
Tornadoes: 52 Dead as Twisters Rip Illinois Towns

Tornadoes: 52 Dead as Twisters Rip Illinois Towns
Clip: 425842_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-034-01
Location: Oak Lawn, Illinois
Timecode: 00:07:37 - 00:08:58

"At least 52 people killed, thousands injured as 18 tornadoes rip through Illinois with no advance warning. A Chicago suburb, Oak Lawn and Belvidere, a farming town nearby, are the hardest hit. Homes, busses, buildings all crumble before the 500 foot high, half-mile wide funnel. Many people are still missing, believed buried under debris Panning LS - Devastated building. TLS - Fireman leaning from ruined wall of wrecked building. LS - National Guardsmen & local police standing amidst destruction. Panning MS - Three National Guard soldiers marching by cam with shoulder bound M1 rifles & affixed bayonets. TLS/MSs - Destroyed homes. Panning MS - Elderly man walking through remnants of home, trying salvage some clothes. TLS - Debris outside house. TLS - Older woman gathering belongings in debris. LSs - Wrecked Catholic school in Oak Lawn, roof torn off, one show with two nuns in FG, their backs to cam. TLS - Destroyed bus smashed against house. TLSs -School buses stacked on street. TLS/MSs - Destroyed houses, buildings, cars. Panning TLS - People standing in waiting room of hospital. MS- Two nurses taking wounded man on gurney to elevator in hospital.