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Displaying clips 1609-1632 of 10000 in total
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88th Running of The Preakness at Pimlico
Clip: 425234_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1723
Original Film: 037-040-04
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Timecode: 00:46:00 - 00:47:24

The Canadian cannonball colt who just won the Kentucky Derby gives repeat performance by winning the second jewel in horse racing's Triple Crown....The Preakness. 21/4 lengths. 90th Preakness: Bill Hartack aboard Northern Dancer wins in 1:56.8 Baltimore, Maryland Aerial of the throngs of people in attendance at the track. OHLS - Race horses being walked on to the track. UCS - Bill Hartack on the no #4 horse, "Northern Dancer". MS - The horses are led to the starting gate, the gate opens and they're off. LOHS - Northern Dancer is running third and Hill Rise, ridden by Billy Shoemaker is fourth. CUS - Ladies at the track, one is looking through binoculars. MLS - Horses running the track and The Scoundrel moves into second place. MLOHS - Northern Dancer hits the stretch leading for home and he can't get caught and The Scoundrel comes in second. MOHS - Northern Dancer in the Winners Circle with a blanket of roses draped over his withers.

Indianapolis 500-Mile Race - Time Trials
Clip: 425235_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1723
Original Film: 037-040-05
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Timecode: 00:47:24 - 00:48:41

Indianapolis 500-Mile Race This year's Memorial Day Indy 500 promises to be the fastest on record. 15 of the qualifiers beat the time of last year's winners in the trials now going on. Four of the top six qualifiers are; Ward - 156.406, Marshman - 157.8/67, Sutton - 153.813 and Clark - 158.828. Closed-Circuit Television will carry this year's race which will feature a number of rear-engine cars. Indianapolis, IN Outside; Indianapolis Motor Speedway, some people are starting to arrive. MS - A parade of Boy Scouts marching on the racing track. MS - Up high in the stands are fans. CUS - Indianapolis 500-Mile Racing trophy. MLS - Racing fans sitting in the stands. MS - Race cars speeding down the track making their time trials. MS - Jim Clark just completed his time trial speed, 158 MPH, 7 MPH faster than last years winner.

Asian Crisis: Stevenson Outlines US Policy To UN
Clip: 425237_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-041-01
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:00:20 - 00:02:26

Ambassador Adlai Stevenson, suddenly summoned back from London, explains the policy of the United States in Southeast Asia, before members of the United Nations. The U.S. will fight communist aggression in Southeast Asia as long as the people there need help to preserve their independence. US Security Counsel sitting a horse shoe table with and oblong table in the center. CUS Adlai Stevenson sitting at the table with an ear piece in his ear, writing. Adlai Stevenson, "As long as the peoples of that area are determined to preserve their own independence and ask for our help in preserving it, we will extend it. And this of course is the meaning of President Johnson requests a few days ago for additional funds for a more economic, as well as military assistance for Vietnam. And if any one has the illusion, Mr. Chairman, that my people will abandon the people of Vietnam or that we shall weary about the burden of support that we are rendering these people, it will be only due to ignorance of the strength and the conviction of the American people. ... Stop the secret subversion of other peoples independence. Stop the clandestine and illegal transit of national frontiers. Stop the export of revolution and the doctrine of violence. Stop the violations of political agreements reached at Geneva for the future of Southeast Asia. The people Laos want to be left alone, the people of Vietnam want to be left alone. The people of Cambodia want to be left alone. When their neighbors decide to leave them alone as they must there will be no fighting in Southeast Asia, no need for American advisors to leave their homes to help these people resist aggression."

Famed Stallions: Lipizzans Begin First US Tour
Clip: 425238_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-041-03
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:04:41 - 00:06:10

The world's most aristocratic dancers make their first New York appearance....the glorious White Stallions of the famed Spanish Riding School of Vienna. The Lipizzan stallions. In Madison Square Garden before a glittering audience, the Stallions display incredible technical skills, rhythmic responses and unparallel elegance of style in step. They're merely marvelous. New York, New York The horsemen riding their Lipizzan steeds lined up and dancing the Rockets Dance troop. MCUS - A rider on the horse performing, the horse stands on his back hindquarters. MS - The rider on the Lipizzan rides over to a high ranking military army officer and presents the horse as a gift. CUS - Sign "US Army, Fort Myer, North Area". MCUS - Military officer leading the horse out of the stable. CU - Army officer gently handling the horse by his reigns, as he walks the horse.,

Flying Snipers: Copters Develop New Battle Tactics
Clip: 425239_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-041-04
Location: Germany
Timecode: 00:03:42 - 00:04:40

United States Army helicopter pilots in Germany test-try techniques on M-6 machine gun. They have developed skills which zoon with zing, dart and dodge below tree-top level. West Germany's country side with helicopters sitting on a grassy field. CUS - Military men loading a newly improved M-6 Machine Gun. CUS - The rotary blade on a helicopter spinning before take off. CUS - The helicopter is slowly lifting into the sky. CUS - Co-pilot looking out the window as he is piloting the helicopter. Aerial shot - Helicopter is descending so its low to the ground hiding, you can see the helicopter between the trees descending. CUS - Pilot's hand on the trigger assembly and his finger on the trigger and pressing on it. CUS - The machine gun vibrating as it spits out rounds of ammunition. From the ground - Helicopter flying backwards.

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486535_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10392
Original Film: 108001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.22.47] Senator INOUYE. What was the magnitude of the, funds received through this means? Mr. SLOAN. I would be guessing, but I would say probably a third maybe more. Senator INOUYE. Twenty million dollars worth? Mr. SLOAN. No, sir, that would be--I am not familiar with, the receipts following June. The period I am really familiar with is the $20 million we raised essentially from March of 1971 through April 7 period. I would say a third of that figure probably would have been in securities. Senator INOUYE, Was this a scheme where one business Stocks it for say, 10 years ago at $10, and the value is now $50 and you get $50 and the donor does not have to pay any tax on it? Mr. SLOAN. I do not believe, it is a scheme, Senator, Senator INOUYE. Other Americans have to pay taxes, don't they? Mr. SLOAN. Well, I am not, a tax expert. The legal opinion we had under which I in was operating essentially said that this turning the securities over, in other words not cashing the securities--if the individual had cashed the securities himself, he obviously had a capital gains liability. But in making the gift in the form of securities, that liability did not go back to the donor. The legal opinion as to the status of the committee which I understood we were operating under, and there were--I believe there are legal Opinions in the files' of the committee supporting this--was that essentially the committee is a nonprofit organization in the sense that it, is not, a, moneymaking business and at the conclusion of the campaign all its assets essentially are liquidated. Senator INOUYE. I have with me a copy of a, GAO report dated May 20, and in this report, you have listed several disbursements. However, I notice that the cash disbursement which is noted on this board to Mr. Lankler is not listed in the GAO report,. Would you tell the committee why you did not, advise the GAO as to the $50,000 Cash disbursement to Mr. Lankler? Mr., SLOAN. Yes, sir, at the time I was giving the information contained in that report, I did not recall that particular transaction or, I believe, a number of other ones. This has been an attempt over a period of time with the General Accounting Office from memory, to try to reconstruct what in fact has happened-. The, Lankler transaction and one or two others were brought to my attention, to my attorney's attention, through another gentleman's attorney. Senator INOUYE. What was the purpose of this last disbursement? Mr. SLOAN. Excuse me? Senator INOUYE. What was the purpose of this cash disbursement to Mr. Lankler? Mr. SLOAN. Mr. Lankler? Senator INOUYE. Yes. Mr. SLOAN. As I understand it--I am not totally clear, as I was not present in the earlier periods. But my understanding of the situation that led to that distribution to Mr. Lankler was that in the setting up Of our fundraising operations that I believe Secretary Stans had made an arrangement with the fundraisers in Maryland who were 'working in behalf of the President that all the, funds they raised in a certain period would be turned in to the national headquarters. In other words, they would not hold cut funds for their own operation. As I understand it, in return for this, there, was an understanding that, when they had a major undertaking such as the, I believe it, was an Agnew dinner in this case, that they would get seed money back from Us on a loan basis to run their dinner and that this would be reimbursed to us out of the receipts of the dinner. Senator INOUYE. I gather from yesterday's testimony 7 that as treasurer of this committee, you had listed on one sheet of paper all of the cash disbursements that you had made. Mr. SLOAN. Senator, that listing of cash funds, that, does not, represent a listing of a committee, Those, funds were funds of multiple committees This was merely an internal control over funds that were kept in a physically secure place namely a safe. Senator INOUYE. How did you list these cash disbursements, or did you record them at all? Mr. SLOAN. I listed them on the same list of paper-excuse Me--by name of the individual to whom the distribution had been made. Senator INOUYE. And you testified that you destroyed this sheet. When did you destroy it? Mr. SLOAN. No, sir, I testified that I destroyed a working book which I had maintained for my own use in maintaining the security of these funds, only with the clear understanding that the final report made from that book in turning it over to Secretary Stans, would remain as a Permanent record of those transactions, Senator INOUYE. You have used the phrase--maintained the security of these funds. Were you afraid that these funds may be incriminating? Mr. SLOAN. No, sir, my concern was--I obviously had a responsibility to keep track of who they were from and who they went out to, merely a, record of that, and also a verification of any time someone wanted--if Secretary Stans, for instance, wanted to say, OK, let us go count the cash on hand, I want you to be able to substantiate to me that that is all the cash that is supposed to be there. In other words, it was a guarantee, a written record of all transactions. [00.38.35]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486537_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10392
Original Film: 108001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.28.35] Senator INOUYE. If Citizen A contributed $1,000 to your committee by check, you would list that, would you not? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator INOUYE. By name and address? Mr. SLOAN. Not in the pre-April 7 period, Senator, only under the requirements of the new law. Well, we would if we had it, yes, sir. I mean, for internal purposes, we would attempt to have the names and addresses of all these persons. Senator INOUYE. Did you list the cash contributions by name and address? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, not on this report we are talking about here, but all the cash contributors were merged into a composite list of contributors and their addresses were listed on that report. In other words, there was a single record at, the end of the pre-April 7 periods that listed all contributors to the campaign, including those that gave securities, by check and by cash There was a total record listing names and addresses of all our major contributors in that period. Senator INOUYE. April 7 is an important date. I notice from GAO report that after that, you had received $50,000 from an anonymous source which, for some reason, you preferred not to report, required by law, Could you tell us why? Mr. SLOAN. Senator, in the receipt of that money, I did not have the information on the basis to which I could make any report. At the time I left the committee,, I had not made the effort to get that information. I quite frankly was too busy. It was one of the items--there were four others--three others--that I pointed out to officials of the campaign tit the time I left, were items that needed to be resolved. They either had to be returned because indications had been made that the donors wished to remain anonymous and I did not know how to do that, or else we had to get the information. For instance, a $50,000 contribution, to protect, the individual on a gift tax liability, would have to be distributed among a number of committees. We did not know the wishes of the donor in that regard I did not know the name of the donor, I had no way of dealing with that, in a sense I was holding it in escrow until I had that information. Senator INOUYE. And -what moved you to report this, or did you report this? Mr. SLOAN. Excuse me you mean on a final report or a report to the-- Senator INOUYE. Yes, sir. Mr. SLOAN. Senator, at the time I left, this matter was unresolved. I made no report--excuse me, Senator. I internally made reports of this to officials who I presumed were carrying on these responsibility on responsibilities ties after my departure. Senator INOUYE. When did you leave the committee? Mr. SLOAN. July 14, 1972. Senator INOUYE. And after that were You employed? Mr. SLOAN-. -Not for a period of 5 months, Senator. Senator INOUYE. And then were did you work? Mr. SLOAN. I worked for a period from January to March as a consultant at the Finance Committee To Re-Elect the President. Senator INOUYE. It is your testimony to this committee that during the period You served as treasurer of this Committee To Re-Elect the President and during which time you were responsible. for the cash disbursements of amounts totaling about, $I million, you did not, tit any time have a twinge of suspicion as to the use of these funds. Mr. SLOAN. I think anybody has a normal curiosity, Senator, but these procedures had been going on for nearly it period of a year and a half, in many cases it had been indicated it became an operating procedure. I was quite frankly too busy after a certain period of time to pursue curiosity. Senator INOUYE. Did these people ever account to you as to whether the funds -were used or not? Mr. SLOAN. No, sir, they did not. Senator INOUYE. I think the Internal Revenue Service would like to know if the funds were spent, otherwise it would be income would it not? Mr. SLOAN. I would imagine that is correct, Senator. I considered it from the committee standpoint, the point it left my hands, I don't mean a single committee, but the funds of pre-April 7 committees, that, was in fact a final distribution from our standpoint as far as my responsibility to account, for it. Senator INOUYE. You indicated that you authorized and forwarded the sum of $350,000 in cash to Mr. Haldeman. Mr. SLOAN. I do not, know whether he received it. My instructions on that distribution came through Mr. Kalmbach. I understood from conversations with Mr. Kalmbach, he had had conversations with Mr. Bob Haldeman about this matter. Senator INOUYE. Did 'Mr. Kalmbach tell You how the funds were used? Mr. SLOAN. -No, sir, he did not. Senator INOUYE. Did you ever suspect that it, might have gone into one's own pocket? Mr. SLOAN. No, sir. Senator INOUYE. As treasurer you were never curious as to how the funds were used? Mr. SLOAN. As I think I have indicated, Senator, these were funds authorized by higher authority, men who I worked with for periods of 5 or 6 years. They are men I have great trust in, I had no reason to be suspicious at that time of the motivations of any of these individuals. [00.34.08]

Vietnam Step-Up: Hanoi And Haiphong Oil Depots Bombed
Clip: 426127_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-053-01
Location: Vietnam, Hanoi and Haiphong
Timecode: 00:27:35 - 00:30:13

Defense Secretary McNamara at a dramatic press conference reveals the deepest air strikes yet in North Vietnam. Oil dumps outside the cities of Haiphong and Hanoi are destroyed in the bombings. Only military targets were hit, however. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara standing with a pointer showing just where the Americans bombed North Vietnam that housed their oil supplies Press Core watches the presentation. Robert McNamara and a map of Haiphong. He stresses only military targets were hit by the bombers. CU of 750 lb bomb wheeled over to a Air Force 105 plane and it is placed under the wing. An Air Force jet taking off from the runway on a mission. Jet takes off from runway. Low Angle Shot - Undercarriage of a fighter jet while airborne. MCU of various military men fastening bombs under the wings of fighter jets. Two fighter jets taking off from aircraft carrier. CU of Defense Secretary Robert Strange McNamara as he gives speech about air strikes. "The strikes against the petroleum facilities, were initiated by countering mounting reliance by North Vietnam on the use of trucks and powered junks, to facilitate the infiltration of men and equipment from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. All Navy and Air Force pilots participating in these strikes, especially brief by their commanding officers on the importance of avoiding civilian and build up areas. They were thoroughly familiarized with the targets and with the surrounding terrain. The strikes were carried out in good visibility committing clear visual identification of a targets and the surrounding terrain. The decision to strike these targets were made to restrict and make more costly the enemies infiltration acts. We believe this essential to help safeguard the freedom of South Vietnam and to save the life s of those South Vietnamese, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders and Koreans who are fighting to insure that freedom".

Bolivian Ruins: UNESCO To Search Ancient Findings
Clip: 426128_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-053-02
Location: Bolivia
Timecode: 00:30:13 - 00:31:24

UNESCO sends archeologist to the ancient Incan ruins of Tiwanaku in Bolivia, also known as Tiahuanacu, where articles of a lost civilization perhaps three to nine thousand years old, have already been found. The square mile excavation yields new discoveries, daily. CU of stone carving of a civilization that existed long ago is pre-Incan. Stone carving as a whole with scenery of the scenic Bolivian country side in the background. LS of Archaeologist standing on an ancient wall pieced together by man with bricks. High Angle Shot - Square mile excavation pit as achaeologist working along with students and native people. Two archaeologist looking at a recovered vase, about 99% of the vase is still intact. CUS - A ceramic head. Medium LS - Around 75 to 100 men have a large rope tied around a stone slab that refuses to budge. Various CUS of Bolivian soldiers are methodically moving a 3-ton block up hill. The men pull on ropes to drag the huge slab of stone uphill. CUS - The famous Sun Gate that once was covered with gold before an expedition from Spain arrived. High Angle Shot - Looking down at an excavated site, perhaps it was once a meeting place or place of worship.

Churchill's Home: Beloved "Chartwell" Open To Public
Clip: 426131_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-054-01
Location: Chartwell Mannor, Kent England
Timecode: 00:33:50 - 00:37:20

"Chartwell" in Kent, England, for forty years the country home of Sir Winston Churchill is now open to the public. Earl Mountbatten explains the importance of this home. Inside its doors are personal possessions which reflected some of the great moments of his life. High Angle Shot to Zoom in of Churchill's home "Chartwell Manor." Various Shots of the exterior of the home with its beautiful surrounding fields and greenery. CUS - Earl Mountbatten sitting outside on a garden bench by a brick wall. He talks about the home as Sir Winston Churchill's private retreat where we would come to relax, paint pictures, build walls, feed his fish and think. CUS - Portrait of Sir Winston Churchill. Camera pans of wall of famous 8 X 10 pictures of important men, both historically and personally to Sir Winston Churchill. Inside Sir Winston's study we gain a glimpse of the man. A picture of Roosevelt and an old beat up briefcase. On his desk rests personal photos and other memorable items. In the library, the camera pans his thousands of books. In the Drawing Room, a portrait of his race horse hangs over the mantel. On the table lays his cigars and a deck of cards laid out and ready to be played. CU of a portrait of Lady Churchill (Clementine). The voice over says that they were married for 57- years. Various shots of Lady Churchill's bedroom. On her desk is a drawing of Sir Winston. From inside looking out are the grounds of Chartwell. A pond with a garden chair by it as fish swim about. Winston Churchill voice and nature sounds " "We shall fail or faulter. We shall not weaken or tire. Neither a sudden shock of battle nor the long drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job." Camera pans a garden wall that he constructed as a hobby. It has flowers hanging over it. CUS - Written in stone "The Greater Part Of This Wall Was Built Between the years 1925 & 1932 By Winston With His Own Hands." CU of two garden chairs that overlook the roof tops of the homes in Kent, England.

What's New? 1-Man Copter
Clip: 426132_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-054-02
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:37:20 - 00:38:24

Among the newest designs in craft aloft is a one man helicopter which is easily operated and very maneuverable. Ken Wallis climbs into a one man helicopter. He buckles up his safety belt and off he goes. The former RAF pilot is flys his helicopter about 50 feet off the ground. He makes a few turns over an empty field. Ken Wallis daughter is sitting on a horse watching her father fly around. Ken Wallis bringing his helicopter in for a landing.

Kennedy Memorial: Warren At Dediication Outside Jerusalem
Clip: 426133_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-055-01
Location: Israel, Jerusalem
Timecode: 00:40:04 - 00:41:20

In the rolling hills of Judea, not far from Jerusalem, stands the new memorial to President John F. Kennedy. Built by the Israeli government and financed by the Jewish National Fund, some two thousand persons attend the dedication including Chief Justice Earl Warren. Wide Angle of the rolling hills of Judea and in the far distance stands a memorial dedicated to President John F. Kennedy. Low Angle - President Kennedy's Memorial. An outdoor placard outside the memorial. Interior- 51 pillars represent each state and one for the District of Columbia. CUs of various state seals. Great Seal of the State Of New Mexico 1912, Great Seal of the State of North Carolina 'esse quam videri. Great Seal of the State of Ohio." High Angle shot of a crowd of people and tourists in attendance for the dedication of the memorial. CU of Chief Justice and Mrs. Earl Warren. CU of Justice Earl Warren. CU of Mrs. Warren cutting the ribbon to the Memorial. A bronze plaque of President Kennedy on the Memorial. LS of President John F. Kennedy Peace Memorial.

Berlin Wall Moved: East-West Border Fence Close To Reichstag
Clip: 426134_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-055-02
Location: Germany, East Berlin "Reichstag"
Timecode: 00:41:20 - 00:42:36

A new, slick prefabricated wall is replacing the old, barbed wire covered, Berlin Wall. Construction is in progress as the new wall will be higher, modern and impossible to climb. East Berlin's historical Reichstag Building. East German soldiers guarding the wall. East German soldier patrolling the wall with his Schutzhund trained German Shepherd dog. Soldier standing on the wall and an armored car driving very slowly patrolling the wall. High angle of the top of the barbed wire covered wall. A German Army transport truck being loaded or unloaded by soldiers through the fencing. CUS - Soldier removing barbed wire from the wall with a sledge hammer. Medium CUS - Soldiers legs and his Shepherd laying down by his feet. CUS - East German Soldiers taking down part of the wall brick by brick. A prefabricated wall is set down with the help of two soldiers and a crane. Medium LS - The Reichstag building.

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486538_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10392
Original Film: 108001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.34.08] Senator INOUYE. Now, as the events unfold, how do you feel, sir? Mr. SLOAN. Quite frankly, Senator- Senator INOUYE. Were you surprised? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Everyday I continue to be surprised. Senator INOUYE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator ERVIN. Senator Weicker. Senator WEICKER. Mr. Sloan, I would Like to, if you could go back to your meeting with Mr. Haldeman in the White House on January of this year. Mr. SLOAN, Yes, sir. Senator WEICKER. Now, first of all, exactly when was the date of this meeting? Mr. SLOAN, Senator, I am not sure of the precise date. My best recollection from memory would be toward the end of January perhaps early February. Senator WEICKER. And am I correct in stating you indicated the meeting lasted about 45 minutes? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator WEICKER. Well, my first question would by why, why the meeting, why did you request the meeting or did you request the Meeting? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, I did. Senator WEICKER. Why? Mr. SLOAN. Senator, the reason I requested the meeting, and I think the period of time in question is important, the criminal trial was over, I think some of the information on Mr. Segretti had come out, but , generally it was in a lull period where in my judgment the decisions had been made, essentially the matter had been gotten away with, that it stopped with the conviction of the seven men. I was at the point in time where I was actively seeking private employment Mr. Haldeman had essentially asked me to undertake this task. The continuing on of the political leadership in the campaign in opposition to the views I held, the fact that presumably these same men were the source of any information that Mr. Haldeman had, I felt it in my interest particularly in terms of seeking private employment to be sure that there was not an active effort on the part of the administration because of misinformation of the reasons I had done what I had done, that there would be any active efforts to make things difficult for me in terms of seeking private employment. I sought him out. I had a very cordial meeting with him, spent about 45 minutes. I told him without naming names, because I thought it was a issue, but I told him essentially that I wanted to make very clear to him why I had done what I had done, end I said I also want YOU to know that I still feel total loyalty to the President of the United States, I have worked for him over this period of time, and my wife has for a, long period of time, because we believe in what he is and I want you to know that I feel that I did not leave the team, as far as I am concerned the team left me. And I said I cannot understand the continuing support of individuals who in my judgment it is pretty obvious are involved in this situation. I think he interpreted part of the purpose of my meeting was essentially to feel out the possibility of employment in the Government. This was not my purpose. I had long ago made the decision that, is not what I wanted to do, However, it did produce the discussion On his part, a statement that the policy of the administration was that no individual who had become a "Watergate" figure or prominently mentioned in the newspapers would be, placed in high Government office until the issue was totally resolved, and I said I totally understand that policy, I couldn't agree with you more, and he said in terms of your age I agree with your decision, this is the right time to go out in the private sector if you want to make a career there. However, if at a later date, if this matter is totally resolved, if you want to be considered for high position in Government I will be glad to sponsor you, Generally, I think this was the tone and nature of this discussion, Senator WEICKER. Now, did that meeting have anything to do with your being rehired by the Committee To Re-Elect the President as a consultant? Mr., SLOAN. No, sir; I made that, decision prior to that. This would be probably about the midpoint during that consultancy. I went to the committee in early January, probably I think January 3, [00.39.27]

Clip: 443724_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 767-15
Timecode: -

Family wash hanging by river

Clip: 443725_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 767-16
Timecode: -

Man and dog duck hunt at camp

Clip: 443726_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 767-17
Timecode: -

Bride and groom - band

Mariachi band
Clip: 443727_1_1
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 767-18
Timecode: -

PREVIEW CASSETTE # 219040 Mariachi band

Clip: 443728_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 767-19
Timecode: -

On Preview Cassette 210835 Shaking hands with people. Might be cast members for some (film?) production. One man at microphone on what looks like an island set seems to be introducing one person after another. Shakes hands with several of them. They don't all look happy.

Clip: 443729_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 767-20
Timecode: -

Pan from desert to water

Clip: 443730_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 767-21
Timecode: -

Jungle Jaguar hunt

Clip: 443731_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 767-22
Timecode: -

Men @ jeep talk to camera

Clip: 443732_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 767-23
Timecode: -

Woman sitting on Jaguar ?/

Clip: 443733_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 767-24
Timecode: -

Loading boat jungle river

Displaying clips 1609-1632 of 10000 in total
Items Per Page: