serving, as an example, a deterrent to others having that attitude, it might make some atonement, for that submerged conscience, but time will tell that, we will have to wait and see. Mr. PORTER. I had that in my statement, and took it, out because I thought that was rather self-serving to make because that, is how I feel. Senator BAKER. Before I ask this last, question, let me point out, that, this inquiry is not, that, of an amateur philosopher or psychologist but rather in pursuit of the. statutory jurisdiction of this committee, which is not only to find those things which may have been illegal but improper as well. Mr. PORTER. I understand. Senator BAKER. Call you tell me, 'Mr. Porter, how we might ventilate the structure of campaigning how we might expose to the fresh breeze Of conscience and personality the organization of a presidential campaign SO that young men and old men assert their sense of right or wrong instead of doing so-and-so because someone told them to. Mr. PORTER, I think you are doing a damn fine job right, now, Senator. [Laughter.] Senator BAKER. It is a painful thing, you know. Mr. PORTER. Yes, sir. Senator BAKER. And it is a terrible way to have to do it. Do you have any other suggestions? Mr. PORTER. I have often thought we had too much money. [00.15.55--HUMOR] Senator BAKER. Money is the--I am sure the chairman would approve of this. [Laughter.] And in deference to the chairman I will save it for him. [Laughter.] Mr. PORTER. I am waiting myself to find out which one he is going to apply to my case. Senator BAKER. Mr. Porter, I believe that is all I have. I would like to yield to Senator Inouye. Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much. Mr. Porter, you have in your interview with the staff said it was a standard operating procedure that Mr. Haldeman of the White House be kept totally informed of everything that went on; is that correct? Mr. PORTER. Senator Inouye, 1 believe I told the staff it was my understanding that certainly in my area that major policy decisions and that sort of thing that Mr. Haldeman's aide, Mr. Strachan, always got copies of everything that we had, everything that went on in my division, and I am sure got copies of everything that went on in other divisions. Senator INOUYE. To the smallest detail such as a guest list? Mr. PORTER. Yes, sir. Senator INOUYE. Did you advise Mr. Haldeman as to cash disbursements? Mr. PORTER. No, sir. Senator INOUYE. Are they a bit more important than guest lists? Mr. PORTER. I am not sure I understand the question, Senator, Senator INOUYE. YOU just indicated that Mr. Haldeman was desirous of getting everything including guest lists of parties. Now, I asked if you had advised Mr. Haldeman of cash disbursements, $67,000 worth, and you say no, I was just wondering, don't you think $671000 is a bit more important than just a little old guest list? Mr. PORTER. I think the two, one doesn't follow the other. The money that was disbursed through 1-1 me as a conduit Mr. Magruder was aware of and it would have teen Mr. Magruder's responsibility to relay that situation to his superior, Mr. Mitchell, and if he wanted to, Mr. Kalmbach, not Mr. Kalmbach, Mr. Strachan or Mr. Haldeman That was not my function, no, sir. Senator INOUYE. I presume you kept a record of all your disbursements? Mr. PORTER. I did. Senator INOUYE. What happened to the record, sir? Mr. PORTER. At the end of March 1972, 1 received a phone call from Mr. Sloan saying that he would like to balance out, because April 7 was approaching. I, to protect myself internally, called upon Mr. Reisner, who has testified before this committee, to come in and act as a disinterested third party to review what I had in--I had on a little secretarial steno pad, an in-and-out sheet, if you will, a record of my copies of my receipts and cash on hand. Mr. Reisner did that. I called Mr. Sloan. I told him the figure, $52,000, that I had received from him from whatever the beginning of time was until that point. He agreed to that. I did not have an accounting function at the committee. In fact, nobody at the Committee for the Re-Election of the President had any accounting or disbursing function, so to speak. That was the finance committee. And I had no need for the records, and I threw them away. [00.19.47] I

Square Riggers Set Sail
Clip: 425267_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-048-06
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Timecode: 00:47:21 - 00:47:55

At Lisbon, Portugal, nine sailing ships starting on a run to Bermuda create scenes of beauty with their sails unfurled. Lisbon, Portugal Portuguese Square Riggers with their sails up on the open sea. A large sailing vessel with three large sails and nine little sails. The other Square Riggers that have set sail Bermuda its a 3600 mile run. A British ship in full sail.

Queen Elizabeth II Attends Flag Rite on 38th Birthday
Clip: 425269_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1725
Original Film: 037-049-01
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:00:51 - 00:03:38

(Letterboxed, compressed full screen 1.85:1) "In London a sprit of festival prevails as the British honor the official 38th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. The highlight of the tribute is the annual Trooping the Color in the Horse Guard Parade. A rite Her Majesty attends in the uniform of a Colonel-in-Chief. The big treat for the crowd came when Queen Elizabeth, after the ceremonies, appears on the balcony of Buckingham Palace w/ 3 mo old Prince Edward in her arms." High angle LS Square during ceremony. Side view TLS/MSs Queen Elizabeth II wearing Colonel-in-Chief uniform, mounted on horse, Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) wearing Busby heat on horse to her right. TLSs trooping the color ceremony conducted by guardsmen in Busby hats. TLSs guard in formation, presenting arms. TLSs Royal Cavalry on parade. TLS/MSs Queen Elizabeth II riding horse on parade. H/a LS/TLSs Royal Guard marching in formation. MS Queen Mother Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Lord Snowden & others standing on balcony of Buckingham Palace. LS Royal Guard marching past Buckingham Palace. MSs Queen Elizabeth II saluting from horse. MS Prince Philip wearing Busby hat. MS royal flag wavering in wind. TLS Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip with infant Prince Edward on balcony. MS royal family waving from balcony.

Harbor Spanned Verrazano Bridge Nears Final Shape
Clip: 425270_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1725
Original Film: 037-049-02
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:03:38 - 00:05:27

"As it nears completion, the Verrazano Bridge spanning the Narrows at the mouth of the Port of New York again becomes the subject for your newsreel's daredevil cameraman. And he produces a spine-tingling report by matching the courage of the workers on bare wind-whipped girders, hundreds of feet above the water. A thriller garnished by some masterful shots of the massive Queen Elizabeth passing under the bridge, outward bound for England." Nice high angle LS bridge from top of one of the suspension towers. TLS/LSs construction workers working on bridge, cranes hoisting & lowering heavy objects. MS worker welding lattice-work. Nice depth of field LS lower level of bridge under construction. MS brave worker wearing hard hat balancing, walking along suspension tower. View from top of tower, smoggy skyline of downtown New York City in distance. H/a LSs Queen Elizabeth luxury liner passing beneath bridge, sailing away. MSs men working with steel suspension wires. H/a LS Linea Fassio freighter passing beneath bridge. Nice extreme h/a MSs man painting girders (another delicate balancing act). Nice tilting h/a TLS bridge construction (shot from suspension tower).

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486573_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10395
Original Film: 108004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.19.47] had-excuse me, sir. Senator INOUYE. Was that the only reason for destroying the records? Were you afraid the information might, be incriminating? Mr. PORTER. No, sir. In fact, just, the opposite. I made sure Mr. Reisner had seen it all. I just, physically, I had no reason to keep them. I had balanced with Mr. Sloan. He was satisfied. I was satisfied that, there, would be no questions regarding the money. I had asked Mr. Reisner to act as an independent auditor; he did. I started fresh, and threw the little slips of paper away. Senator INOUYE. Mr. Porter, after the Watergate trial, you sought a good Government job, did you not? Mr. PORTER. Yes, sir, I did, Senator INOUYE. And when Mr. Malek, through the White House, was not helpful, you went to Mr. LaRue and told him, "Listen, Fred, you know what I did at the trial. I have been loyal, I do not, expect to be treated better than anyone else, but I do not expect to be treated worse." And Mr. LaRue said, "I know, I will Contact John." Mr. PORTER. That is correct, sir. Senator INOUYE. Did this happen? Mr. PORTER. I think basically, yes. Senator INOUYE. Who is "John"? Mr. PORTER. I presume that is John Mitchell. Senator INOUYE. After that, did Mr. Magruder tell you that Mr. Haldeman had called Mr. Malek to insure that YOU would be taken care of? Mr. PORTER. Mr. Magruder told me that he had talked to Mr. Haldeman and that Mr. Haldeman had called Mr. Malek and had told him, in effect to kind of back off Porter, I think was the wording. Senator INOUYE. DO you know for a, fact, that 'Mr. Haldeman was aware of the situation? Mr. PORTER. 'NO, sir? I do not. I only, know what Mr. Magruder told me. Senator INOUYE. Did you got, a good Government job after that? Mr. PORTER. No, Sir; "not through that particular process, no, sir. on my own, I contacted one, of the department secretaries whom I knew personally, made arrangements to talk to him, and through a series of interviews, was offered a position in the Government at the end of March. At, the same time, as early as the latter part of January, I had been seeking employment in private industry, to have a choice between the two 'When the' time came for me to make a choice. Senator INOUYE. Was that that job subject to clearance by Mr. Malek? Mr. PORTER. I do not, know, sir. Senator INOUYE. Now, you advised the committee that You were in California on June 17 in the company of Mr. Mitchell and who else? Mr. PORTER. Mr. Mitchell, Mr. LaRue, Mr. Mardian, Mr. Magruder Mr. Raymond Caldero, who was in charge of our celebrities at that time. Senator INOUYE. And at that time, you received a call from Washington, or someone did receive a call. Mr. PORTER. That was in the morning. This was at the Beverly Hills Hotel, Mr. Caldero and I had come down from our rooms; at 8:30 to have breakfast. We sat down at a table next to Mr. and Mrs. LaRue, Mr. and Mrs. Mardian, and Mr. and -Mrs. Magruder. Senator INOUYE. So that is when you first learned about the Watergate break-in? Mr. PORTER. Well, in looking backwards, Senator, I guess you would have to say so, but at the time, no. The phone call that you are referring to is one that Mr. Magruder had received already, I think, because he came back to the table, and not to me, but to the people he was sitting with, said, "Do you know where I can find a secure phone?" And there was a discussion at the table, apparently, about where one might find a secure phone. And he turned to me, and he said, "Do you know where I can find a secure phone?" I said, "What for"? He said, "Well, Liddy is trying to call me, or wants to talk to me on a secure line." And I said, "'Well, we do have a direct outside line in the Mitchell suite, why don't you use that?" He said, "No, that is not good enough." I said, "Well, why don't you go out to a pay phone and call him back? Nobody's going to, you know, that is about all the security you are going to get." That was the end of that conversation. Senator INOUYE, Who took care of the situation there? Mr. PORTER. I beg your pardon, sir? Senator INOUYE. Who took charge of the situation there? Mr. PORTER. I am not sure I understand the question. Senator INOUYE. When this call was made, were the others agitated, or were they not? Mr. PORTER. Senator, I do not remember at the time. I think my back was to them and I do not remember seeing any expressions or conversation. Mr. Magruder appeared quite open about it at the time, in a loud voice. Senator INOUYE. Were you aware of a telephone call that Mr. Magruder made on June 18 from California at 4 in the morning? Mr. PORTER. You would have to qualify that, Senator. I understand that Mr. Magruder made or had phone conversations early Sunday morning with---- Senator INOUYE. Who was the party he contacted in Key Biscayne?, Mr. PORTER. I do not know, sir. I only know that-in fact, I think Mrs. Porter, who was sitting behind me, told me that Mrs. Magruder had told her-we were all kind of sitting or living in a suite of rooms on the same floor--that her husband had been on the phone all morning with Key Biscayne, I think was the quote, That is the, only Place I can remember where that statement might come from. [00.25.38]

Operation "Deny Flight"; no-fly zone over Bosnia (includes Navy SEAL footage)
Clip: 486576_1_1
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1353
Original Film:
Location: San Vito Air Field, Italy
Timecode: 05:00:00 - 05:54:42

Operation "Deny Flight"; no-fly zone over Bosnia (includes Navy SEAL footage)

Iran Rescue Mission, USS Nimitz
Clip: 486577_1_1
Year Shot: 1980 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1354
Original Film:
Location: Indian Ocean
Timecode: 00:00:00 - 00:02:10

Iran Rescue Mission, USS Nimitz Indian Ocean

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486579_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10395
Original Film: 108004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.32.30] [Robert MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that Clarence KELLY was also nominated to be the permanent director of the FBI, after the previous nominee, Patrick GRAY, was "another casualty of the Watergate". Introduces an interview of Sen. INOUYE by reporter Peter KAYE [00.33.00--KAYE and INOUYE seated at committee table] KAYE asks about progress and the state of the committee at that point. INOUYE replies that it's been exhausting, personally, that the committee has attempted nonpartisan objectivity, and attempted to get the facts out. Nonetheless aware of the dangerous possibility of harming innocent people's reputations, and also of allowing a forum for dishonest witnesses to make self-serving statements. KAYE states that INOUYE has been among the most incisive and thorough questioners of witnesses, attempting to make connections between low-level figures and the "higher-ups". Asks if this is a priority INOUYE says it's not necessarily tying the lower-downs to higher-ups, but that many witnesses have made statements that have done so, and it is his concern to investigate the witnesses fully to avoid making dangerous inferences. The committee wants to abide by "innocent until proven guilty", and that it is his duty to thoroughly examine the witnesses, as the "governmental process is on trial". Cites the statement by PORTER that deception and chicanery were part of the game of politics as usual as the evidence of the need to show government working fairly. [00.36.00--LEHRER in studio] LEHRER states that the investigation will continue next week with the return of PORTER to conclude his testimony, before moving on "to bigger, but not necessarily better, things." States that, pending the outcome of Federal immunity proceedings, Jeb MAGRUDER and John DEAN may be called to testify in the next week, followed most likely by MITCHELL, STANS, HALDEMAN, and EHRLICHMAN. LEHRER states that there is momentum building toward a desire to go after the big shots, but offers the opinion that it's easier to identify with the "little shots" like Robert ODLE, PORTER, and SLOAN, who have caused identification in the average person and aroused sympathy or disgust. While the smaller figures do deserve the same "come-uppance" that the larger ones do, "come-uppance" is a matter of degree, like power. Signs off [00.37.47--title screen--grant credits--NPACT ID--PBS network ID] [00.38.24--TAPE OUT, END OF 06/07/1973]

Operation Eagle Claw Memorial - Iran Rescue Casualties Memorial
Clip: 486583_1_1
Year Shot: 1983 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1355
Original Film:
Location: Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
Timecode: 00:03:41 - 00:10:43

Iran Rescue Casualties Memorial. Dedication of a plaque honoring the casualties of the Iranian hostage rescue attempt. Operation Eagle Claw Memorial.

Operation "Provide Comfort" (relief efforts for Kurdish refugees)
Clip: 486584_1_1
Year Shot: 1991 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1356
Original Film:
Location: Iraqi-Turkish border
Timecode: -

Includes interviews with U.S. Special Forces personnel, who explain food distribution and medical assistance to Kurdish refugees. U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees holds a discussion at the campsite. Views of camp, people and water system. Some coalition troops take a cigarette break. Post office tent and activities in town of Silopi. Interview with a female postal clerk. Outgoing mail is loaded on board a UH-60A helo. Views of Camp Cukurca and organizational meeting for Kurdish refugees. Air traffic controller doing his job and explaining camp events and the situation. View of Turkish soldiers and British commandos.

Operation "Provide Promise" (Bosnian relief efforts)
Clip: 486586_1_1
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1357
Original Film:
Location: Bosnia, Sarajevo
Timecode: -

02:00:00 -- Crew in cockpit of C-130E flying to Bosnia and landing at Sarajevo. Radio chatter. 02:06:30 -- U.N. crew unloads C-130E Hercules air transport at Sarajevo. 02:08:50 -- Cockpit POV of C-130E taking off from Sarajevo. 02:09:20 -- Interview with Major Les Anzjon, USAF, regarding airlifts to Sarajevo. 02:16:20 -- Cockpit POV of C-130E as it lands at Sarajevo. 02:20:03 -- U.N. crew unloads C-130E at Sarajevo. 02:32:45 -- Crew of USAF C-130E as it flies to Bosnia and makes an air drop (shot with nitecam). 02:36:15 -- Nitecam interview of Master Sergeant Michael E. Heyers, USAF, regarding air drops over Bosnia.

Operation "Provide Promise" (Bosnian relief efforts)
Clip: 486587_1_1
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1357
Original Film:
Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia
Timecode: 02:00:00 - 02:42:39

Operation "Provide Promise" (Bosnian relief efforts)

Operation Provide Promise (Bosnian relief efforts)
Clip: 486588_1_1
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1357
Original Film:
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Timecode: -

Crew loading C-130E Hercules air transport, then taking off.

Operation Provide Promise (Bosnian relief efforts)
Clip: 486589_1_1
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1357
Original Film:
Location: Rhein Main Air Force Base, Germany
Timecode: -

02:23:24 -- German C-160 aircraft taxis into Rhein Main, where it is fueled and loaded with supplies for Bosnia. 02:28:04 -- Interview with Master Sergeant Bud Sloan, USAF. 29:33 -- German ground crewman signals to taxiing C-160. 02:31:34 -- Ground crewman signals UH-1 helicopter. Passengers get out of helo. 02:32:04 -- C-160 aircraft takes off. 02:42:39 -- C-160 lands and taxis in. 02:45:59 -- USAF crew inside C-130E putting survival gear on, including pistols. 02:49:20 -- Interview with Captain Miles Price, USAF. 02:51:35 -- USAF C-130Es on flightline at dawn. 02:52:05 -- Crew inside C-130E at night, preparing for takeoff. 02:52:55 -- Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Paul Roth, USAF.

Operation Provide Comfort (relief efforts for Kurdish refugees)
Clip: 486590_1_1
Year Shot: 1991 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1358
Original Film:
Location: Iraqi-Turkish border
Timecode: -

Covers humanitarian relief given to Kurdish refugees by U.S. Joint Services Task Force and calition forces. Shows Kurdish camps and towns in the mountains along the Iraqi-Turkish border with Joint Task Forces organizing camps, distributing food, giving medical care, and patrolling the area to protect Kurds from Iraqi soldiers. Coverage of U.S. and coalition forces assistance to Kurdish refugees who fled to the mountains along the Iraqi-Turkish border. Views of ammunition storage area and POL (petroleum-oil-lubricants) storage in Silopi, Turkey. USAF UH-60s land and take off at Incirlik air base and POL drums are on/offloaded from U.S. CH-47 helos. German CH-53 lands in a field and takes on board a U.S. Special Forces medical team. Shots of team leaving helo and hiking a mountain trail to a Kurdish camp and inoculating children. Kurdish refugees with possessions and some mules walking barren mountain trails on Iraqi-Turkish border. Includes U.S. Special Forces observers counting refugees and one of them explains their circumstances.

USS Vincennes (CG 49)
Clip: 486592_1_1
Year Shot: 1988 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1359
Original Film: N/A
Location: Persian Gulf
Country: At Sea
Timecode: 01:00:00 - 01:02:14

Horn on USS Vincennes sounding alarm; four adult Caucasian male U.S. Navy sailors on deck as voice announces,"General quarters! All hands, man your battle stations!" Adult male sailor plotting course on map; pilothouse/bridge, sailors performing duties at various stations. Adult Caucasian male sailor wearing undershirt, strapping on black pouch. Three adult Caucasian male sailors standing at front of pilothouse; two of them use binoculars to look out window; sailors perform duties at stations in BG. Three adult male sailors standing outside, one wearing a flak jacket, standing next to gun. Adult Caucasian male sailor sitting at radar station with adult Caucasian male supervisor behind him (screen reflection).

USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG 58)
Clip: 486593_1_1
Year Shot: 1988 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1359
Original Film: N/A
Location: Persian Gulf
Country: At Sea
Timecode: 01:27:24 - 01:29:20

Tugboat pulling damaged USS Samuel B. Roberts in open sea; ship is riding low in water with bilge pumps working; adult Caucasian male sailors on deck.

Operation Desert Shield (buildup to the Persian Gulf War)
Clip: 486594_1_1
Year Shot: 1990 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1360
Original Film:
Location: Persian Gulf
Timecode: -

01:00:00 -- USAF Lieutenant General Charles A. Horner, commander of the 9th Air Force and U.S. Central Command forces (from Shaw Air Force Base, SC), talks about troops deployed to the desert. 01:00:51 -- C-5A Galaxy taxis to a stop. General Hansford T. Johnson, commander-in-chief, Transportation Command and Military Airlift Command, gets off the plane. He is greeted by military VIPs. Entourage drives off in white autos. 01:04:48 -- Interiors of facility. General Johnson and others eat, talk, then leave. 01:08:42 -- Gen. Johnson and others tour Saudi base, speak with troops, shake hands. 01:11:43 -- Prince Sultan, general of the Saudi forces, talks about attacking and overthrowing Saddam Hussein. Pan shot to press asking questions [NOTE: This pan shot of the press is CNN footage -- not for licensing. Also, the interview is interrupted by a long blank section on the tape.]

Operation Desert Shield: Senator Robert J. Dole
Clip: 486595_1_1
Year Shot: 1990 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1360
Original Film:
Location: Persian Gulf
Timecode: -

Senator Robert J. Dole (R-Kan.) and other U.S. senators talk to press about Saddam Hussein and efforts to force him to withdraw from Kuwait.

Operation Desert Shield: Generals Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf
Clip: 486596_1_1
Year Shot: 1990 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1360
Original Film:
Location: Persian Gulf
Timecode: -

01:48:28 -- Evening shots of Army General Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, getting off a plane. He is greeted by Army General H. Norman Schwarzkopf III, commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Shots of other VIPs, then group goes into a building. 01:49:50 -- Generals Powell and Schwarzkopf with Saudi officials. Powell converses with a Saudi general about rapport between Saudis and Americans. Pan to pictures on wall of Saudi royalty. 01:53:19 -- Powell and others leave the building.

Operation Desert Shield: President George Bush
Clip: 486597_1_1
Year Shot: 1990 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1360
Original Film:
Location: Persian Gulf
Timecode: 01:53:51 - 01:59:59

President George Bush speaks at rostrum during Thanksgiving holidays. He talks about freedom, says a prayer, gives thanks to the Navy, Marines and Coast Guard for the invitation to spend Thanksgiving on board the USS Nassau. Two men stand next to and just behind the President.

Displaying clips 1777-1800 of 10000 in total
Items Per Page: