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Displaying clips 5569-5592 of 10000 in total
Items Per Page:
Flower Plants
Clip: 314951_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 848-2
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Snow Plant, & groupsRed & White-- First to leader is original

Flower Plant
Clip: 314952_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 848-19
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Sedum PentstemonBlue-eyed grass White Yarrow Goldenrod

Flower Plants
Clip: 314953_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 848-18
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Paint Brush ***first castilleia

Flower Plants
Clip: 314954_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 848-17
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

MarigoldCone flower

Flower Plants
Clip: 314955_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 848-15
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Magenta Mariposa ***Some are fairly well centered.

Flower Plants
Clip: 314956_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 848-14
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

MaripodsIvory & Magenta

August 3, 1994 - Part 7
Clip: 460458_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10082
Original Film: 104248
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(18:55:23) Senator DOMENICI. I understand. So what he's telling us is: "it's enough for you to know that they were about press inquiries. You don't have to know what the subject was." That's the way I read it. Now, you don't have to answer that. Mr. Klein, do you know something about these letters and the handling of the responses by Roger Altman? Mr. KLEIN. Only that I've read them, sir. That's all I know. Senator DOMENICI. You've seen both of those letters? Mr. KLEIN. I have. Senator DOMENICI. Would you agree generally, so I won't waste a lot of time, with what I've said here and with what your fellow Counsel said about these letters? Mr. KLEIN. Yes, I would. Senator DOMENICI. If you were preparing a letter, either or both Of You, for somebody in the White House that you were responsible for, and you were attempting to answer Mr. Podesta's concerns 136 about Roger Altman not telling us something, is this the kind of letter you'd write? Mr. KLEIN. Sir, again, I don't want to put myself in Mr. Altman's mind. I didn't speak to him. The information that I had, we tried to make sure that it went to Mr. Altman through Mr. Podesta. Mr. EGGLESTON, Senator Domenici, could I say one thing, sir, in the interest of completeness and 1 just offer this. That is that the letter does reference the question from Senator Bond. My recollection is that the question from Senator Bond was about criminal referrals. I just offer that for the what-it's-worth category. He references in the March 2nd letter the question from Senator Bond. He does not point out in the letter that the question related to criminal referrals, but he does reference a question that did relate to criminal referrals. Senator DOMENICI. That's more reason for him to refer to it, it seems to me, since his answer was "no" when it was asked. Is my time up? The CHAIRMAN. It is, and if you had just one follow-up, I'd certainly entertain that because we did that on this side but otherwise we'll go on to another round. Senator DOMENICI. I would also ask both of you, as competent lawyers who work in this field a lot, do you notice anything, inferential or otherwise, in either of these letters that would indicate to this Committee that more corrections are to come? Do you see anything in there that would indicate to us that you've got to fix the record some more? Mr. KLEIN. I don't see it. Obviously, the letters speak for themselves. You can assess them as well as I can. Senator DOMENICI. Let me ask again, if this Committee, under the Chairmanship of Senator Riegle, were wrapping up that February 24th hearing and got these two letters; is there anything to indicate that maybe he's got some more things to correct? To me, I would think it was over with, that there aren't any more. Mr. KLEIN. Again, I don't know. He said he had conversations with people on the Committee. I can tell you what the letter says but you can read it for yourself. Senator DOMENICI. Thank you very much. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Campbell. Thank you for your patience Senator CAMPBELL. Also as my friend Senator Boxer has said, I would like to commend this Committee. I think they've tried to answer in a very forthright manner and to the best of their recollections and very openly. I know it's difficult to answer some of the variety of questions that have been asked. Some of them are reflective of the members' former professions of being criminal prosecutors. Some of them are kind of fishing expeditions, I guess, hoping you're going to run into a hook. And I personally liked Senator Dodd's questions; did you do it or didn't you do it, yes or no, And those are the kind of answers I understand very well when they're asked, but I know you have to answer a big variety of them. (18:59:12)(tape #10082 ends)

August 3, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460470_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10083
Original Film: 104249
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(19:55:50) And then we made clear we had no idea at all what decision would be reached. I did say, however, that if I received a clear recommendation-this is Mr. Altman's proposed testimony that's being prepared, she's going over it with you-from the RTC's Chief Legal officer, I would follow it. I also said that I was reserving judgment on a recusal. This is what he was about to testify as it related to the meeting on the 2nd. (19:56:18) From tv studio hearings hosts NINA TOTENBERG and KEN BODE close out coverage (19:58:18) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (19:58:39)(tape #10083 ends)

August 3, 1994 - Part 9
Clip: 460471_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10084
Original Film: 104250
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(02:03:58) Testimony of JEAN HANSON, JOSHUA STEINER, DENNIS FOREMAN, and JACK DEVORE before House Banking Committee

Clip: 314984_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 847-11
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Purple Lupine ***& C.U.

Clip: 314985_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 847-10
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Azaleas--some with green center

Clip: 314986_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 847-1
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Yellow mimulusfield & C.U.

Old Wild Flowers
Clip: 314987_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 846-9
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

MiscellaneousHussop Fern violet GiliaPin CushhionGoldenrod

Old Wild Flowers
Clip: 314988_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 846-8
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Miscellaneous wild flowers

Old Wild Flowers
Clip: 314989_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 846-7
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Mule Ears ***Lichen on tree trunk

August 3, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460459_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10083
Original Film: 104249
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(18:59:36)(tape #10083 begins) Senator CAMPBELL. That's fine. I'm really interested in the chain of command of who does the assigning of issues and who gets advice from who before moving on any issue. Mr. KLEIN. Typically, Senator, the Counsel to the President, Mr. Nussbaum first, now Mr. Cutler, has overall responsibility for matters. The way, I think, both gentlemen worked was as follows-at least when I was Deputy, and I was only Deputy since December of last year-and that is on many matters, they would deal directly with an Associate Counsel who had-for example, on an ethical matter deal directly with Beth Nolan, on a matter involving some Constitutional issue, might deal directly with Cliff Sloan and so forth. There were other matters that they would assign to me, and then I would reassign some of those or supervise some of those. And that's the way it worked basically, sir. Senator CAMPBELL. If you were Counsel who was assigned a certain area, then you didn't need direction from Mr, Nussbaum. Is that the way it worked? Mr. KLEIN. Again, it would depend on the activity. I think most of the people kept Mr. Nussbaum informed of what they were doing, although, like any people, they exercised some discretion on their own. Senator CAMPBELL. Who directed Mr. Podesta to call Mr. Altman? Mr. KLEIN. My understanding of that is that when these events occurred, there was, I think, as has been said here, some concern, Mr. Eggleston, myself other people. The Chief of Staff, Mr. McLarty, was obviously concerned this matter be dealt with accurately and straightforward and I think he asked Mr. Podesta to kind of get on top of this. That's my impression. You can check with the two of them. Senator CAMPBELL. Would you give me a little rundown again? The press said it took 7 days after the hearing of February 21st for that call to be made and you corrected that and said it wasn't. It was more like 5 and it was because it started on a Thursday and Mr. Nussbaum was in Mexico. Was that Mr. KLEIN. That's correct. Basically, what Mr. Eggleston said which was that he was at the meeting-he was at the hearing on Thursday the 24th, and he Senator CAMPBELL. And you felt that you needed his approval for Mr.- maybe I'm mixed up a little bit here, but Mr. Podesta is a Staff Secretary, is he not? Mr. KLEIN. He is a Staff Secretary, yes, sir. Senator CAMPBELL. Did he need your approval or Mr. Nussbaum's approval to make the call? Mr. KLEIN. I don't think he needed anyone's approval. I think certainly the people on our staff thought it was very important to report this information, to have Mr. Nussbaum there. The information essentially--the hearing ended, obviously, on the end of the day Thursday. The information was in the press on Friday. I learned of some of the information from Mr. Sloan later Friday afternoon. Monday morning, Mr. Nussbaum was going to be back 138 in the office and we got right on it. Tuesday afternoon, we made the phone call, Senator CAMPBELL. Even after that call, it took about another 3 weeks to get the record corrected; is that correct? Mr. KLEIN. Well, there was a series of follow-up letters. I don't have the dates in front of me. Senator CAMPBELL. Were you involved in consultations with Mr, Altman during that period of time? Mr. KLEIN. No, sir, Senator CAMPBELL. Who was? Was there anybody in the White House Counsel who was? Mr. KLEIN. Nobody in the White House Counsel, to my knowledge. The only person I know who had that original phone call was Mr. Podesta. Senator CAMPBELL. Ms. Nolan, you were part of the White House team that discussed whether the White House should correct Mr. Altman's testimony; is that correct? Ms. NOLAN. Senator Campbell, I was in one discussion about it. Senator CAMPBELL. Would you tell us who was also in that discussion? Ms. NOLAN. Mr. Klein, Mr. Nussbaum and, I believe, Mr. Eggleston. Senator CAMPBELL, Was there any difference of opinion or a feeling that perhaps it was unnecessary to make any part of corrections--when you had that meeting, was there sort of a unified approach when you ended up about what corrections should be made or Ms. NOLAN. The part of the discussions I was in, I don't think we reached a final conclusion. What I recall was that the issue was being discussed. This was the first day that Mr. Nussbaum was back, that Monday. And I just recall that we were exploring the issue, so I don't recall a particular conclusion. Senator CAMPBELL. After it was corrected, did Mr. Altman's March 2nd letter to correct the record reflect what you had discussed in that meeting? Ms. NOLAN. Senator Senator CAMPBELL. To the best of your recollection. Ms. NOLAN. I'm not familiar with the letter and I didn't participate in follow- up meetings. Senator CAMPBELL. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'll yield. The CHAIRMAN, Thank you, Senator Campbell. Senator Hatch. Senator HATCH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just want to say, having listened to all of you, I think the White House is served well by its Legal Counsel down there at this time, at least the four of you. But let me ask a couple of questions, Mr. Eggleston, if I can direct them to you, maybe you can help us. You understood from your discussions with Mr. Nussbaum following the February 2nd meeting at the White House that he was very concerned that if Mr. Altman recused himself, Jack Ryan and Ellen Kulka would be in charge of decisionmaking in the Madison Guaranty case; is that right? Mr, EGGLESTON. Mr. Hatch, he was not-he was never concerned about Mr. Ryan. There was never any discussion. 139 Senator HATCH. There was concern about Ellen Kulka? Mr. EGGLESTON. Yes.

Old Wild Flowers
Clip: 315003_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 846-12
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Mt. MiseryCanchalagua

Old Wild Flowers
Clip: 315004_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 846-11
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

"Cocoon" on oak& Pride of the Mountain

Old Wild Flowers
Clip: 315005_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 846-10
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Bush Lupine ***

Old Wild Flowers
Clip: 315006_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 846-1
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Yosemite wild flowers

Wild Flowers
Clip: 315007_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 845-9
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

High country wildflowers

Wild Flowers
Clip: 315008_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 845-8
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Cow parsnip II

Wild Flowers
Clip: 315009_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 845-7
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -


Wild Flowers
Clip: 315010_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 845-6
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -


Displaying clips 5569-5592 of 10000 in total
Items Per Page: