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400,000 See Derby At Epson Downs
Clip: 426662_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1736
Original Film: 038-046-04
Location: Surrey, England
Timecode: 00:33:24 - 00:35:20

The Queen brightens the British classic as a foreigner "Sea Bird II" wins the 168th running of the Derby. the French horse makes his bid 300 yards from the finish and has so much pep that he hits the wire two lengths to the good. Surrey, England Interior of Epson Downs Racetrack with throngs in attendance. High Angle Shot - The track is just packed, the people look like little bugs milling about. MS - Queen Elizabeth II with a racing form in her hand, walking. ECU - Man wearing a gray top hat looking through binoculars. CU - Lady wearing a small brim hat and white gloves looking through binoculars. MS - The jockeys and race horses nervously line up and the barrier goes up and their off. CU - Lady wearing a pill box hat and white gloves looking through binoculars. MS - Horses running on the track towards the camera man. Their still running in a large pack. MS - As they turn around the track a horse pulls out and other queue up behind him. MS - From the middle of the horses this little horse and pulls ahead, winning the race. "Sea Bird II is the winner of the Derby". MS - Queen Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. MS - The winning horse and jockey beign lead to the winners circle. CU - People at the track. High Angle Shot - The winners circle with Sea Bird II lead around and the crowd of people tightly packed around the circle by his handler or owner, there is no jockey in the winners circle. CU - Throphy

August 1, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460149_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10059
Original Film: 102867
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:15:29) Mr. RYAN. No, sir, I don't. Are you referring to & criminal in investigation? Senator KERRY. Yes. I'm referring to any investigation. It was a closed case. Was it not a closed case. Mr. RYAN. I don't know that. That action predated my arrival at 14 RTC. Senator KERRY. But you don't recall-let me refer you to page 74' Of Your deposition: Decisions hadn't been made yet about what to do. This was, as I remember, in kind of the formative stages, the original closure memo had been done. The case 84 had been closed before. I don't know if you're aware of this, but the decision had been made sometime back in 1990 or 1991 that there wasn't a cost-effective case at Madison, so it had to be reviewed in light of new information. Do you recall saying that? Mr. RYAN. Yes, sir. Senator KERRY. The new information was The New York Time'. article? Mr. RYAN. I think we're confusing the criminal referrals with RTC civil case. I was referring there, to the reopening of the civil case in light of the extension of the statute of limitations that curred in the Completion Act. That did occur. Senator KERRY. But that's in 1993. Mr. RYAN. That's in 1994, actually. Senator KERRY. Do you, have a recollection at all of why this case was reopened in 1992? Mr. RYAN. I wasn't there. Senator KERRY. Do you, Ms. Kulka? Ms. KuLKA. I think, to the extent that anything was done, sir, it would not be with respect to the civil investigation. It would have been, if anything was done, with respect to the criminal refer., rals. Senator KERRY. I understand that, but what I am asking you is the standard, at that point in time, for a judgment about a civil case was some evidence of negligence or gross negligence. Correct? Ms. KuLKA. That was, yes, the minimum standard. Senator KERRY. And for a criminal case, some evidence of criminal behavior. Correct? Ms. KuLKA. That's correct. Senator KERRY. The New York Times article had no evidence Of criminal behavior that I had read. Did you come across any, Mr. Roelle? Mr. ROELLE. No. Senator KERRY. The question has to be asked why, if there's no question of money being lost in terms of fraud, intentional mis- conduct, or unjust enrichment, which is the standard we applied when we extended the statute, by March 8, 1992, The New York Times article appears. On March 9, 1992, Jean Lewis is suddenly reinvestigating My question to you is, was it simply because the name Clinton appeared in this that the RTC reopened the case? Mr. RYAN. Senator, I don't know. That occurred long before I arrived at the RTC. Senator KERRY. Has it occurred to you it was why this case was reopened? Mr. RYAN. It hasn't. Senator KERRY. Ms. Kulka? Ms. KuLKA. I'd asked some questions about whether it was usual procedure to pursue criminal investigations of matters that had al- ready been closed from a civil point of view, and I've gotten a variety of answers, especially in this case, since it was reviewed and rereviewed several times. From that point of view, I don't understand the procedure that was followed, and I've never gotten an anwer that has made it clear to me. Senator KERRY. Mr. Roelle? 85 Mr. RoELLE. I wasn't aware that there was an investigation until I was notified on the day that I notified Mr. Casey. Senator KERRY. I'd say to my colleagues on the Committee that this is something I find, personally, extraordinarily disturbing and extremely important with respect to this case. There were at that time, and I want to come back on my next round-my time is up The CHAIRMAN. It is, and I'm going to yield next to Senator DAmato. I'm going to give you a chance to make your final point. Senator KERRY. The point I'm making, Mr. Chairman, I have Jean Lewis' chronology. I assume it's hers according to most accounts of The Washington Post and elsewhere. It's what Congressman Leach put into the Congressional Record. Between the dates of 3/9/92 and 3/23/92, during a Presidential race when Mr. Clinton was a candidate, her own statement says, No mention was found Madison Guaranty of any Whitewater relationship with MGSL, Savings & Loan." Notwithstanding that, this incredible investigation goes on. Nobody has even heard of Whitewater. There's no allegation of any wrongdoing that's criminal or civil under the statute, and yet the Clintons are investigated. A few months later, there's a criminal referral which finds its way, we learn today for the first time publicly, to the White House. C. Boyden Gray called. You can make an argument rument. I have a long chronology here, with which you can go back to November 1990, when a fellow by the name of Sheffield Nelson, who's a Republican, is running for Governor against Democrat Bill Clinton. He happened to be somebody who had major investments, along with James McDougal, in Madison Guaranty and is cited as a source in USA Today of the first article in The New York Times linking the two, McDougal and Clinton. In March, 1 day later, the RTC opens the investigation and goes to extraordinary lengths, according to the LA Times, to trace the transaction after finding no ties in the additional document reviews. In September, there is a criminal referral mentioning the Clintons that's sent

Records Fall At Meet - Track & Field
Clip: 426661_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1736
Original Film: 038-046-03
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:32:16 - 00:33:24

A chill night thins the crowd at Compton track meet in Los Angeles. But a sizzling performance by Ron Clarke warms the 12,000 on hand who saw Clarke set a new mark in the 5,000 meter test. He broke his own three-mile mark on the way. In the mile - it's a spine-tingling finish as Peter Snell and Jim Grelle battle to the wire. It's so close they are both timed in at 3:56:4....but Snell gets the winners nod. Los Angeles, California Throngs fill up the stadium in spite of the fact it is a very chili night. High Angle Shot - Ron Clarke running the 500 meter race. High Angle Shot - Peter Snell takes the lead in the mile run. Peter Snell takes the race by the thickness of his shirt. CU - Peter Snell and Grelle.

Air Rescue: Copters Drop Boats To Victims At Sea
Clip: 425257_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-046-02
Location: Ramsgate, Kent
Timecode: 00:31:44 - 00:33:07

The Royal Air Force has developed a new rescue technique to snatch people trapped under the 300-foot cliffs at Ramsgate, England. They drop a rescuer and life-raft and then blow them to the victim with the copter downdraft. It makes it easier to save the foolhardy from themselves. Ramsgate, Kent Ramsgate Cliffs of England, and there's a rescue going on. A man who is standing chest deep in water caught by the tide. A helicopter lowers a man sitting in a raft on top of the water. The rescue worker makes his way to the man who is standing under the overhang of the cliff. He pulls the man onto the raft. The helicopter has a safty line hanging from it and it is tied on to the raff and the copter slowly pulls the raft away from the jagged cliffs to the safety under the helicopter, it hovers and pulls the men up and aboard the helicopter. Looking down on to the two men attached to the safty line of the copter. Aerial - air to air - Men being pulled aboard the copter.

The Belmont Stakes
Clip: 425258_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-046-04
Location: New York
Timecode: 00:34:42 - 00:36:06

The story of the Belmont Stakes is told in three words- "Northern Dancer" lost. Seeking the third jewel in the triple crown- he won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness- The Canadian horse does no better than third as "Quadrangle" takes the rich race going away. New York New York's Aqueduct Track. Aerial shot - Center of the track, people and jockeys on horses. Horse racing fans. No #2 horse and jockey. Horses at the gate. Horses running down the track. Back shot of the crowd humping up and down. No #4 horse, 'Quadrangle" leading, No #6 in second place and No #2 Horse in third. Crowd. No #4 horse, Quadrangle in the winners circle.

D-Day Remembered - This Is Normandy - Today And Yesterday
Clip: 425259_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-047-01
Location: Normandy, France
Timecode: 00:36:14 - 00:38:30

D-Day Remembered - This Is Normandy - Today And Yesterday. Twenty Years Ago the mightiest armada in history landed the forces of freedom on the Beaches of Normandy....the shores of France that are quiet and peaceful today. This Normandy is a vivid document of the day Twenty Years Ago that changed the destiny of mankind. The roar of those guns now are replaced with the laughter of children. Footage cuts back and forth between 1944 and 1964. Normandy, France 1964 A sign 'Omaha - Beach'. MS - Camera is panning deserted beach front. Little boy playing on a WWII Army tank. Little boy spinning a round and round. 1944 Ships in the water and planes in the sky. 1964 Nuns walking on the beach. 1944 Head shot of a German soldier. Army tank cannons being fired. United States soldiers opening the back gate on a DUCT as they unload onto Normandy beach. American soldiers crawling on Normandy beach like ants. 1964 Children climb up the same sand dunes as the soldiers did back in the 40's. Faces of the children in the bunkers. Adult women running on the beach with their dog. 1944 US marines invade the beach head. Side shot of German soldier shooting his machine gun. Bombs exploding on the beach. Bombs falling from the bellies of the planes, hitting the ground below and exploding. The legs of the paratroopers jumping out of the plane, Air to Air shot the sky crowded with paratroops and the shoots opened, resembling mushrooms. German soldiers surrendering to the US marines, walking in a single file with their arms up on their heads. 1964 Children today walking in a line with their arms on their heads as if surrendering. 1944 Aftermath of buildings that were bombed. 1964 Rebuilt building and homes. Cemeteries and the graves of soldiers marked with crosses. Children playing and running on the beach.

Hat In Ring: Scranton Seeks GOP Nomination
Clip: 425262_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-048-01
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Timecode: 00:42:06 - 00:43:51

At the Maryland State Republican Convention in Baltimore, Governor William Scranton of Pennsylvania declares his candidacy for the GOP Presidential nomination in the forthcoming national convention to be held in San Francisco. Baltimore, Maryland Governor Scranton standing at the podium. Friends standing on the podium with him, he is talking with his friends but you hear nothing. Governor Scranton addresses the crowd from the podium. "There are those who are so afraid of free choice in San Francisco that they pretend that this election is already completed. With more than half of the delegates not yet committed, more than half of the delegates not yet committed they tell us to surrender the dignity of our party, the respect of our fellow citizens and all hope of a Republican victory in the fall. I stand before you today to challenge that point of view. (Applause) I come here to announce that I am a candidate for the Presidency of the United States. (Applauding and cheering) Stand with me in the cause of freedom. Stand with me for the integrity of our party and the security of the nation. Stand with me as free men and free women, free Republicans and free Americans. Stand with me because the cause is right and because it is right, we shall prevail." More applause and more cheering.

Directors Annual Visit To Saranac Lake
Clip: 425263_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-048-02
Location: Saranac Lake, New York
Timecode: 00:43:55 - 00:44:57

Directors of the Will Rogers Hospital and the McDonnell Memorial Laboratories, assemble on the grounds of the institution for their annual meeting. Saranac Lake, New York POV looking through the windshield of a car driving through the grounds of Saranac Lake at Will Rogers Hospital. MS - Signs, Welcome Directors, Will Rogers Hospital , Annual Meeting. Will Rogers Hospital. MS - Small crowd of directors standing around a small pond. MSLU - A statue of Will Rogers inside the hospital. MS - Unveiling of memorial plaques. MLS - Outside the hospital and in front of the building all the directors stand for a group picture.

Ted Kennedy's Last Call In Ireland
Clip: 425264_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-048-03
Location: Limerick, Ireland
Timecode: 00:44:57 - 00:45:44

Winding up a tour of "The Old Sod" Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy, brother of the martyred President, receives a tumultuous welcome from the fold of Limerick before flying from Shannon airport. Limerick, Ireland Making a final stop of his tour of Ireland, Ted Kennedy driving in a motorcade in a convertible shaking hands with the people of Ireland. MCUS - People rushing up to the car to touch him. CUS - A little blond boy waving an American Flag. MCUS - Senator Kennedy getting out of the car walking up to the hotel,. MS - The street's of Ireland are jammed packed with people. MS - Senator Kennedy makes his way to the podium. Addresses the throngs and receives a silver tea service from the people of Ireland.

Chancellor Erhardt Guest At White House
Clip: 425265_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-048-04
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:45:44 - 00:46:17

Washington precedent is set when state dinner for German leader is held outdoors in the beautiful Rose Garden of the Presidential Mansion. Washington DC Marine honor standing at attention. Chancellor Ludwig Erhard pulls up in a limousine. He walks up the White House stairs wearing a black tie and white tuxedo jacket is he greeted by Lady Bird Johnson and President LB Johnson. The First Lady gives the Chancellor a warm welcome as he kisses her hand. The formal dinner is held in the Rose Garden and the dinner table is lavishly set. All the tables that are set up for the formal dinner.

August 1, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460151_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10059
Original Film: 102867
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:25:00) The CHAIRMAN. I've listened patiently to the Senator from Massachusetts and I want to continue to. We can take that question receiving criminal referrals from the RTC. 87 up. What I do want to say, because I've tried in every instance to allow people extra time when they've sought it, is that I expect everybody to stay in bounds on that, no matter how strongly they feel about the question they're raising or how important it may be. I think -we've got to do that. Otherwise, we're going to have a situation where we're not going to be able to enforce any ground rules. I know the Senator understands that. Senator KERRY. Absolutely. The CHAIRMAN. Hell have another opportunity to make his comment on that area because I don't intend to be arbitrary to anybody in terms of the points they feel compelled to make. Let me yield to Senator DAmato now. Senator DAMATO. Mr. Chairman, I think my colleague, Senator Domenici. from New Mexico had some points and questions he wanted to make. I'll yield them to you, Senator. Senator DOMENICI I'll yield them to you. Senator DAMATO. Thank you. Mr. Chairman, first of all, I want to express my thanks to the witnesses. I find several things rather extraordinary. I find it absolutely inconceivable that we can justify making confidential criminal referrals of anybody available to anyone, least of all people who may be mentioned as witnesses, and particularly-if you might say, well, there was a matter involving that person as a witness, and that person is in some prominent position and we're fearful of the leaks, so to be fair-wbat about the other eight referrals? What about those referrals that did not pertain to them? I Second, I find it absolutely incredible and incredulous to come to the assumption that there was no harm because there was no foul. Mr. Roelle, do you know whether or not, as a result of divulging any of this information to people at the White House, people may have been tipped off in the vernacular, evidence was destroyed, hidden, or altered? Do you have any knowledge whether that did or did not happen? Mr. ROELLE. No, sir.. Senator DAMATO. You couldn't have. Ms. Kulka, do you know whether or not that happened? Ms. KULKA. No, sir, I don't know, precisely, what information 'you're referring to. Senator DAmAT0. The fact of those criminal referrals, whether, as a result of that information being given, people who would be targets, etcetera were tipped off. You don't know whether or not that happened? Ms. KuLKA. That's true, sir, and several Senator D'AMATO. That's what I want to hear. This business no one charged you with altercation you not altering your conduct, your conduct. I understand that. Mr. Ryan, do you know, as a result of this, whether or not some of the people who may have been mentioned in here may have been tipped off and whether or not evidence that may have been possible to subpoena no longer examine. You don't know whether it happened or not and I don't know whether it happened or not and that's the reason that this is information that should not be disseminated. That's why. Let me make a point and a distinction as it relates to our Bank ing Committee staff making inquiries as it related to the RTC. We 88 wanted to ascertain because there was some question and confusion as to when the statute of limitations would run. Is that improper? Ms. KULKA. The question is never improper, sir. Senator D'AMATO. We wanted to ascertain whether or not it the usual policy to entertain tolling agreements By the way, I said this publicly. I said it on the floor of the Senate. I said it to ~, Committee and, as a matter of fact, we were able to get some in information which we were having difficulty getting because, at a public , In hearing, when I complained about not getting the kind of response Be an, we needed and about getting perfunctory letters, the Chairman said "Listen ' that shouldn't be, let's get some information." is public information that people are entitled to. Ms. KULKA. Sir, early on, I bad a lot of concern about we should be responding or talking about what our opinion when the statute ran. I think ink it was Mr. Altman who kept pressing me to try to do that, to try to respond to you. Senator DAMATO. I bad written him a number of letters. As a matter of fact, I think I wrote him a letter from nine Senators asking him to be responsive. We finally got that. There was no attempt to find out who was named, what was in the criminal indictment or in the criminal referral, or what the nature of the action was, but rather if there would be preservation of the taxpayer's rights. We were told that they would handlethis case in a normal matter. Last, but not least, I'm going to say, if we buy off on the propo- sition that wherever there's a press inquiry made, that therefore, whoever it is, whether it's the U.S. Attorney, whether it is the RTC, or any independent agency, that they can then break the rules against public disclosure and go to the very person whose name may be mentioned, we've set a whole new standard, and we have no confidentiality. Because of the fact that it was two people at the White House and the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton were mentioned as wit-nesses that's the last place, then, there should have been disclosure as it relates to this, When Mr. Roelle would get a question as it relates to what would happen his response in these kinds of cases is no comment. Isn't that correct?

August 1, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460152_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10059
Original Film: 102867
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:30:40) Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Katsanos? Mr. KATSANOS. Yes, sir. Senator D'AMATO. If someone called you and said, "John Jones, we understand, is a witness or to be named as a target or a possible defendant," what do you say? Mr. KATsANOS. I would say I wouldn't confirm nor deny it. Senator D'AMATO. That's right, and that's the standard that should have been employed. I thank the Chair. The CHAIRMAN. I want to just inquire of Members on both sides," because I want to be able to give adequate notice to Ms. Hanson, who's due up here next, and to allow at least a brief period for peo. ple to have a late lunch who haven't yet had one, so let me go right around the table- how many people seek an opportunity Senator MosELEY-BRAUN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just have one question. 89 The CHAIRMAN. I'll come to you next, then, if I may do that. Let me inquire Anybody so I can see how many people still wish to be recognized. Anybody else on this side? I don't see any indication. Do you want to be recognized? Senator BOXER. I reserve my right to ask a question. I don't have an at this moment. Senator KERRY. No. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Kerry does. Senator Shelby does. Senator Moseley-Braun, you're next. Senator MosELEY-BRAuN. Again, I've refrained from asking questions of this panel in the interest of moving along with this hearing. I have a point of clarification with Ms. Kulka. I think it's important for the record to be clarified. In your conversation with Senator Shelby about the impact of Rule 11 on your decisionmaking, it was my understanding that as of the February 1, 1994, meeting, no decision had yet been made on whether there was even a case to be made or whether to sue Madison. Is that correct? Ms. KULKA. That's correct. Senator MosELEY-BRAuN. The impression was not just a matter of whether the case should be filed or was in shape for filing or comported with the technical requirements of the rule, you hadn't even reached the question of if there was a case to be made. Ms. KULKA. That's correct. Senator MosELEY-BRAuN. I think it's important that, for the record, that clarification be made. Mr. Chairman, I have no further questions. Thank you, The CHAIRMAN. Very good. Senator Kerry, you're the only other Member that I know of that seeks recognition now. Senator Boxer is reserving her right. Senator KERRY. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I will try not to try my colleague's patience or go too long. This panel, particularly, is important for a number of reasons to this committee, generically, and I want to cover a couple of bases if we can. I would like to just explain to the Senator from New York and others precisely why I think it's so important. I am not diminishing one iota what I think the Senator from New York has accurately raised as aver significant issue here. very I do not accept the notion that because there is perhaps a foul, there is automatically no harm. I don't accept that, and I think the Committee as I've said previously, is going to have to come to grips with the judgment and actions that ensued with respect to communications between Treasury and White House, and the terrible problem of the double hat that Roger Altman wore, one that I think many of us felt all along was great trouble for the RTC as well as, otentially, for Treasury. The reason I raised these other issues is because I don't think you can understand Whitewater and put this entire thing in its proper perspective, if we don't ask questions about the early part and understand how we got here. I'm simply raising these questions for my colleagues to be sure that we in the second round, as we go further, are sure to cover those bases. What I'm anxious to get from colleagues is a consensus on the Committee that we ought to ask questions about this early part in order to properly tell the story to the American people. It troubles 90 me that a Democratic U.S. Attorney behaves one way. It trouble me that a Republican might behave one way. I'm sure my co leagues agree with me. When I read that during the middle of an election, at the same time you had the passportgate issue that gr eatly embarrassed the Administration because of the leaks about the investigation that was constructed, you simultaneously pressure on U.S. Attorneys with respect to the criminal re that came out of a New York Times article, that came out of then had smell test begins to react and say something is here. That is all I'm suggesting, and I it say very respectfully to col-leagues we should understand that.

August 1, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460153_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10059
Original Film: 102867
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:35:25) The CHAIRMAN. May I just respond to Senator Kerry. You put that issue on the table and I've been trying to think of how with the limitations we've been given, that kind of an issue A properly dealt with because I think it does pose another question I will say, because there will be follow-up hearings, that Senator Mitchell has indicated there will be a later phase beyond the scope of what we're asked here to do. That resolution that would em- power any later phase is yet to be written. It would seem to me that any issue, such as the one you raise now or that anyone else might raise, would properly be the subject for a discussion As to " what the scope of a follow-up resolution might be. I think that would be the time at which you'd mark out the boundaries of what was or was not going to be looked at in some thorough investiga- tive way. I certainly think you're within your rights to state your opinion now on the general observation Senator KERRY. I appreciate that, Mr. Chairman. The reason I do it is because at that very moment is when the attention shifted. What this panel has acknowledged, was a different treatment of an S&L from normal back in 1992. At that very moment ' you - had what are now known as the forgotten 50 Texas S&L's, some of whom lost $2,422,000,000; $1,474,000,000; $1,389,000,000. Some of them lost 141 percent of their net worth. One lost 892 percent of its net worth; another 216 percent of its net worth. Not one suit was brought. Not one subpoena was issued. Relative to most of those, Mr. Chairman, Madison is way down the line. If you're sitting in the RTC setting priorities, The New York Times creates a priority and all of a sudden, in these 193 institutions that were ahead of Madison, nothing happens. It raises a very serious issue about the RTC, Mr. Ryan. You know that because' we've been communicating for months. I simply raise this, Mr. Chairman, because I would like to ask my colleagues in this Committee for a consensus that we ought to be--serious allegations have been laid out by people within the RTC that the RTC is losing billions of dollars, that major opportunities for recoupment for the taxpayers are being passed up. You know this is not new to you because I mailed you on this. I think it is vital for this Committee to see the internal documental tion of the RTC with respect to that issue, and I simply want to put that in front of the Committee. I know it's outside of this, but it is not really outside of this. It is very much central to what has happened here, and my hope is that the Committee will press that issue with the RTC. My hope is that we can have the documentation of Mr. Ryan. 91 The CHAMMAN. I want to indicate, after we've heard from Sen ator Boxer, unless we open a whole new direction here, that I think we're within 5 minutes of finishing with this panel, in which case we would excuse the panel, take out 45 minutes as a break pe- riod, and then plan to have Ms. Hanson here. I'll just tell every body that, so you can think about it. Senator Domenici, are you going to seek additional time now? I want to call on Senator Boxer. Senator DOMENICI. No, no. I would ask for 30 seconds after she's finished. The CHAIRMAN. Actually, in rotating back and forth, if you wanted to go now, you're entitled to do so. Senator DOMENICI. All I wanted to say to my good friend from Massachusetts, I find-I'm not stating right here and now that I have objection to what you want us to consider or that I agree with it, but I would just like to make an observation. It would seem to me that, since we are very limited in scope and every Senator may have a different thing that they would like to be considered in the next phase ' I'm willing to breach the scope, and I'm not saving you did, nay friend. A way to breach the scope is to lay before the Committee what we would like to be considered later on, with the justification be' that we're just trying to make a point that we want to make sure investigation covers this. We could pi out things that we are worried about in the third phase, when our Special Prosecutor is finished, and we could say every day, "Well, we want to just talk about this because we want to make sure it's in the next investigation." I would hope the Chairman would urge that all of us resist that. That's not what we're supposed to be doing here. To that extent, I pledge myself not to do that and I hope everyone else does.

Fashion Parade - Luciani's Women 's Suits
Clip: 425118_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-009-02
Location: Italy
Timecode: 00:03:10 - 00:04:34

From Florence to Rome, Italian designers are unveiling the creations which they hope will keep them in the forefront of the Fashion Parade. Luciani takes his inspiration from Sagittarius and creates some "heavenly-sent" styles for spring and summer. The models are walking down a run-way at a fashion show held in a hotel. MS - Model is wearing a random pattern on white accented by gloves up to the elbow. and the length of the dress is just below the knee. MS - The model is wearing a strapless dress in a light woolen blend with a short jacket to match.. MS - This is a white sleeveless dress accented by a hat with a brim. MCUS - The double arch buttons found on Luciani's suits has a Sagittarius theme, and he scores a bulls eye all through the show. MS - Model on the run-way is wearing a suit with a little flair to the skirt, 3/4-inch sleeves on the jacket and a straw hat with a brim.

Yesterday's Big Story - US Gunboat Panay
Clip: 425119_1_1
Year Shot: 1937 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-009-03
Location: At Sea
Timecode: 00:04:33 - 00:06:47

A story of high drama gripped the world's attention in 1937.....It was the story of the U.S. Gunboat "Panay". As was to happen four years later at Pearl Harbor, a quiet Sunday afternoon erupted into an inferno of bombs and fire as Japanese planes attack the U.S. Ship carrying American refugees from war-ravaged Nanking. Clearly labeled with American flags, the "Panay" was dive-bombed and machine-gunned and two men were killed and a dozen wounded. The Japanese government apologized, but why it happened is a question unanswered to this day. The US Panay and sailors on its deck. MCUS - The Panay loading American refugees from another small boat. MS - Ships Capitan and other ship's officers looking up at the sky watching a plane fly overhead. MS to MCUS - The ship was attacked by the Japanese without warning. Bombs just missing the boat at this point. CUS - Gunners firing at the planes. CUS - Two gunners firing at a plane that they hit. I think their watching it come down from the sky. CUS - Sailors abandoning ship because it was hit and sinking fast. MCUS - Sailors taking the wounded from the life boat on to the shore. MCUS - The Panay sinking. MCUS - Survivors in a life boat, and in the back ground a dead body floating face down in the water. MCUS - A sailor who was wounded in the head and is bleeding. There's blood on the side of his head and face. MCUS - Sailors and other passengers of the ship carrying the wounded on to the shore. MCUS - Survivors disembarking from the life boat on to the shore. MCUS - You see all the machine gun holes on the side of the ship's cabin. MLS - The US Gunboat "Panay" is starting to sink,

Inside Cuba: The Life That Refugees Flee
Clip: 425120_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-010-01
Location: Cuba
Timecode: 00:07:12 - 00:08:41

As Cuba enters the fifth year of Fidel Castro's rule, that island nation is a land of uncertainty and quiet desperation. These pictures of life in Cuba were made by an American cameraman on assignment from Universal Newsreel and show only what authorities wanted to show. However, they do reflect the military flavor of day-to-day life and there's not much to show that Communism has bred prosperity for the masses in Cuba. POV from a deck of a ship of Cuba and her sky line. MS - Military trucks on the water-front and crated Russian farm equipment. MCU - A civilian walks by the camera and nods to the cameraman and keeps on walking. CUS - Book cover, "Todos Somos Uno' and another book " Firmes Junto A Fidel" another, the back of the book is shown with Fidel's picture on it. Another cover of a book "La Revolucion Cubana Los Ninos, Segunda Oeclarrcion Bela Habana. MS/POV - From the passenger side of the seat in a car, you see very little traffic on the street and only a few pedestrians walking on the streets. MS - School children going into a school building all wearing uniforms. MS - A teacher in a class room and a Cuban student writing Russian on a black board. MS - Three young teenage girls dressed in military apparel.. MCUS - A Cuban solider carrying a riffle on his back guarding a department store. CUS - A young woman standing with her rifle guarding a department store. MS - A Cuban man guarding a department store, walking and looking in the windows.

Common Market: DeGaulle Vetoes Britain's Entry
Clip: 425123_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-011-01
Location: Brussels
Timecode: 00:13:24 - 00:14:55

Common Market: France Vetoes Britain's Entry. The meeting of the Common Market commission in Brussels is a wake for Britain's hopes of joining the nations of the continent in a unified economic front. Five of the member nations welcomed British participation, but DeGaulle (aiming at French domination) kept Britain out. Outside the building of the Common Market . MS - Inside the building there are a lot of diplomats and long tables with seats on each side, MCUS - A card for France, Deutschland, Nederland, Italia, Luxembourg and Belgique - Belgie. MCUS - A big man walks through the door, (unidentified) walks straight through the crowd of men into a room with waiting photographers. MS - The dignataries are standing around talking off the cuff to each other. MS - Dignataries stitting at the long tables and other dignataries, aids or the press are standing at the back of the room.

Gales Lash Northern California
Clip: 425124_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-011-02
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:14:57 - 00:15:50

Gales Lash Northern California. The record-breaking drought here is broken with a bang as gale-force winds whip a downpour over the area. Thirteen people are injured as the longest dry spell in 64 years comes to an end. The Golden Gate Bridge on a very foggy day and gale force winds and waves lashing against the pier. MS - One lonely photographer taking snap shots of the crashing waves. MS - A very flooded street with a stranded car sitting amidst of water. MCUS - Two people in a canoe paddling down a flooded street. MCUS - A fireman standing waist high in the water pointing to a house. MCUS - A flooded car parked in its driveway. Camera panning - Flood water rising , house, no parking sign, MS - A flooded street with cars and people, the street looks like a flowing river. MS - Some of the flood receded and cars and trucks are driving through and people are walking in ankle high water with children.

The Greeks Have A Word For It
Clip: 425125_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-011-03
Location: Athens, Greece
Timecode: 00:15:50 - 00:17:00

The Greeks Have A Word For It- "Love"! The King and Queen of Denmark are welcomed to Greece by that country's King and Queen as they arrive with Princess Anne-Marie 16 years old who just became engaged to the Greek Crown Prince, Constantine. And it is a romance that has caught popular fancy. The Princess is the youngest of three sisters and the first to become betroth. Her fiancee the Crown Prince and is err to the Greek thrown, and is considered one of the catches of the season. The receive an ovation as they drive through the streets of Athens. Plane arrives and is rolling down the tarmac. MS - King Paul and Queen Frederica , she wearing a mink coat and hat. MS - King Fredrick and Queen Ingrid from Demark, disembarking from the plane. MS - As the Royal couple make their way from the plane at the bottom of the stairs await King Paul and Queen Frederica. MS - Prince Constantine and Princess Anne-Marie driving in a convertible. CUS - Crown Prince Constantine and Princess Ann-Marie standing on the steps posing for the camera. Nice looking couple.

Rally Battles Snow Storms
Clip: 425127_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-011-05
Location: Monte Carlo, Monaco
Timecode: 00:17:00 - 00:18:11

Rally Battles Snow Storms. Snow adds to the hazards of the Monte Carlo Rally, often termed the world's toughest road race. It's over icy roads down to the warm coast where switchbacks call for skillful driving. This year's victors are a team from Sweden. A road sign (CU) indicating slippery when wet. MS - Area covered with snow and a race car sliding around the curve. MS - One after another the cars come sliding around the curves of the road. MS - People standing at road side. MS - The cars are out of the snowy area of the race and are now driving on dry roads and going much faster. MS - The Swedish team wins

Britain's Crisis: Macmillan In Italy For Economic Talks
Clip: 425128_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-012-01
Location: Italy
Timecode: 00:20:08 - 00:21:03

Macmillian In Italy For Economic Talks. A grim Prime Minister MacMillan meets with Italian Premier Fanfani after France's rejection of Britain's entry into the Common Market. He receives assurances from Fanfani before an audience with Pope John XXIII who has also expressed concern about European unity. Prime Minister Macmillian with Italy's Prime Minister Fanfani. MS - Outside Vatican City in Rome. MS - Macmillian walking with priest inside Vatican City. MCUS - Prime Minister Macmillian and the Pope.

August 1, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460154_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10059
Original Film: 102867
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:40:37) Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, my time hadn't actually expired. This is within the scope that has been deferred by the Special Prosecutor, so I'm simply trying to guarantee what is already within the scope--I'm not trying to broaden it--this is actually within the scope already deferred. The reason I brine it up so strongly today is because Mr. Roelle has informed us and-confirmed that the prior White House had a direct contact with respect to criminal referrals at a time that is very troubling. I'm simply reacting to the evidence that has come forward in putting two and two together and sug- gesting that we ought to pursue it. It is within the scope. I would then defer to the Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Let me . just say that, the scope of future hearings as opposed to this set of hearings, I think, is yet to be defined. We'll take any and all suggestions, and we'll give those to the next Chairman, Senator Sarbanes. and that will happen, one suspects, on his watch. In any event, Senator Boxer Senator BENNETT. May I express the hope that it's Senator D'Amato. The CHAIRMAN. That's also a possibility. Senator BOXER. Your hope is so noted. I do want to talk a tiny bit more about the briefing of Senator DAmato's staff, which I never said was inappropriate. I want to make it clear, I don't know if it was inappropriate because I wasn't there. But, it took place and, Mr. Ryan, you testified it was rather unprecedented that it 92 would be, as you put it, called specifically for you yourself to come to such a meeting Was there anything else discussed there? In other words, Senator Kerry talked about ail the savings and loan's that lost billions of dollars for the taxpayers. Was there any discussion at that meeting by Senator DAmatos staff about any other savings and loan I let's' say in New York or Texas or California, or anywhere where there was a bigger loss to taxpayers, a discussion about the statute of limitations, tolling agreements, et cetera? Mr. RYAN. No, there was not. As I recall the conversation, it dealt principally with how the RTC was going to respond to information requests submitted by Senator DAmato relative to Madison. Senator BOXER. It was just about Madison. Mr. RYAN. That's correct. Senator BOXER. Nothing else was raised in that meeting. Mr. RYAN. That's all. Senator BOXER. How long did that meeting last, approximately? Mr. RYAN. Twenty minutes, half an hour, something like that. Senator BOXER. I would like to ask, Mr. Roelle, did you yourself ever see the criminal referrals or did someone just call you and summarize them? Mr. ROELLE. No, I've never seen them. Senator BOXER. Did Ms. Hanson ever see the criminal referrals, as far as you know? Mr. ROELLE. No. ma'am. Senator BOXER. Has Mr. Altman ever seen the criminal referrals, as far as you know? Mr. ROELLE. No, ma'am. Senator BOXER. My last question is to Ms. Kulka. As we all stated, you have a reputation as being a tough lawyer, and I think people on both sides have expressed, frankly, their admiration for that. Who hired you? Ms. KULKA. Mr. Altman. Senator BOXER. Did he ever discuss Madison with you before you were hired? Ms. KuLKA. No. Senator BOXER. Did he ever indicate be wanted you to go easy on the Madison case at any time? Ms. KULKA. No. Senator BOXER, Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. The CHAiRmAN. Thank you. Senator DAMATO. Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Senator DAmato. Senator DAMATO. Let me go to the actual notes of the legislative aide who was there on behalf of Treasury and with Mr. Ryan, was Peter Knight. He said he wanted to express his concern that it not be used to show it was a briefing on Madison. I didn't prepare this. This was prepared by them to say exactly what it was. Further, Peter Knight wants to be sure that this meeting is not characterized as a briefing on Madison. I could go on-I want you-again, Peter Knight's memo clearly, clearly states that. We were interested, and the record will show' on the floor of the Senate on numerous times, here at the Commit 93 tee in open public hearings, in open letters, that I did not hide. The communications were open. We wanted to know whether and when the statute of limitations was going to toll. There was a question. Some thought it might be as late as August. I think you'll ascertain that was a question Mr. Natter, our Counsel, raised. He was told, eventually in a telephone conversation because counsel wasn't sure at that time or at least Mr. Ryan wasn't sure at that meeting, when it could toll.

Pint-Size Bronco Busters
Clip: 425271_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1725
Original Film: 037-049-03
Location: Cheyenne Wells, Colorado
Timecode: 00:05:28 - 00:06:40

"At Cheyenne Wells, Colorado, a troop of under teen-age young one display cowboy ability with wild ponies & cantankerous bulls. Action full rides & spills in a wild melee of boys, broncos & bulls." Little Britches Rodeo. LS cowboys riding horses, ponies around pit. TLS audience in stands. TLS white boys riding spotted longhorn bull steer coming out of gate, getting thrown off, none riding for longer than a few seconds. MS boy riding colt, the boy wanting off more than the colt. TLS boy riding bucking bronco (broncho), the animal tossing the boy to the ground after a few moments. TLS seated audience applauding. Panning MS young man riding Brahmin bull, getting thrown after a decent ride. TLS young man riding Brahmin bull, rider falling after a few moments. MS young man riding galloping, bouncing Brahmin bull, boy eventually falling off by fence.

Hula Hoop Contest
Clip: 425390_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-084-05
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:23:43 - 00:24:28

"A New York City hula-hoop champ is chosen in a Central Park final. The kids show hip-wiggling skill at whirling the hoops around their necks, waists, and even ankles with the energy of a downtown whirling dervish."TLS/MSs children hula-hooping in open amphitheater (multi-racial, multi-ethnic kids). CU African-American girl sleeping in mother's arms. Nice MS several kids-- white blond girl with pigtails in FG-- hula-hooping, American flag in BG. MS kids hulahooping, black girls in FG. Great MS white boy hula hooping, American flag in BG; boy almost drops it, the hul hoop around his knees, but he somehow manages to swing it up to his waist again. MS white girl with hula hoop around her; she spins it to her waist. Cute MS little fat Hispanic boy, roughly four years old, spinning hula hoop.

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