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Clip: 432526_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 84-21
Timecode: -


Birds onto tree (herons)
Clip: 432527_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-01
Timecode: -

Birds onto tree (herons)

Misc. birds
Clip: 432528_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-02
Timecode: -

Misc. birds

Gooney birds
Clip: 432529_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-03
Timecode: -

Gooney birds

Bird in tree
Clip: 432530_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-04
Timecode: -

Bird in tree

Clip: 432531_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-05
Timecode: -


Clip: 432532_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-06
Timecode: -


Horned lark
Clip: 432533_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-07
Timecode: -

Horned lark

Clip: 432534_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-08
Timecode: -

Flicker. Bird (Northern Flicker) on Tree Branch.

Clip: 432535_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-09
Timecode: -


Lady feeding birds
Clip: 432536_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-10
Timecode: -

Lady feeding birds

Caly woodpecker
Clip: 432537_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-11
Timecode: -

Caly woodpecker

White doves: On ground - then flight
Clip: 432538_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-12
Timecode: -

White doves: On ground - then flight

Clip: 432539_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-13
Timecode: -


Pidgeon eating
Clip: 432540_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-14
Timecode: -

Pidgeon eating

Blue jay
Clip: 432541_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-15
Timecode: -

Blue jay

Road Runner
Clip: 432542_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 85-16
Timecode: -

Road Runner

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486432_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.12.33] Mr. LENZNER. It was Mr. Magruder who handed them to you in his office, is that correct? Mr. REISNER. Yes, he did. Mr. LENZNER. Did he hand what appeared to be stationery and that envelope together? Mr. REISNER. My memory memory of the envelope is that it was Slit open and that the stationery was either in it slit Open or on top of it and that they were together. Mr. LENZNER. What were his instructions? What were you supposed to do with these materials? Mr. REISNER. At that time, I was doing the activity that I described a few moments ago; I was preparing Mr. Mitchell's files for a meeting with Mr. Mitchell. Now, he was campaign director at this time and it was a daily activity. Mr. LENZNER. You were told--- MR. REISNER. I was handed the documents and I was asked to put them in Mr. Mitchell's files. The nature of that is that things that Mr. Magruder might have wished to take up with Mr. Mitchell were put in the file marked "Mr. Mitchell's file", and that is all. That does not indicate any more than that. Mr. LENZNER. Is it accurate also that you saw these on a third occasion in Mr. Magruder's drawer? Mr. REISNER. Yes, it is. Mr. LENZNER. On either of those occasions, were thaer also photographs with the stationery and the envelope? Mr. Reisner There appeared--well I am not certain whether the photographs were with the stationery, on the occasion I described, in which I was handed them and told- I do not know whether I was told or not. I mean, it was clear that, it was not for me to be looking at them, I do remember photographs or what appeared to be photographs with the stationery on that third occasion. Mr. LENZNER. Now, I want to direct your attention to June 17. On the evening of Julie 17, did you receive a call from Mr. Magruder at home? Mr. Reisner Yes, I did. I received a call at approximately 6 o'clock. I was asleep at, the time. Mr. LENZNER. Did he instruct you to go to the office? Mr. REISNER. Yes. The nature of his instruction was and the conversation, as I remember in was, Robert, we have some things that we would like you to get from the office and to remove from there. I think the nature of his description was that, we have some sensitive material that we want you to remove from the office. He then went on and said, and, Bob, there is a file there. It has--Mr. Magruder spoke on this occasion, and I think on other occasions, in a generalized way. I do not remember the complete sentences. It was, Bob, we have some things there. There is a file that has "Gemstone" in it, or, it has some papers called Gemstone in it, do you know what I mean? I said, well, I think so. He said, it is in a blue file. I said, I think I know where it is. He also said, and there are sensitive things in the office and we would like you to take them out, and just keep them over the, weekend. Mr. LENZNER. Did you go down to the office after you received that phone call? Mr. Reisner I did. Mr. LENZNER. And did you go to Mr. Magruder's office? Mr. Reisner I did. Mr. LENZNER. Did you see Mr. Odle there? Mr. Reisner Yes, I did. When I went into the office, Mr. Odle was there with a number of other people watching the evening news. Mr. LENZNER. Did you thereafter have a conversation telephonically with yourself, Mr. Odle, and Mr. Magruder? Mr. REISNER. Yes, I did. It was after the news was over, or certainly after the portion of the news in which the break-in which had occurred was discussed. The other people left the room and Mr. Odle suggested that we call Mr. Magruder. Mr. LENZNER. Would you Just briefly describe what Mr. Magruder said to you and Mr. Odle? Mr. REISNER. Yes. I think the purpose of the call and the first, discussion in the call was Mr. Odle wanted to describe what we had just seen on the news and what, the coverage was at that point. He went on from that and I think discussed in general security matters at the committee. It was my impression that he had previously talked to Mr. Magruder that, day about, security at the committee. He then went on and said, now, Jeb, I understand that--I was on the other phone at this point, which was not the one at Mr. Magruder's desk. He said, Jeb, now, there are these thing, that you have asked Bob to get Out, of your office. The reason he knew that was when I walked "to the office" I sat, down at, Mr. Magruder desk and removed several things from his desk. I removed a polling file and I removed what appeared to me to be one of the more important things in the file which was the analysis of the polls. I removed the operating plans which described the key States and our strategy following the phone call. And felt that the activity was perhaps a little bit foolish, to be sitting at his desk removing things. So I stopped. Subsequently, the phone call took place. At that point, Mr. Odle' brought up the fact that there were some things that I had already taken from the desk and he wished to know from Mr. Magruder what else there was that we should remove, He at that point was volunteering to be of assistance. I think there was some concern at that time for just the security of these documents. The senior campaign officials were in California and I think there was concern at that moment that they be in control of things. [00.18.20]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486433_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.18.20] Mr. LENZNER. Mr. Reisner could you describe what Mr. Magruder instructions, were? Mr. REISNER. Mr. Magruder's instructions then became very specific concerning a blue file folder. I knew what at be was talking about at that point, I think it was at that point that two knew specifically "' what he was talking about, He indicated that that was one of the things that had to be removed. Mr. LENZNER. Did he say on the phone the word "Gemstone" on that occasion? Mr. Reisner It is not, my specific recollection that he did. If He could have. He definitely identified specifically a file folder. It, seems two he said it in the first phone conversation. He may or may not have in the second phone conversation, Mr. LENZNER. Did you later take the blue folder? Mr. Reisner Yes. At that point, I didn't know where the folder", was and I think I indicated that to him. But I said that I knew where it was, that two could find it. At, that point, Mr. Odle was volunteering to be of assistance and Mr. Magruder changed his instruction and indicated to me that Mr. Odle should take, home that and he then generalized it and said, and, other, you know, contender materials, or other strategy materials, something to that effect. Mr. Odle then--the conversation terminated shortly after that. Mr Odle left and I was left the task of finding it, which I did. Mr. LENZNER. You found it, and what did you do with it? Mr. Reisner I believe what I did with It was I combined it with some other materials, the other materials concerning contenders, put those materials in Mr. Odle's office, in his briefcase, and I locked his briefcase, Mr. Odle had at that point gone down to the third floor and I went down there to indicate to him that these things were in his briefcase Mr. LENZNER. One last question. You were subpenaed by this committee on or about March 30 of this year, is that correct? Mr. Reisner That, is correct. Mr. LENZNER. Prior to that time had you been interviewed either the U.S. attorney or the FBI? Mr. Reisner No, and I had not been interviewed by anyone--the National Committee in their civil suit, the, FBI, or U.S. attorney. Mr. LENZNER. For the record, can we, have this envelope marked for identification? In capital letters are indicated "Sensitive Material." In smaller letters "Handle as codeword material." In the lower left-- corner, the words "Ex Dis", and after that, "No Disem", d-i-s-e-m. Senator ERVIN. The, reporter will mark the envelope as an exhibit. Mr. LENZNER. The. Gemstone stationery, which has a blue border around it with letterhead "Gemstone" in capital letters and "date" and 'source", has already been entered as exhibit No. 16 at this morning's hearing. The other piece of stationery with the same print, except in the lower left-hand corner, it, says "Ex Dis", "No Disem", At the bottom, it says "Warning, this information is for intelligence, purposes only. Exploitation may compromise source and terminate flow of information." This piece of stationery was entered as exhibit No. 2, in the hearing of May 17, Mr. LENZNER. That is all the questions I have, Mr. Chairman, Senator ERVIN. Mr. Thompson. Mr. THOMPSON. 'Mr. Reisner, when did you first, become aware of the fact that, Mr. Liddy was engaged in intelligence-gathering activity? Mr. REISNER. I think probably there was a, general awareness on my part, that he was obtaining 'Information about the time that he came to the committee. At, the time of the 'introduction I described, when it was made known to me that Mr. Liddy had not wished to be described that way, I think I assumed an awareness at that point. Mr. THOMPSON. That was in December of 1971? Mr. REISNER. That I correct, yes, sir. Mr. THOMPSON. When he, was described as a, "supersleuth" or "superspy" or something like that? Mr. REISNER. it was a joking reference. Mr. THOMPSON. it turned out to be incorrect, too didn't, it? Mr. Reisner It turned out, to be incorrect. Mr. THOMPSON. Was there any discussion back and forth an-long the other people who were in that particular Meeting as, to exactly what Mr. Liddy was or exactly what- Mr. REISNER. I don't remember any I two discussion. It, came as a surprise to me that Mr. Liddy was concerned about, having been referred to in that, manner. Mr. THOMPSON. What did you think about 'Mr. Liddy personally? What was your evaluation Of him as to his ability or the' kind of man that he was considering the important position that he had? Mr. REISNER. I have discussed this with our staff. I think that my impression of Mr. Liddy was that he may have been a very capable, legal general counsel, but' that he also occasionally did some fairly bizarre things. He gave-- Mr. THOMPSON. We know, of one. For example? Mr. REISNER. He, gave a secretary in our, office, a large poster of him---[Laughter.] Mr. THOMPSON. I don't know if you should pursue that any further. Mr. REISNER.[continuing.] Probably 6 feet by 4 feet in size. Mr. THOMPSON. Larger than life size, wasn't it' Mr. REISNER. Larger than 'life size. Mr. THOMPSON. What kind of picture was it? Mr. REISNER. I believe it was a picture of himself with a bull horn and it may have had--he may have had a gun in his hand, conducting a raid of some kind. He Was in front of a police car. There was another poster, as a matter of fact, I think of him--I have the impression of him next to an airplane or something like that. He was occasionally bizarre. The other thing is that his relationship with my superior at that time, Mr. Magruder, was less than friendly on all occasions and I think that from that, I had an impression of him that he was certainly not an easy employee to have around. I think I indicated that to Mr. Magruder on one occasion and he agreed. [00.24.47]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486434_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.24.47] Mr. THOMPSON. Did Mr. Liddy seem to have any particular friends? You mentioned in other testimony that he had trouble with Mr. Magruder, personal differences. Mr. REISNER. I am not certain. I think the reason for the trouble with Mr. Magruder was that it may have been that he did not like to work for a younger man. I can remember on one occasion, after he had gone to work for the finance division, just seeing him in the hallway or something, and saying to him, how are you doing? And he went into a long explanation of his great respect for Mr. Stans and for Mr. Stans as a manager and that sort of thing. I think that he may very well have had a number of friends at the committee. I did not know Mr. Liddy very well at all. I saw him around. He seemed to be friendly with people at the committee. It-- Mr. THOMPSON Were you aware of any sums of cash that Mr. Liddy", was receiving for his activities? Mr. Reisner No, I am not. 1 was aware in one sense. I was aware that Mr. Porter had some cash in his possession that was contained in a safe in his office and that he, indicated to me that he had disbursements to Mr. Liddy. Mr. THOMPSON. What do you know about the cash that Porter kept in his office? First of all, again, who was Porter and what was his position? Mr. REISNER. Mr. Porter, who was the director of scheduling surrogate activity in the committee, had a safe in his office which he kept the petty cash for the committee. Prior to April 7, Porter came to me and asked me to assist him in just totaling up two disbursements and receipts related to that safe. Since I was-the purpose of my doing that, was to be able to report to my boss, Mr. Magruder, for whom Mr, Porter also worked, that there was not any pocketing of cash or anything like that, that the was an accounting, I mean that there was a system, And I did that. Mr. THOMPSON. Did you assist him in totaling the cash? Mr. Reisner I did and it was on that occasion that I learned Mr. Liddy was receiving some sums of cash from Mr. Porter. Mr. THOMPSON. Were there also receipts there for cash that been disbursed? Mr. REISNER. There weren't exactly receipts. There were slips of paper on which the initials of people to whom Mr. Porter, given cash were recorded and Mr. Liddy made a mark on those slips of paper. Mr. THOMPSON. What was the total amount, if you recall, of cash that had been disbursed plus the receipts? Mr. REISNER. The total amount, when you added up the amount Mr. Porter had received, seemed to be in the range of $40,000 to to $50,000 But, that was Mr. THOMPSON. Is that what, the committee referred to similar petty cash at, that time? Mr. REISNER. I referred to it as, petty cash until I had assisted Mr. Porter in the, activity. Mr. THOMPSON. And realized it was greater than you thought. Mr. Reisner I am sorry? Mr. THOMPSON. And you realized that, the money he had was more than you thought? Mr. REISNER. With this exception: It was not petty cash in the sense, that there were $7,000 or $8,000 on hand, which is certainly not petty cash. The $40,000 to $50,000 that I am referring to was sums that had accrued from the beginning of the time that there were receipts--July or June of 1971 until March. Mr. THOMPSON. How much cash was in the safe? Mr. REISNER. How much at that time? It seems to me it, was in the neighborhood of several thousand dollars--perhaps as much as five or six. Mr. THOMPSON. Did the receipts--do you recall any names of, or any amounts to individuals who were receiving money from Mr. Porter's safe? Mr. REISNER. Well, I can remember that there were, in addition to Mr. Liddy--now, Mr. Liddy was--it was 'Mr. Porter that indicated to me that Mr. Liddy was receiving money. There was an individual who was referred to January 17 a code name and that code name "Sedan Chair" and that that individual was- Mr. THOMPSON. Sedan Chair? Two words? Mr. REISNER. Yes. I believe it was actually "Sedan Chair 2." Mr. THOMPSON. Was there a Sedan Chair I? Mr. REISNER. I do not know, I do not know. Perhaps there Was. There ",as also an individual who worked for Mr. Porter named Roger Stone, who I believe received money. And there may have been other Individuals. But to my recollection, which is a little bit vague. on this, there, was not a regular disbursement, with those exceptions. Mr. THOMPSON. Who was Sedan Chair? Mr. REISNER. I do not know, I know that--well, I mean, I have sort, of a general circumstantial understanding of who I think Sedan Chair was, Mr. THOMPSON. Tell us about it. Mr. REISNER. I will come as close as I can, Mr. THOMPSON. Tell us about it. Mr. REISNER. Subsequent to that, after I learned that there was such an individual, I think I was more alert to the name and I did see a memo in April, I believe, or perhaps May, that purported to be a report from another campaign committee. I believe it was the Humphrey committee. I do not know for a fact who Sedan Chair was. It could have been someone who just simply had his disagreement with the Humphrey committee and wished to report on some on their activities. [00.30.25]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486435_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.30.25] THOMPSON. It was someone in the Humphrey committee, from what you can tell? Mr. REISNER. From what I can tell, I mean it purported to be. Mr. THOMPSON. How much money was this individual receiving? Mr. Reisner My recollection is that it was approximately a thousand dollars a month, but I could have read that in the newspaper, frankly, it is vague. Mr. THOMPSON. What about Mr. Liddy? Mr. REISNER. Mr. Liddy received several disbursements that were considerably larger than that. I think they were in the nature of $5,000 to $8,000, I am not certain. The reason I remember them is that there were-he would return sums of money and it made the accounting somewhat bizarre, He would return $300 after taking out $8,000, that at sort of thing. I really am not completely clear on that. Mr. THOMPSON. Was there any indication as to the total amount Liddy had received to that time? Mr. Reisner No, there wasn't. I have the feeling that the total magnitude, $40,000 to $50,000, means that, and that is the total magnitude of what wits recorded. I have no idea. Mr. Porter, I do not think, would have hidden any of what he was recording but I only saw what the receipts were there and Mr. Liddy's total figure I would think would be in the nature of half of that. Mr. THOMPSON. Did you state when this inventory took place? Mr. REISNER. In March, later March. of could not pin it down exactly but it was Mr. THOMPSON. Concerning the money in Mr. Porter's safe, could you tell either from anything that you saw there in the, nature of receipts, from conversations With Mr. Porter, from conversations with anybody else about any other operations or individuals who Were being funded, who had been paid money out of the safe of Mr. Porter? Mr. REISNER. Anything else would be by the nature of a supposition. There is nothing else that-- Mr. THOMPSON. Do you know? Mr. REISNER. It is hard. Mr. THOMPSON. Or do you know or have any basis for believing that any demonstrations or counter demonstrations were funded? Mr. REISNER. Yes, there was one occasion in April in which I overheard a conversation. The nature of my job was such that there are pieces of these things that were overheard that after subsequent events they perhaps take some meaning. I was sitting in Mr. Magruder's office at the time he received a phone call. The phone call concerned the fact that there was a desire to get, some counter demonstrators to attend the Hoover funeral, that there was some sort of planned demonstration. It seems to me that that was an activity that Mr. Liddy was then asked to undertake and it seems to me there was some cash in that activity. Mr. THOMPSON. Magruder asked Liddy to take care of this? Mr. Reisner When I say this I say this in an effort to be cooperative because I am talking about only my specific recollection. It may be that that wasn't carried out or that it was carried out differently from the Way in which I heard the conversation and I think only Porter could be of assistance there. That was the nature of the initial conversation. Mr. THOMPSON. Did you have occasion to overhear a conversation between Mr. Magruder and Mr. Porter concerning a possible front for some of Mr. Porter's activities? Mr. REISNER. Yes, I did. Mr. THOMPSON. Could you tell us about, that? Mr. REISNER. That was earlier. That, was either January or February or perhaps in December and it was, again it was the same, the nature of the conversation was identical. It was the beginning of discussion that did not take place with me present. And in the, beginning of that discussion Mr. Magruder indicated to Mr. Porter that Mr. Kalmbach had agreed to find a job for someone who Was going to work for Mr. Porter. That. was the nature of the, conversation. Mr. Thompson. Did he state what kind of work? "Mr. REISNER. The idea was there was a business concern who was going to employ an individual who would work for Mr. Porter. That was, the limit of the conversation that I heard, I think inferentially and from the circumstance under which the conversation took place it was my feeling that that was by way of a front activity, but as to whether it, was in fact, as to whether it was carried out, as to whether Mr. Kalmbach was of assistance I can't help with that. Mr. THOMPSON. What did you think Porter was doing? Mr. REISNER. I am not. certain. 1 think perhaps what he was doing was obtaining information; that, there was possibly people that were working for him who were perhaps disgruntled with other campaigns or perhaps Just individuals, who wanted to be involved in politics and who wanted to obtain information and pass, it on to our campaign. That, was as close as I could come. Mr. THOMPSON. You never asked him? Mr. REISNER. There, were one or two occasions on which I was present in the office and I was shown something. For example, one time I was shown a Xerox copy of what purported to be minutes of an issues group that Senator Muskie had. I do not, know whether those in fact were minutes of any real issues group. Mr. THOMPSON. Who showed you that.? Mr. REISNER. I believe Mr. Porter was giving it to Mr. Magruder. It wasn't, by way of showing it to me. Mr. THOMPSON. You do not know how he obtained that? Mr. REISNER. -No, I do not have any idea, It could have been--It was someone working for Senator Muskie who had decided that they wished to do that. It could also--you can make other assumption that were more negative concerning-- Mr. THOMPSON. When did you first, become aware that the Gemstone file had in do with surveillance activity of some kind? Mr. REISNER. I am not certain. I do not think that I am necessarily. aware at this time what I think that, when I took it, in with Mrs. Harmony's testimony and with other witnesses, it seems to me that I have a pretty good idea of what it was. [00.36.56]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486436_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.36.56] Mr. THOMPSON. On the Monday following the break-in at the Democratic National Committee, the Watergate, did you not shred a file yourself? Mr. REISNER. Yes. I did. The nature of that as I think just to understand the idea of shredding a file would I go through my mind, I think- you have to go into the nature of why files were shredded, there was a tremendous amount of paper in our committee. Part of my responsibility, giving Mr. Mitchell papers, documents, was to make five copies of each document that went to the campaign director. Senator ERVIN. I regret to say there is a signal for a vote in the Senate. 'We will come back as quickly as we can. [00.37.53--MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that the while the Senators vote on an energy bill, there is time to mull over more information about a cash fund in Porter's Safe, much of which went to LIDDY. Solicits viewer response. NETWORK ID [Title Screen "SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES"] MacNEILL introduces more questioning about the CRP cash fund [00.41.32--in to shot of Sen. ERVIN] Senator ERVIN. The committee will come to order. I do not know whether Mr. Thompson finished his examination or not. Mr. THOMPSON. Mr. Chairman, I just have one other question. I have already exceeded my time and I apologize, but I do have one question. If I remember Mrs. Harmony's testimony correctly, she referred to a belief, I believe, that there were possible plants inside the Committee To Re-Elect. Do you have any knowledge or belief, was there any opinion as to that at of fact? Mr. REISNER. No, I did not. I know that there was a great deal of effort expended on finding such plants and we never found any. [00.42.44]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486437_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.42.44] Mr. THOMPSON, Why Was there a belief that there were such plants? Mr. REISNER. There were a number of occasions on which articles appeared in the newspaper in a way I think would have lent to great suspicion that there was material being fed out of our committee into the newspapers or possibly to other candidates. There was such a wire story the week prior to June 17, according -to my best recollection, and there were such occasions. Mr. Anderson, Jack Anderson, on several occasions had information that seemed that could only have, come from inside of our committee. Mr. THOMPSON. Prinitng Of internal committee documents? Mr. Reisner I do not believe there were any documents themselves but I do-- Mr. THOMPSON. References to what? Memorandums, letters? Mr. REISNER. To information and to activity and that sort of thing which was going on in our committee which I think could only have gotten into the newspaper if someone had fed it out of our committee. It was just a feeling. Mr. THOMPSON. Thank you. That is all, Mr. Chairman, Senator ERVIN. You stated that you kept some sort of a log. Mr. Reisner Exactly what was the log? Senator ERVIN. Yes. Mr. REISNER. My log was a sort of a daily report, of activity that was going on. I would be interrupted frequently and I might make a notation someone had come to me. Senator ERVIN. As I understand, you reported that your log shows prior to February 4, that there was a meeting at the White House attended by Magruder, Liddy, and Dean. Mr. Reisner Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. Is that correct? Mr. Reisner Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. And then, your log shows that on February 4, there Was a meeting Of Liddy, John Mitchell, Jeb Stuart Magruder, and John W. Dean III? Mr. REISNER. Yes; in the other notebook that was kept by Vicki Chern, Mr. Dean's name appears. It does not appear in mine. Senator ERVIN. Where did this meeting of February 4 take place? Mr. REISNER. Where was their disagreement? Senator ERVIN. Where did it take place? Mr. REISNER. That, meeting would have taken place in Mr. Mitchell's office at the Justice Departement. Senator ERVIN. At, the Justice Department,? Mr. REISNER. Yes, Sir. Senator ERVIN. Then--- Mr. REISNER. I believe. Senator ERVIN. YOU stated that In March that Mr. Magruder went to Key Biscayne in Florida for the purpose of meeting with Mr. Mitchell? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN-. And it was after he came back from Key Biscayne that Mr. Magruder told You to call Liddy and tell Liddy that it, was arranged? Mr. REISNER. Mr. Chairman to be precise, my recollection is that on one occasion I was asked to Call Mr. Liddy and to make such a statement. My recollection is that it was', could have occurred shortly after that trip because the time seems correct. I cannot be absolutely certain. Senator ERVIN. To whom did Magruder report at the Committee To Re-Elect the President? Mr. REISNER. Mr. Magruder worked for Mr. Mitchell. Senator ERVIN. Did Mr. Magruder send many memorandums to Mr. Mitchell? I Mr. REISNER. Yes. sir; he did. And also memorandums that would have been Prepared by senior staff members, at the committee would have been sent, through Mr. Magruder to Mr. Mitchell, Senator ERVIN. Now, how frequently did Mr. Magruder send Memorandums to Mr. Mitchell? Mr. REISNER. Mr. Magruder would have been unlikely to have met with Mr. Mitchell if he did not have some matters worthy of Mr. Mitchell's attention. He met with Mr. Mitchell virtually every day when Mr. Mitchell was campaign director and every day therefore, would probably have had memorandums. Senator ERVIN. And I understand from your testimony that Mr. Magruder had a file called the Mitchell file in which he placed documents which related to matters he wished to discuss with -Mr. Mitchell? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. According to your best recollection, the file contained some Gemstone reports and was in those file papers on one occasion? Mr. Reisner Yes, Sir. Senator ERVIN. Now, you spoke about the time -Mr. Odle took out the blue file. Mr. REISNER. Yes, Senator Ervin. Which I understand contained Gemstone information and other information. Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir, Senator ERVIN. to as this the kind of a file the Gemstone file was In. Mr. REISNER. It Was, I believe, if that has my initials on it, it is the file that I gave to your staff in order to-- Senator ERVIN. It has your initials on it and dated 5/21/73, Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir; I gave it to your staff to indicate the kind of file it was. Senator ERVIN. Let that be marked appropriately as all exhibit and received in evidence as such. Senator ERVIN. Did anyone else receive copies of memos that Mr. Magruder sent to Mr. Mitchell? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir; each document to Mr. Mitchell went through me, would have been a formal document to Mr. Mitchell, a duplicate copy was sent to Mr. Haldeman's office. [00.48.16]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486439_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.48.16] Senator ERVIN. Mr. Haldeman was Chief of Staff in the White House? Mr. REISNER. That is correct. In fairness to the nature of what we, were doing there, we were working for the President who was the candidate and, therefore, we were providing him the, opportunity I , if he wished, or if Mr. Haldeman wished to see any documents that were taking place in his campaign. Senator ERVIN. Do you know whether anyone on the Committee To Re-Elect the President ever received any communications from Mr. Haldeman? Mr. Reisner Yes, sir; I would imagine that a number of people--to be precise--Mr. Haldeman had working for him a man named Mr. Gordon Strachan. It was my impression that Mr. Strachan communicated frequently with many members in the committee. Mr. Haldeman himself may have communicated directly with other senior staff members. 1 do not imagine that it was frequent. Senator ERVIN. Would it be proper to describe Mr. Strachan. 's activities as something in the nature of liaison between the Committee To Re-Elect the President and Mr. Haldeman? Mr. REISNER. Yes,sir. Senator ERVIN. Have you had any conversation with Mr. Magruder since June 17? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir; I have on a number of occasions. You mean Conversations related to the concerns of your committee? Senator ERVIN. Yes. Mr. Reisner I have subsequent to June 17, there took place a' conversation in which I asked Mr, Magruder about some of the things which I have described previously. I think I asked him by my Of raising some suspicion, just what was going on, and I think I asked him on that occasion what Gemstone was, because I did not know what Gemstone was, and he indicated to me that he did not know what Gemstone was either. Now, at that time I was asking him are we involved in thi's thing, are we connected to this thing, because it looks a little suspicious, and he indicated to me that we were not. There was another conversation in which Mr. Magruder, I had volunteered to be helpful to another member of the committee and it would have, I think, involved me getting involved in subsequent activities, and he indicated to me that I should not. Senator ERVIN. Now, in Your conversation with Mr. -Magruder in Which You asked Mr. Magruder what the Gemstone file meant or was-- did that occur after he had called from California and asked That it, be removed from the. committee headquarters over the weekend? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir; the conversation I am describing took place in his office.. I think he may have initiated it; by calling me. into his office and saying you know, how are things going or something like that. Senator ERVIN. After that, he told you he did not know what, the Gemstone file was? Mr. REISNER. That is correct. Senator ERVIN. He told you and Mr. Odle the night when be called from California that, it was very sensitive, did he. not,? Mr. REISNER. Yes, he did. Senator ERVIN. Please remove it, from the office over the weekend? Mr. Reisner Yes, he did. Senator ERVIN. How many times did Mr. Magruder Meet with John Mitchell before John Mitchell became the, campaign director? Mr. REISNER. Prior to 'March 1, 1 can only Speak of the times between November and March when I knew Mr. Magruder. He met with him several times a week, I would say, on the, average. That, is indicated in the notebook that by have described and Vicki Chern kept. Senator ERVIN. And that was while Mr. Mitchell was still Attorney General and had offices in the Justice Department? Mr. REISNER. Yes, Sir; he went down to meet -Mr. Mitchell, that, is right. Senator ERVIN. 'Now, how many times did Mr, 'Magruder meet with Mr. Mitchell after Mr. Mitchell resigned, ceased to be Attorney General and took up offices in the headquarters of the Committee To Re-Elect the President? MI REISNER. I Would say 'Mr. Magruder perhaps early in March, when Mr. Mitchell also was concerned with the hearings concerning ITT, it may not have had this frequency, but certainly with the exception of those days it was my impression that Mr. -Magruder met with Mr. Mitchell every day. Senator ERVIN. When was your first conversation With Mr. Magruder on June 19 1972? Mr. Reisner On June 19, 1972? That was on the Monday morning When Mr. Magruder returned' from California. I believe I just saw him when he came in and did not have an opportunity to talk to him, Senator ERVIN. Did -Mr. -Magruder have meetings from time to time with members of the White House staff? MR. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. How frequently? Mr. REISNER. I -would say that. I would say that be, met, with different members of the White House staff who were concerned with different aspects of the campaign practically every day, certainly as the campaign he heated up and became more active he did, but that could have, that would have to be verified in the calendar, I cannot Speak precisely. Senator ERVIN. Where did the meetings take place" Mr. REISNER. It depended on the individual. If it Was a Senior member of the White House staff I Would say that it probably took place at the White House or in the Executive Office Building. if it was a member, more junior member of the staff, it probably took place in our office. [00.54.02]

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