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Clip: 443618_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-19
Timecode: -

Africa lake - native with canoe

Clip: 443619_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-20
Timecode: -

Group drives by natives ?/

Clip: 443620_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-21
Timecode: -

Natives poling on river

Clip: 443621_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-22
Timecode: -

African natives

Clip: 443622_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-23
Timecode: -

African natives

Clip: 443623_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-24
Timecode: -

African natives

Clip: 443624_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-25
Timecode: -

African natives

Clip: 443625_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-26
Timecode: -

Native Africa

Clip: 443626_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-27
Timecode: -


Clip: 443627_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-28
Timecode: -

African natives

Clip: 443628_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-29
Timecode: -

African natives in conference

Clip: 443629_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-30
Timecode: -

Native canoeing ?? oars

Clip: 443630_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-31
Timecode: -

Natives in canoe

Clip: 443631_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 761-31
Timecode: -

Natives in canoe

Clip: 443632_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 762-1
Timecode: -

African Island - Nairobi prison

Clip: 443633_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 762-2
Timecode: -

Assembly of God Church - Africa

African Natives Dancing - Missionary
Clip: 443634_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 762-3
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE # 210021 African natives dancing - missionaries Close shot of African men beating drums. CU black man (African?) speaking to someone off-screen. It looks like several takes of him delivering the same line. Another man, who wears a tie, speaks with some passion to the people around him. A group of men walk along a dock pulling a rope (not sure what they are doing). Then they dance; one seems to make music with a conch shell. Wider shot of the man in the tie speaking to a group of people around him. This is staged, I think. A hand picks up a basket of fruit, produce. Several takes of an African man and woman, dressed in nice Western clothing, talking to one another; looks like some sort of interpersonal conflict being discussed, some sorrow in their eyes. Then WS of the man and woman walking through outdoor market, man carrying the basket. More footage of people at this outdoor market, vendors, shoppers. 1950s?

Witch Doctors- Christian Missionaries
Clip: 443635_1_1
Year Shot: 1948 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 762-4
Location: Africa (perhaps South Africa)
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE # 210021 Witch doctors - Christian missionaries Almost all of this seems to be staged. 1940s or 1950s? African man wearing some face paint and an animal hide draped around his head and shoulders looks up toward the sky. (This could almost pass for him seeing a flying saucer, but that's probably not what was being depicted.) Same man is lying outdoors next to a fire with a pot of something on it. He gets up, picks up something and tastes it. The same man exits door of house (hut), looks up in the air, seems to talk to something in the air. He acts (poorly) frightened. Kneels, clasps his hands in fear and/or prayer. Perhaps this is supposed to be a conversion experience? An African boy exits home, begins chopping wood, wears himself out after a few seconds and goes to get a drink. Another child comes up and talks to him, and he turns and goes inside. Several takes of this. African man wearing elaborate mask looks around. A woman and her children sit; the man wearing the skins walks by and they leap up in fear and flee him. The boy gets a drink of water from pot outside his house. Then he's sitting holding a bird; he lets the bird go and rubs his stomach dramatically. Not sure if he's supposed to be sick, or in a trance, or under a spell, or what. He falls to the ground. Shot of boy lying on the ground; perhaps he's supposed to act dead but he blinks and moves his eyes at times. The man from the beginning (who wears face paint and animal skins) reads aloud from a book; this is probably the Holy Bible. In front of a brick home, a Caucasian man wearing plaid shirt teaches some African men theology (it seems). The white man sits inside at a desk, writing with an old pen (the kind that uses an inkwell). We see that he's written, "I'm Anchored in Jesus. Nangula Wanga Ndi Jesu." A woman brings him a cup of tea. More shots of the white Christian missionary teaching African men in various settings. One illustration he uses (labeled in an African language) might be showing the fruit of the Spirit, with Christ ruling the heart. An African convert preaches enthusiastically to an outdoor crowd. Two white men and a group of African men enter a building, some carrying Bibles. Scenes of a man leading a group of people in an outdoor teaching of some sort (Sunday school?). A group of African men and women walk along path, wearing suits, skirts, etc. Whitbank Bible School, says a sign. (Witbank is a location in South Africa, so maybe that's where this is taking place.) Black man teaches Bible to others, outdoors. At an outdoor outreach (evangelism), a white man speaks, then a black man; the crowd around is black African people. There's a speaker set up on top of a car to project sound to the crowd. Meanwhile, an older man kneels beside the boy from earlier who's still playing dead.

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486448_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10385
Original Film: 106004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.35.55] Senator GURNEY. Did Mr. Magruder ever discuss them with you? Mr. REISNER. No, sir, he, did not. Senator GURNEY. There is one notation here. In the log that is on the page before, the one marked Thursday, March 30 Do you have the log there? Mr. REISNER. I do. Senator GURNEY. Could you turn to that? Mr. REISNER. I am afraid it has gotten out of order. On the 29th of March? Senator GURNEY. Well , it, is, the one prior to March 30 It is not marked any date on mine. Mr. REISNER. Yes. Senator GURNEY. Just has three notations on it. Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator GURNEY. Up in the left-hand corner there is a notation that cannot decipher. What does that say? REISNER. I think it says Sedam -Muskie piece. Senator GURNEY. What does that mean' Mr. REISNER. Mr. Sedam was the general counsel and he was, therefore, concerned with the election law. To the best Of my knowledge, what he would have been concerned with there would have been an advertisement or something like that or a piece that Senator Muskie may have run that Mr. Sedam would have been concerned with that kind of thing. I remember it being involved with advertising litigation, I do not know whether that is it Or not. Senator GURNEY. But you think it Is an ad that the Muskie campaign was running, is that what you said? Mr.REISNER. Well, I think I do not know, I would would have to ask Mr. Sedam what it was because I do not remember it exactly. The Reason it appears in that column, I would have been responsible for following up whether or not he had done the brief or whatever it was he asked to do. Senator GURNEY. Now. on the date of the log marked Monday, July 19, Would you turn to that one? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator GURNEY. There are some names again over on the left-hand side in the upper part. What are those names? Mr. REISNER. It is my impression that those names are Liddy, Dean, Shumway, Strachan, and the fact that there is an arrow next to them I can only guess as to what it means. I think that that would have meant that it was just a continuing activity. Those were people who came in to see Mr. Magruder. That column would have referred to Mr. Magruder's activity and it is my impression that those people came in to see Mr. Magruder, not to get that, Monday morning-- Senator GURNEY. Do you have any idea why they were there? Mr. REISNER. Why they were there? Well, as to Mr. Liddy and Mr. Dean, you know, I can only speculate from what I read in the newspaper recently. As to Mr. Shumway, he was the press person at the committee and, therefore, I think would have been meeting with Mr. Magruder as to what to say to the press. As to Mr. Strachan it was his role to stay in touch with the committee, I guess I do not know. Senator GURNEY. Well, is it your feeling that they came in to discuss the Watergate break-in? Mr. REISNER. I am certain that that is what Mr. Magruder was concerned about that morning. Senator GURNEY. Did they seem agitated, do you recall anything about their appearance, how long they were there? Mr. REISNER. As to whether they seemed agitated, I cannot say that. Senator GURNEY. Do you recall how long that was? Mr. REISNER. No, I don't. It seems to me they came in individually. It probably took most of the morning, judging from the notation. Senator GURNEY. You mentioned the money that you helped Mr. Porter count. testified don't recall that you ever said anything about where it" came from. Do you know where it came from? Mr. REISNER. It was my impression that it was given to Mr. Porter, by Mr. Sloan. Senator GURNEY. On one occasion, several occasions? Mr. REISNER. I don't know. In fact, as I tried to indicate, I don't know whether all the money that Mr. Strachan gave Mr. Porter was accounted for. The accounting was an accurate accounting, to the best of my knowledge. Senator GURNEY. Do you know who had Gemstone files other than of course, Mr. Magruder? Mr. REISNER. No, sir. Senator GURNEY. He never discussed that with you? Mr. REISNER. No, sir. Senator GURNEY. You mentioned that on several occasions when you, I guess, saw the file and also the copies of these photos the apparently came from the Democratic National Committee, it indicated to you that you shouldn't be looking at those. wasn't your testimony? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator GURNEY. How was that indicated to you? Mr. REISNER. Well, the reason I say "indicated " is I do not remember Mr. Magruder specifically saying to me, don't look at this. But it seems to me he may have turned them upside down and he may have indicated with his expression that it was none of my business. There were other times during the that I worked for him that he was working on something and I didn't know what It was and he indicated to me that, I was--it was none of my concern. Senator GURNEY. That, was going to be my next question. How many times did this occur? Mr. REISNER. There were a number of times in which things were extremely closely, held. Senator, at the time that the convention was moved, for example, at the, time that new Polling came in with headquarters results with the President and contenders, that Was information which was not given to me and in which it was made extremely specific, that I was not to be involved in it. Senator GURNEY. Well, did YOU get, the impression that, there was, shall we call it surreptitious, activity going on? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator GURNEY. [continuing]. That you weren't supposed to know about'? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator GURNEY. And this occurred rather frequently is that right? Mr. REISNER. No; I would have, considered that prior to June 17, when it could have had extraordinary impact on the campaign, 1 would have considered it to be very unimportant, that there were other things in the campaign that were--important to the Campaign. [00.41.54]

Int. of a house (Italy)
Clip: 432578_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 195-19
Timecode: -

Int. of a house (Italy)

Int. of copper head colonial house
Clip: 432579_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 195-20
Timecode: -

Int. of copper head colonial house

Int. 3 people walk thru Oriental door into room
Clip: 432580_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 195-21
Timecode: -

Int. 3 people walk thru Oriental door into room

Baby's nursery
Clip: 432581_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 195-22
Timecode: -

Baby's nursery

Int. of a room
Clip: 432582_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 195-23
Timecode: -

Int. of a room

Displaying clips 1369-1392 of 10000 in total
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